387 Days Save - A Walk with Christ
*Sharing God's Goodness*
"For when two or three are gathered together in my name I am there in the midst of them!" Matthew 18:20 KJV
A part of my mission and what I do is pouring Christ into social media and making him famous. This is a post that I made today on my personal wall.
"In this busy life our friends need our prayers... Sometimes we say we pray but then we forget or don't do it! You know it's TRUE! Let's begin to use this thing called social media for the GOOD! Satan can be in here but let's flood social media with prayers our God! If you see someone hurting instead of saying I'll pray for you actually write your prayer and pray over them on their wall or thread! I know God will LOVE this and in this disconnected world it can connect us all!
The Challenge: Satan is in social media but so is Jesus! Don't let Satan WIN here! Good shall prevail! Pray over people today by sharing a prayer for them on their wall space!
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
386 Days Saved ~ A Walk with Christ
*End Days Prayer*
"I have set the lord before me continually; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." Psalm 16:8
Today I need to say a prayer. Today I want to cry out to Jesus and say Dear Lord Jesus Christ we have seen self destruction, terror, envy, rage, hopelessness! We have seen families self destruct and destroy themselves from within. Non of this is of you lord! I am saddened and deeply hurting as I watch others choose to ground themselves in everything else but you lord! Even those who say they love you are grounding themselves in worldly things! These worldly things are so easily seen but will never satisfy! You are not easily seen but you completely satisfy! How in 1,984 (estimated) years since Christ died, man still chooses not to use you.... his right hand? Lord please teach through others that the only way to survive these end days is through you and you alone! Through everything (that is not of you) Satan crawls, schemes, lies and just laughs as he creates more followers and more SUCKERS! We need Deliverence and Healing HERE and NOW LORD! Here and Now!
The Challenge:
Look around! The world is self destructing before our eyes! Ground yourself in Jesus name! We are to have no other Gods before (our God of LOVE) (PURE FORGIVING LOVE!) because if we pour our focus into anything else self destruction and death is our hopeless future! I do not seek death I forever seek ever lasting life in Jesus name! Who is with me here? Let's join and stand together!
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
385 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Be True*
"For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows from the spirit reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7
I am finally back home in Colorado and after a long summer of vacations and going from here to there I am so very happy God has brought me back to the peace and safety of my home, family and routine. As I sit here in my quiet house by the fire, kids are in school, I'm reminded the importance of quiet time and peace in our lives. In my younger years I could keep up with the ways of the world but now all I want is a simple life. I sometimes fall into the worldly ways but it's not what brings peace to my soul.
I am actually way more of an introvert than I actually ever allowed myself to share. In fact I think many times I would binge drink just to feel more outgoing. I tend to be very affected by my surroundings, which I'm learning how to embrace. Drinking gives the illusion that its easier to blend in and not be so affected; But honestly is this what God wants?
I now know God is okay with a few drinks here or there in the right company but when we use these worldly things to escape or change our personality, well I don't think that is from our lord. Believe me I still fall short on this concept like so many of us do. God makes us special for his purpose and if we aren't utilizing the true gift of the personality he granted us with than we truly are missing out on something!
The Challenge:
Remember we satisfy Satan when we are in love with following his worldly ways! Work daily at pleasing the lord with the TRUE personality he granted you with! Remember having FEAR of sharing who you are is NOT gifted from our lord! "God did not give you a spirit of fear." 2 Timothy 1:2
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
384 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Slow Down*
"Be still before the lord and wait patiently for him." Psalm 37:7
My first year of walking with Christ was very intense. I needed and wanted it to be intense and I truly felt God daily. I felt him because I looked for him daily. This year God is slowing me down! I thought I was listening and learning how to go slow but then a few things occurred this week. I now know God is not only slowing me down but he is calling for us all to slow down together!
We went to Iowa and the second night we were there my two year old baby fell off a chair at the restaurant and broke her collar bone. This kept us pretty confined to the hotel. As I looked around I noticed God slowed everyone down around me. My hometown of Cedar Rapids, IA was flooding. The river was flooding over and into the city, so all schools and many businesses were closed for the week. My niece was having some asthma problems and my best friend was wobbling around as she had knee surgery a few weeks ago.
The Challenge:
Sometimes God uses drastic measures to tell us to slow down! Rushing around with our heads cut off is not of the lord. The lord wants us to enjoy! Enjoy our families and not feel so rushed and stressed out! Gods asking us all to slowwww down. Find ways to slow down this week. Most importantly cut some worldly things out in order to fit in spending more time with God and your beautiful families!
Saturday, September 24, 2016
383 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Serve Each Other*
"Serve one another in love." Galatians 5:13
I've been studying the book of James as suggested by my dad. James emphasis the importance of serving our lord. When we serve our lord we learn how to better serve and love each other.
My hometown in Iowa called Cedar Rapids is about to have a record breaking flood occur in a few days. In 2008 most of the city along the Iowa River went completely under. We never thought we would see another flood like this but the river is flooding once again.
As me and my sister drove around the city today we saw the city come together. Volunteer all over the city were filling and placing sand bags around stores. They were also all helping each other move furniture to higher ground. I know devastation is coming but today I saw God! I saw people serving, loving and helping each other in a time of need. Life is a whole lot easier when we come together instead of being a part!
The Challenge:
Serve! Find a way this week to serve your city. Volunteer or even get more involved in serving at your church.
*Serve Each Other*
"Serve one another in love." Galatians 5:13
I've been studying the book of James as suggested by my dad. James emphasis the importance of serving our lord. When we serve our lord we learn how to better serve and love each other.
My hometown in Iowa called Cedar Rapids is about to have a record breaking flood occur in a few days. In 2008 most of the city along the Iowa River went completely under. We never thought we would see another flood like this but the river is flooding once again.
As me and my sister drove around the city today we saw the city come together. Volunteer all over the city were filling and placing sand bags around stores. They were also all helping each other move furniture to higher ground. I know devastation is coming but today I saw God! I saw people serving, loving and helping each other in a time of need. Life is a whole lot easier when we come together instead of being a part!
The Challenge:
Serve! Find a way this week to serve your city. Volunteer or even get more involved in serving at your church.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Day 382 of My Spiritual Life Journey
*Grace Wins*
"Grace is the power of the holy spirit to enable you to go through things that seem impossible" 2 Corinthians 12:9
Today we are In Iowa with my family. Unfortunately last night my baby girl fell off of a chair at the restaurant and she cried and cried. I was in the bathroom but my parents picked her up off the floor. When I saw her she would not stop crying. Today when we awoke she would not move out of the bed. Around noon we took her to the ER to find out she has a fractured collar bone.
This is what I will tell you about our lord! Seeing my child hurt is nothing I ever thought I could handle but today God filled me with the grace of acceptance. I had a peace of knowing all would be okay. I'm very sad my baby is hurting but in the busy world I had an entire day to cuddle with my baby, bond with my sister and hang with my daddy. It was nice to have my loved ones there supporting us. I felt God all around as I did not have to face the battle alone! God gave me my family to show me he is always by my side.
The Challenge:
When your facing something that seems impossible know God will send his angels to watch over you. He will give you your earthly angels to love you! Hold, Wait and simply watch as he is all around!
*Grace Wins*
"Grace is the power of the holy spirit to enable you to go through things that seem impossible" 2 Corinthians 12:9
Today we are In Iowa with my family. Unfortunately last night my baby girl fell off of a chair at the restaurant and she cried and cried. I was in the bathroom but my parents picked her up off the floor. When I saw her she would not stop crying. Today when we awoke she would not move out of the bed. Around noon we took her to the ER to find out she has a fractured collar bone.
This is what I will tell you about our lord! Seeing my child hurt is nothing I ever thought I could handle but today God filled me with the grace of acceptance. I had a peace of knowing all would be okay. I'm very sad my baby is hurting but in the busy world I had an entire day to cuddle with my baby, bond with my sister and hang with my daddy. It was nice to have my loved ones there supporting us. I felt God all around as I did not have to face the battle alone! God gave me my family to show me he is always by my side.
The Challenge:
When your facing something that seems impossible know God will send his angels to watch over you. He will give you your earthly angels to love you! Hold, Wait and simply watch as he is all around!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
381 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Inspired by God*
"All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16 ESV
Ahhh why I'm so very passionate about this beloved masterpiece called "The Bible!" Do you know what the #1 best selling book on the New York Times Best Sellers List is, stays and will always remain? Yes, that is right "The Bible!" In fact they do not include it on the list anymore because it will always be number one! Simple facts.
Do you remember that game telephone where you send a message around the circle and it always comes out with a different message then what was meant to be sent around? Well.... That's because it starts and ends with man! The bible starts and ends with God! The bible is written by man but influenced by the Holy Spirit (Our lords grace). How do we know? 40 people sharing similar massages in the span of roughly estimated 1600 years! A simple game of telephone between 16 people can't get a similar message sent within 2 minutes but "The Bible" got a similar massage across, sent by 40 people, over the span of 1600 years! Now that my friends is a miracle, The Holy Spirit, Our Amazing God!
The Challenge:
Today grow your love and faith in the bible! Google and read about 'Historical Proof The Bible was influenced by the holy spiritual.' Your faith will expand with this simple knowledge!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Day 380 of My Spiritual Life Journey:
*A Child Knows*
"Truly I tell you unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Mathew 18:13
Why is it that as adults we tend to become so stubborn? This is exactly why God calls us to be like children. When I was in kindergarten our teacher asked us to draw a picture of what we wanted to be when we grew up. I drew a picture of an Artist sitting in front of an isle and I still have the picture. My little heart knew what my soul craved.
As I got older I became stubborn. Art, painting, dancing and drawing just wasn't the cool thing to do. In my town it was all about who the academic and sports stars were. Great for them but not so great for me.
This was Satans little trap on me and the way to keep me from doing the things I loved so much... He kept me busy with worldly things, what the world thought was the thing to do, all the while I kept getting further and further away from the gifts God had originally poured in to me.
The Challenge:
Yesterday, I took time to sit down and pull out my old passion of drawing. I drew this picture of Jesus and it made my soul sing. What made your soul sing as a child will still make your soul sing as an adult! So today get rid of your stubbornness and do something that you once loved to do as a child! God gleams when we begin to look at life through our child like perspective once again.
Monday, September 19, 2016
379 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Our Teacher* Part 2
"I love you at your darkest." Romans 5:8
God gives us free will. Man created computers that are programmed to make decisions that man wants them too. Our God did not make us computers rather gave us the freedom to choose which teacher we will follow. This is a his gift. It's up to us but he says, "The decision is yours but I love you and pray you follow the true teacher and not the false teacher who will lead you to your demise."
Let's say you have a classroom and God is the teacher. All of a sudden a rebellious student rises up and says God's teachings, of how to carry out Love in the world, are all false. This student takes a leadership role on the other side of the classroom. The student teaches lies of you will be happiest lying, cheating, stealing, doing drugs and having sex when ever and where ever you want. Some students follow the rebellious student and some follow God. God allows this because if he kicked the rebel out he would lose more students. Instead God allows for students to watch the rebels teachings. At first they seem like the better choice but then the rebels students began to be self destructive. The students will learn and choose for themselves to follow the true God of Love or the Rebellious Student (Satan) the teacher that candy coats sin which leads to inevitable suffering!
The Challenge:
Sunday, September 18, 2016
378 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Why Suffering?* (Part 1)
"Why do you make me witness wrong doing? And why do you allow for oppression?" Habakkuk 1:3
So why does God allow suffering?
The Prophet Habakkuk asked the same question and God did not get upset when he asked instead God included his sincere words in the bible for generations to go to for understanding. God also helped him get a clearer understanding and helped him gain greater faith.
I was watching the horrific true story about a girl named Colleen Stan who was abducted at age 20 and held captive in a box for seven years only getting out from time to time to take abuse and be Cameron Hooker's sex slave.
This made me so sad that I needed to spend time with God to gain greater understanding of why suffering must happen here. The truth of this situation is that Satan is king of this world. Eve took the shiny apple and in the moment crowned him making Satan the teacher of our earth. We live in a fallin world and people continue to allow Satan to be the teacher; God gave us free will to choose and he watches and cries as his beloved creations choose Satan over Jesus.
Colleen loved Jesus and unfortunately fell victim to the domino affect that sin encompasses in our world. God kept her strong to withstand, while he worked to change some hearts so she would be saved.
Our lord is preparing a special place for his people where NO SUFFERING will be! That's his Promise and our HOPE to cling to as this world goes up in flames.
The Challenge:
Tomorrow I will give an analogy to understand why suffering occurs but for today I pray that you write down and keep this message below in front of you today!
Satan may have taken over the world but for those who believe in God's son Jesus keep your faith and know our God is the God of love and "He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 He will SAVE his people!
Saturday, September 17, 2016
377 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*The Giving Tree*
"On days when I am weak and weary, he is my strength." Psalm 73: 26
Do you remember that old children's book entitled "The Giving Tree," By Shell Silverstein? This tree loved to give. He gave away his leaves, his branches and his trunk to a little boy so the boy could use them and be happy. The boy grew old and when he came back the tree was sad he didn't have anything left to offer the once little boy, now man. This made the tree sad but then the boy said its ok I will sit here and rest on your trunk. This then made the tree feel very happy because he loved having the man around.
Lately, I hate to admit it but I have been feeling a little like the giving tree. I feel so exhausted by daily life and at the end of the day have nothing left to give. I am a giver, I enjoy giving and not having any energy left to fill others cups is making me feel very bummed.
Yesterday, I saw a woman and her child outside the grocery store with a sign saying they needed help. When I was in the store I picked up a small bag of goodies to try and cheer them up. I was in the store longer then expected and when I came out they were gone. In the same moment an older lady gave me the warmest smile and an older man offered to take my cart back into the store for me. I knew this was God trying to refill my cup. I looked down at the bag of goodies and knew he wanted me to have them to share with my children. And so I said, "Thank you Father."
The Challenge:
Sometimes its time to give but sometimes God humbles us down so we can see when he gives to us. His gifts help to fill our cup so we can share God's living water with others. If our cup is feeling empty then we have no living water to share and our father knows this. Its okay to feel like you have nothing left to offer. In these moments just ask the lord to fill your cup, watch for it and say thank you when he does!
*The Giving Tree*
"On days when I am weak and weary, he is my strength." Psalm 73: 26
Do you remember that old children's book entitled "The Giving Tree," By Shell Silverstein? This tree loved to give. He gave away his leaves, his branches and his trunk to a little boy so the boy could use them and be happy. The boy grew old and when he came back the tree was sad he didn't have anything left to offer the once little boy, now man. This made the tree sad but then the boy said its ok I will sit here and rest on your trunk. This then made the tree feel very happy because he loved having the man around.
Lately, I hate to admit it but I have been feeling a little like the giving tree. I feel so exhausted by daily life and at the end of the day have nothing left to give. I am a giver, I enjoy giving and not having any energy left to fill others cups is making me feel very bummed.
Yesterday, I saw a woman and her child outside the grocery store with a sign saying they needed help. When I was in the store I picked up a small bag of goodies to try and cheer them up. I was in the store longer then expected and when I came out they were gone. In the same moment an older lady gave me the warmest smile and an older man offered to take my cart back into the store for me. I knew this was God trying to refill my cup. I looked down at the bag of goodies and knew he wanted me to have them to share with my children. And so I said, "Thank you Father."
The Challenge:
Sometimes its time to give but sometimes God humbles us down so we can see when he gives to us. His gifts help to fill our cup so we can share God's living water with others. If our cup is feeling empty then we have no living water to share and our father knows this. Its okay to feel like you have nothing left to offer. In these moments just ask the lord to fill your cup, watch for it and say thank you when he does!
Thursday, September 15, 2016
376 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Step Out in Faith*
"Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the lord swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided." Exodus 12:21 NASB
Miracles happen daily and after yesterday I am more convinced than ever God helped push my foot on the gas and swerve our car so we would miss getting hit by a van going way faster then they should have been.
Got me thinking about the little miracles God does for us! When we step out in faith it's easier to trust and hear his guidance calling! Yesterday if I had not been following the lord I may have breaked and our car would have been tragically mangled! Because I follow the lord my heart said, "Jesus take the wheel," and so he did along with the gas pedal.
When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt God said to step out cross the sea! The Red Sea (Reed Sea) was not even parted yet but the lord asked the Israelites to step out in faith! Once they stepped out God then parted the sea and guided his people out while drowning the enemy.
For all of you doubting Thomas's out there.... Did you know that scientist have found historical proof of Egyptians crossing and dying in the Red Sea? Michael Rood, a religious teacher, made a video documenting the proof. Rood said, "Cameras mounted on remote controlled submarines revealed coral encrusted chariot parts, horses and human remains strewn like battlefield wreckage on the bottom of the Red Sea floor.
The Challenge:
God is working miracles each day. All he asks is that we step out in faith! Listen to your inner voice and trust him!
375 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ:
*Our Protective Father*
"For in the day of trouble he will hide me in his shelter." Psalm 27:5
Yesterday we had a very scary experience. I just know that this happened so God could show me that he's always with me, protecting us and hiding us in his shelter in times of trouble.
This is the post I posted on my personal social media wall:
I just avoided the worst accident of my life... A van was going through a neighborhood intersection way way way too fast... Looked and saw him about to T-bone into my sons door... God did not say break HE said GAS! He said Go! Go! Go! Laid on the gas, swerved to the left and the van missed us by a fraction of a second... That gut instinct....? Yup.... That is God! Cried as I drove on.... as my angels are always near! Thank you Jesus for saving us today, everyday and most importantly for all of eternity! Amen! And you better believe I'm holding my baby extra close today!!!!
The Challenge:
When these miracles occur always look up and thank the one who hid you in his shelter. Never ever doubt he's guiding and helping you daily. When we acknowledge him he continues to make his presence known through out our lives.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
374 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Don't Take the Apple*
"Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." Corinthians 11:14
I went to go see this speaker yesterday a part of the JT Foxx Organization. He is a self made motivational speaking star (So he claims) but I did not take the "Golden Apple." The entire conference was repulsing to me. These men would cus, parade their riches and taught chauvinistic skills. They put the crowd under this cloud of acceptance because they were in charge and appeared to have the golden apple and key to riches! The entire thing was so odd and my discerning spirit was not convinced.
They paraded around the stage speaking about how much money they have and showed off their expensive diamond watches. They talked about all the famous people they knew (well, bought). The guy even picked out certain people from the crowd and gave a blanket statement reading who they were in relation to business. After their manipulative presentation some who fell for the tricks and like them hungry for money, ran back to the back to buy the CD's and very high priced coaching services.
He claimed you must beware who you get coached by and my friends we should beware of "coaches" like this! Nothing this man did would be an example of walking with Christ. Just more of Satans' work in disguise. Let me be clear he's not Satan but he's unknowingly walking along side him and teaching that going with the ways of the world is glamorous and fruitful. This is no fruit we want! If I rise I rise on Christ and not the Devils schemes! Know the difference! This is why we must bury ourselves into the gospel of truth and follow our lords teachings. This is the only way to not be fooled by the devil himself who masquerades of an angel of light.
The Challenge:
Satan acts like a righteous father and can trick people into following him. Know what Jesus stands for and never be fooled again!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
372 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Enjoy Hs Goodness*
“I come that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, until it overflows. John 10:10
Today did not go as expected. Yes it's true I'm a control freak and I'm sure you may have picked that up by now. I like to have a routine with hints of surprises. High maintenance? Yes.... Maybe but you know what my lord always fills my cup.
We woke up and the entire day was unexpected! Pretty much nothing went as planned but then after fighting with my husband we both had to just surrender and give the day over to the lord.
God lead us on a challenging journey today but to be honest some of the stress actually took our minds off of our own drama. We ended our afternoon with a picnic and sticking our feet in the river in Golden, CO. As uptight and stressed as we were about non of our plans falling in place, in this moment, I recognized our fathers guidance on our life.
There was a sweet dog that played with my two children. They would throw his frisbee into the water, he would chase it and then bring it back to my kids. Each time the dog would bring it back to a different child to ensure they shared. It was the sweetest thing. This dog taught us the importance of just being still and recognizing these peaceful and sweet little moments, designed by God, as his little wink to suggest, "Hey I came so you can simply enjoy the beautiful moments this life bares."
The Challenge:
Many days will not go as planned but maybe just maybe God is working to get you to a safe place where you can just sit, be still and appreciate the goodness that overflows.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
370 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Gods Sweet Shield*
"He is a shield for all of those who look to him for protection." Proverbs 30:5
The most random thing just happened at our house this evening. I went out to get my husband dessert after dinner and when I got home I noticed a car in front of our house. As I got closer I noticed it was a police officer and she was knocking on our front door. As I pulled into the driveway I thought oh no what now lord. My husband answered the door thinking something terrible had happened to me. All the police officer wanted to do was share that our garage door was still open and that there has been many break ins recently up in our area recently.
This got me thinking. Far too often we have weird anxieties toward officers. Me and my husband both thought the worst when she's just a regular person doing a good deed for the day. I truly feel God sent her as a little warning and sweet shield of protection.
The Challenge:
We shall not live in fear of the bad news others may bring but instead live in joy of the possible good others will come to share.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
369 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Run After God*
"As surely as the lord lives I will run after him and get something from him." 2 Kings 5:20
There is a saying that if you run after God you will not ever have to run after a man because they will run after you. This is very true. When we distance ourself from Gods word we begin to normalize sin. Sin seems more intriguing then God but when we seek God sin becomes more and more uninteresting.
Take Whitney Houston for example. She loved God and grew up singing in the church but the ways of the world won her heart. To live up to the worlds expectations she did things to keep up and got further and further away from our lord. Drugs and being of the world became very normalized to her and the patterns of her life. This is not what our Lord desires. When we follow the ways of the world and put our heart into worldly things we in return become bored, lonely and disconnected. We feel unfulfilled. Whitney left this world feeling unfulfilled which was a big fat lie from Satan! God put her in a unique position and she was sadly unable to remove the scales from her eyes.
The Challenge:
Do not run after man! Run after God and they too shall follow.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
368 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Breaking Boundaries*
"Whoever believes in me, streams of living water will flow from within him." John 7:38
Do you know when Jesus meets the woman at the well in the Bible, it is one of the longest dialogs recorded of Jesus talking with another person?
Jesus was thirsty and went up to the lady at the well for a drink of water. The lady could not believe Jesus crossed his boundaries. Back then men were never to speak to a woman unless her husband was present. Jesus asked if she would like "living water" water that would satisfy her for life. The lady was rather confused but Jesus was speaking in code about eternal life.
I find this so fascinating.Jesus cared and loved people so much he was willing to risk his reputation to share messages of God. He did not care what mans rules about seperation looked like! Our Jesus broke boundaries to save in anyway he knew to share God's message at the time.
The Challenge:
Monday, September 5, 2016
367 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ:
*Jesus Connection*
"In one spirit we were all baptized into the body of Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:13
Last Sunday I was sitting in church. As I was sitting there my paster began to share about his experience of adopting their two little girls. They have two adopted children and two biological children. His adopted little girl, that he was talking about, was sitting in front of me and grasping tightly unto mom.
This pulled at my heart strings. I began to sniffle and cry a bit. It just touched my heart so much. I had no tissues and began to have to use my dress as a kleenex. Just then a vision of someone around me popped into my head. It was a vision of someone handing me a kleenex. I then said lord that would me nice, smirking to him.
Just a few minutes later the lady next to me got into her purse and pulled out a small bag of kleenex, pushed it toward me smiled and nodded. It's like she read my mind. The vision was exactly what happened. She knew and this my friends is "The Jesus Connection!"
The Challenge:
Ever have something come into your mind and actually happen right before your eyes? Give thanks for this is our Jesus making a sweet and simple "Jesus Connection."
Sunday, September 4, 2016
366 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ:
*God's Healing Light*
"I keep my eyes always with the lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalms 16:8
My journey with Christ began on September 4th 2015 and since I was a bit ahead on my days I had a week off from writing with God last week for the year. In the week sadly my anxiety returned. Because I overthink everything I had a panic attack Friday which made me very sad.
Yesterday my husband took the kids for the day and gave me time to think with God. Jesus showed me what went wrong. God gave me healing tools to use to know how to be closer to him but this week I took a break from that and therefore took a break from him. This just won't work for my life.
It's similar to Michael Phelps in a way. He took a break in 2008 from swimming and fell apart. He stopped doing the things God gave him as his healing light and tools to get through life. Michael phelps was blessed with swimming and so he shall continue to swim! God blessed me with healing tools of daily writing with him and so I shall write! I will continue my journey here on my website blog. I shall write to be connected with God, stay grounded and never lose sight of all the tools he gives to win this life! My prayer is that as I share my walk its not only healing for me but can be healing for those who follow along.
The Challenge:
What are your God gifted healing tools that keep Jesus in the forefront of your mind and keeps Satan out?
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