Thursday, August 31, 2017

561 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Wait patiently 
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently on him. Psalm 37:7

One of the greatest stories in the Bible is the one where Jesus turns the water into wine when he was visiting Cana of Galilee. This miracle occurred when he was around 30 years old.  This was his first great miracle that the gospel speaks of and the first one we are meant to have knowledge about. 
Can you believe Jesus waited all that time to show He was the Son of Man? This shows he is a God of great patience. 
In our own lives sometimes it's easy to feel as though God is not hearing our cries when we cry out to Him. The next time you feel this way just remember how long it took God to prepare for His first miracle! Our Lords timing is perfect and sometimes just like with Jesus there is great purpose for the great wait. 
The Challenge: 
Wait patiently until the Lord calls upon you. Trust His timing and purpose for your life. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

560 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
And by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

You know when you offer your shirt to someone (so to speak) with a heart felt sorry but it is still not enough?  They want more! What more can we give??  They want revenge! They want BLOOD!

This is when I say, "Sorry, No can do my Lord and savior  (our innocent God) already sacrificed himself and gave His blood for people just like you!"  "That's right He paid your impossible PRICE for me and for us all!"

Okay, okay I didn't say it.... but boy oh boy I wanted to!!  🙏🏻 I pray this lady discovers what peace, grace, compassion and forgiveness really is. In Jesus name I pray Amen!

Rant over....  And back to my glorious day. 😉

The Challenge:
There is great peace in Turing your cheek, giving the shirt off your back and saying sorry to those whom want your blood! There is grace because we know that's all our father asked of us! We were never meant to handle these battles on our own after the cross!  Jesus already did it for us!
559 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Catching up
For our citizenship is in heaven. Philippians 3:20

I'm feeling very rusty in writing. I took a lot of the summer off from sharing my walk. Just wanted to focus on my family and God alone and I will say I missed this time of sharing. 
My summer was so wonderful. There were so many blessed moments and as predicted grace has truly come over my soul in a great wave. When you take time to cleanse your spirit and really work on the darkest parts there is a renewal of the soul! 
This renewal happens for all in different times. During this time man may look at you and say, "But, you are not happy!" This is satans little scheme. When you have Jesus you have all you need. When you have Jesus you also know dying to the flesh is a constant daily battle! 
Yes, I share about my hard times here but it's my testimony to show how grace wins. I do believe I share about exactly how His grace wins each and every time. That grace may not look enough to man but Gods grace is enough for His chosen children. Even in my hardest of moments I now know I'm saved and that bares all the strength a person needs. 
The Challenge: 

When your saved do you always appear happy to the world or is it more of a consistent internal glow? Since this place is not heaven yes we have Jesus but isn't there still always an unsettled feeling of knowing this place is not our destined home? 

Friday, August 4, 2017

558 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
What is Grace? 
My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

I had a very interesting conversation with Karla today. Karla said that grace is for the believer. This got my head a spinning in deep thought. 
This is what was revealed to me in prayer. 

Non believers experience grace but they do not know what it is....  They won't accept the kind of grace Jesus offers and therefore spiral to other outlets. God is with everyone here on earth it's just up to us to turn toward him or away from him. Toward him we accept and understand His grace But away we do not and will not understand it!  Away from him the grace seems laughable. 
Here on earth is our only chance. For those whom turn away from God he will not be with them in the next life. So you see why the unbelievers think this place can be heavenly???  Even through the torture God is still near here. They have no clue how bad it will get where God will not be. Believers know here on earth is the closest thing to hell and why we beg for merci and repent to get far far away from this hell.
The Challenge: 

Do you know what grace feels like? Can you define and describe it? Give examples of grace in your life!