Saturday, April 29, 2017

517  Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Bye Bye Zoloft
My help comes from the Lord. Psalm 121:2

Sometimes it takes a long time to for true healing to begin. When I started this journey nearly two years ago now I knew it would take great effort to learn how to unravel all the lies from Satan and exchange my negative worldly thoughts with the truth Jesus gifts.
Prior to being Saved I was having major anxiety. I'm a perfectionist and having two children was like being in a snow globe and being all mixed up. As time progressed the globe began to settle more and more. I actually sought help from a Doctor and went on a mild anti depressant called Zoloft. This drug was actually something that helped save me. For the first time in my life I felt focused and not so overwhelmed by racing thoughts of not being good enough. I was able to put my emotions aside, come to Jesus, raise my family and write and publish a complete work in one year.
After much thought I decided to go off of Zoloft 3 weeks ago because I feel ready to simply accept me for me. I'm now ready to fully release my anxieties onto my father because he cares for me! I am doing well. Very up and down with emotions but overall feeling in a very good place.
The Challenge:
Do not be afraid to seek help! I was so afraid to ask for help but then my doctor told me Jesus wants us to be balanced enough to be able to share about him and help others. How can we help others if we feel as though we ourselves are drowning? If we are rushed, stressed or unhappy then the light of Jesus gets dimmed. Jesus wants us balanced and if that means getting a doctors help for a short time then that's blessed by God! He is rooting for ya and he knows this world is a tough unruly temporary home to us!

Friday, April 28, 2017

516 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Do that which is honest. 2 Corinthians 13:7

Yes,  I was called to be big, bold and create awareness about Jesus Christ but if you truly knew me when I was young, I was a shy one.
I am not truly sure how this post will flow but I just now gave the Lord permission to enter my heart to share here tonight. I truly have so much to share with you all but I've been standing back just to try to understand it all. Now I know fully what God wants me to share.
I am Learning, as a person of the flesh, I crave adventure and adrenaline! My friend Karla asked me the the other day if I am an adrenaline junky?  Hmmmm... I never thought this before but with Christ he continuously does point these things out to you..!! this will need to be a week long post of deep thoughtfulness...  I shall reveal this week  a secret behind my past two years! A secret not many know but....  I will be willing to share! Sharing in the body of Christ is good! I need prayers for protection as the Lord continues to lead!
The Challenge:
Sharing your story = others sharing their stories = Great Healing

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

515 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
You are a miracle
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Jeremiah 1:5

When you put together your family tree you realize after deaths, divorces and family trama the odds of YOU (and your children) being born are impossible! You my friend....YOU are a miracle! Know it! Own it and set a new pace for your life!
1 in 400,000,000,000 odds for you to be here existing right now! No coincidence folks! The Lord knew you before he formed you in the womb! Fearfully and wonderfully made!
The Challenge:
You have a great mission on this earth for God's glory! Choose HIS glory or choose destruction! Only two ways to choose! Choose the lighted one! ๐Ÿ’œ Lea Michelle

Monday, April 24, 2017

514 Days Saved- A Walk with Christ
Purple Cross Mission - Oh Pee pads
And we know in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him you have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

So here I am sick with Bronchitis. I feel defeated as I have not been this sick in a year since I worked on my health rigorously. Feels like a set back.
I don't have time to sit in doctors offices with my kids so sometimes I prefer to just go to the hospital, in the middle of the night while my family sleeps and get all my bases covered. I just do not have time to be sick!
I will admit Im feeling a little upset with God. I'm not sure why but being sick is a great weakness of mine and I get upset that the Holy Spirit won't relieve me instantly.. Im His mort impatient child remember!

I mean I'm  literally having this issue where every time I cough I pee myself. Doctor said it's normal with aging but I just look up at God and ask ummmm really God....  And why now this too?
So maybe this is why. Maybe if I put my selfish Bratty attitude aside he can find a way to use my embarrassment for his glory? As I roamed the Walgreen isles aimlessly searching for pee pads a sweet cashier asked if I needed help. I was super hesitant but then oh what the heck I need some pee pads!!! ๐Ÿ™„ She took me to the isle I thought I wouldn't have to approach for at least 30 more years but here I stood face to face in the depends isle. Not the highlight of my life folks! She said sometimes it happens to her and we just laughed.
Later, I saw the sweet cashier in the parking lot so I took it as a nudge to share Jesus through our Purple Cross with her.
The Challenge:
Browsing isles of depends at 4:30 am in the morning made me realize we truly never know why the Lord brings us into such uncomfortable situations. If we choose to put our ego aside He may just find a way to reveal himself In the most unexpected of places! Yes, Jesus is even there in the depends isle! ๐Ÿ˜ Always be open to where God calls you to share! Always! This will simmer down your resentful fleshy spirit!!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

513 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Cast all your anxiety upon him because he cares about you, 1 Peter 5:7

I truly have been avoiding writing because so much has gone on the week and I'm trying to process the messages God is working to convey.
Since finding Christ and learning how to put God first it has definitely put some strain on relationships and it took me a great deal of time to understand why. It is becoming more clear and I'm happy to be open and brave enough to share this piece with all of you.
When you accept Christ your life changes you do a 180 degree turn around. This then causes relationships you once knew a certain way to change. Roles and needs change.
I find myself sometimes hurting about things and wanting to pour into others like I use to but then my cup feels drained. The cup gets drained because the lord wants us to cast our burdens and fears into him and not people.
The Lord is making it very clear to me this week that it's important to put emotions aside. It is truly SELFISH of me to pour my fears and burdens into other because those emotions are not meant for people but for God! Plus emotions play tricks on us! Devil sneaks in!!!
I'm still shifting through this and I know this is a bit confusing but believe me I'm trying to figure it out fully too. So far the message God has gifted is this - pouring emotions and burdens into other is in fact selfish! It hurts them and that is not what God blesses.
The Challenge:
Put your emotions aside and state facts when trying to resolve issues with others. Instead of pouring into people pour into God and that's when true clarity and your peace will be gifted!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

512 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
๐ŸŒทA Sweet Nudge๐ŸŒท
Cast all your fears upon him for he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

To be in control or to let God have control that is truly the question and what we are fighting. Often we are simply fighting ourselves. Falling into the traps of being of the flesh and longing to fit in and adore our worldly possessions. God continues to say come closer to me, not them!
I'm falling into my old traps of trying to control things, people please and gain approval. This will cause one to feel like a failure every-time. The world is DENANDIng of us but guess what our father in heaven is not. He wants us to abide by his laws and support our happiness here; He does not demand rather offers a slight nudge like a new baby deer is nudged to a safer place by her mama!
The Challenge:
Are you forcefully steering the reins or are you allowing yourself the freedom to simply get the help and support you deserve? The support of our sweet Lords nudging guidance.
511 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
๐ŸŒทBe Brave๐ŸŒท
Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. Exodus 14:13

Saturday morning I got the privilege to spend unique quality time with my son. We went for a long walk around a McKay Lake. We had lunch on the dock, fed the horses, watched the geese and looked for the most perfect walking sticks. 
As I continued walking down the sand path something took me back. Something said write! I took the walking stick and what moved out of me was right there etched in the sand, "Be Brave." As I looked back I figured the Lord had me write it on the path for the people behind me. I now know those words were indeed from God to me. 
I'm feeling traumatized by Saturday nights events. Having some PTSD. Felt so odd in one moment my whole world could have been gone! It felt odd returning to Monday but not having energy to play with my kids because I just wanted to cry and pray for any mom's whom have ever lost their baby. 
The Challenge: 
I'll simply pass on the words the Lord gifted me and been guiding me through this day- "Be Brave!"

Saturday, April 15, 2017

510 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
A mothers nightmare!
For he will give his angels charge concerning you. To guard you in all your ways. 91:11

Today I experienced the most terrifying moment of my life. We were driving home from visiting the Easter bunny and my son started choking. We pulled the car over on the highway and I got to my son as fast as possible. He was alert but gagging on what he said was a penny. After five minutes of choking and gagging he was able to work it up and gag it out!  It was two quarters!!
I have never felt so terrified but I knew I was not alone. Our angels were once again all around and taking charge over us today. We are at the hospital now and my son is okay. Praise Jesus he saved my sweet baby today!
The Challenge:
Stay calm in all terrifying situations and wait as God sends his angels to hover', they hover around his children!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

509 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
P*ray for everything!*
Don't worry about anything instead pray about everything. Philippians 4:8

I promised myself and God, of course, that  I would try to start blogging daily again. Mainly it helps me to process all the Lords blessings.
It has been a week full of great blessings. The weather has been amazing, the fridgerater is now always stocked with healthy food as I get groceries delivered from Walmart! Home delivery service has been life changing!  Hey anything that frees up time to spend with my family is an A plus rating in my book.
Another blessing is I got in a long run and lots of yard work today. You won't believe this but when I tell you prayer works I never lie! Today, I found my husbands wedding ring in my sons sand box! Yup... we lost his wedding ring two years ago but we never stopped praying and hoping one day it would return. Today was that day! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’œ
The Challenge:
Keep on praying because you truly never know when that prayer will magically be answered!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

508 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition in fasting. Daniel 9:3

I have taken some time off of writing daily and I must admit I missed it. This is my daily time with God and I am happy to get back to blogging!
I have so much to share but I will start back with sharing about my first time ever fasting. I know the Bible speaks of the importance of fasting and so I knew in order to talk about it I would need to experience it for myself. I had entered into a 3 Day FAST with only drinking water. I never promised God I would complete the three days but I sure tried. I did great the first 36 hours but then it hit me: I was at the gym and started to feel as though I was going to pass out. It scared me but then I remembered fasting is a time to press into the Lord to let him fill you up. Instead of panicking I surrendered in prayer, on the floor, and asked God to strengthen me.
I pleaded with God in prayer and then this colorful image of an eagle appeared in my mind. The Lord was telling me, "Stay strong, rise up and I will carry you." It was so clear! I got up and felt so much better after that moment. I lasted fifty hours in fasting and I tell you what food never tasted so good once I started eating again
The Challenge:
Try to do a three day water cleanse and fast. Press into the Lord and take note when he gives you his strength during the weak moments of your personal FAST time!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

507 Days Saved  - A Walk with Christ
One Focus
I am the gate. Whomever come through me will be saved. John 10:9

There are 4,200 Religions in the world. There is also a strange mix and cocktail of religions being  oddly created by man. I use to do this too. ๐Ÿ™„ working hard to cleanse from that dangerous model. Building own beliefs is exactly what a false teacher does and what the Bible warns.

Extreme Example: if your a girl and dating 4,200 men around the world... Impossible, confusing, damaging, dangerous  and draining....  right? Focus on one! That gifts clarity. That's why one gate to God is the right way. You see just as in a relationship you focus on one mate God demands the same commitment. He will not tolerate being cheated on with idols and/or false prophets.

The Challenge
I'm Christian so in this I suggest asking Jesus your questions. Share your concerns and tell him why you lack faith in him. He will show you! Promise! But keep your eyes peeled as to how he shares! ๐Ÿ’œ. Less is more! Too much of anything offers confusion so simplify your belief system starting today!