540 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Open letter to Pope Francis,
"Except a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." John 3:3
Dear Pope Francis,
I was born and raised a catholic. For some blessed reason I missed confirmation because my parents decided to change churches. I declared Christ on my own time (re-born) at age 33. Being reborn is not something that can be pushed, forced or wished on someone (at age 14). It must be chosen and wanted by each individual. Not by the teachers and not by the parents.
I cherish my catholic up-bringing and education and fully wish it upon my own children to this day. One other thing that was missed and must be addressed is that the Catholic Church must teach its children to pray for each other. In my Catholic school growing up we never prayed over each other in class or placed hands over each other. Learning to pray upon others is empowering. It is the Holy Spirit displaying its fullest blessings. Gifted and to be shared by each child of God.
As my journey in discovering (Re-Learning) how to walk with Christ continues this is what the Holy Spirit brought to me today. I pray this message gets to Pope Francis and things begin to flourish in the Catholic Church. We Christians are in this together, so let's join as one force! There are greater battles to face but we need each other! π
π - Lea