Monday, December 10, 2018

Black Pepper Cookies 

I have this vivid memory of me sitting in first grade. It was around the holidays and the teacher asked us (her class) to share ingredients that go into making cookies. 
Children around me raised their hands. They said things like sugar, salt, flour. water, food coloring. As I listened I felt energized to raise my hand and share an ingredient. The teacher called upon me and asked me what ingredient I would like to share and add to the list on the board. I proudly said, “Pepper!” I heard giggles from around the room. The teacher then said, “No, I don’t think pepper goes into making cookies,” and then moved onto the next child raising their hand. 
There was a tall boy in the class and for what seemed like the next two years he would constantly tease me about sharing pepper as an ingredient. I would just shrink back in embarrassment each and every time. 

Tonight, I was watching a holiday cookie baking show and there they were a new delight - Ginger Cookies with (you guessed it) Black Pepper! My soul sang and yes black pepper in cookies is a trending concept. 

Do not get discouraged if others do not see your vision! That vision was gifted to you on purpose and for a good reason! 

Trust the visions God places upon your heart! Those visions are there on purpose!!!!


Lea Michelle

Thursday, August 30, 2018

698 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
I will give you rest! Matt. 11:8

Today is a great day! Today is the last day of this series. This year has been challenging but I made it through. I am very ready to move to the next season of my life. I was afraid I would end this defeated but in these last days I have had so much encouragement come my way. 
I have many I lean on for support. I believe it’s always good to get your information and fellowship from multiple sources not just one. One pastor reached out and said he’s praying for me. I asked him if he thought all the spiritual warfare I was fighting this week was because I’m about to hit a breakthrough and maybe Satan’s trying to distract and stop me? He replayed with the most brilliant answer! He said, “Rest!” And that was all I needed to know! After two years It’s time to rest and so I shall. 
The Challenge: 

It’s time to rest. I know this devotional is only 333 Days but for the next missing 32 Days I want you to pick up your bible, read, journal and simply rest alone in him. Blessings 💜

697 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Live and Learn 
Avoid godless chatter. 2 Timothy 2:16

I was hurting pretty badly and I wrote that I felt abandoned by God. I said I felt like Job. I felt so beaten down this week already but then I happened to scroll on my newsfeed while at work and o saw a girl from my hometown write a post that I know was about me. This week I posted about helping the man in the wheel chair and then I shared a live video about being transparent. 

Her post said something like this: 
“When you have to share about being a good person all the time and being transparent I call #Bullshit. 

God shielded my eyes from all the likes and I couldn’t see anymore but it looked as though many mutual friends were liking and chiming in. I felt they were gossiping about me and I was very disheartened. All this time and they just don’t get it. This walk is hard but I share to lead and hope others go actually go ahead of me and do a far better job. 

I wrote this on my wall as I was in defense mode. I know, I know I need to turn my cheek! I’m working on it. I’ve come a long way and still have a long way to go! Who doesn’t? 

My post back: 
“I think I’ve been “transparent”  with I am not a GOOD  person and that’s why I NEED Jesus. He who is perfect cast the first stone! If you plan to be against me then 
it’s time we part. I’ve heard the gossip! Please unfriend me if you do not understand the work I do! Very hurt heart today but I’ll recover.

The Challenge: 
Why must we always try to prove we are good people when we are in disagreement? Why can’t we just realize some people will love us no matter what, some people won’t have an opinion and there will always be people who don’t like us no matter what we do! 

696 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Final Days 
Listen to Gods voice. Proverbs 3:6

I have written now for 696 Days and I am feeling weary. I’m honestly feeling ready to move on from this 2nd year series and get into my third series which will be a brand new season with a new twist. I’ll be digging deeper then ever before. 
I now life coach people and what I’m finding is that blogging about my personal walk with Christ and life coaching are not blending well  together anymore. 
I work with about 5 to 7 people a day right now  on a 33 Day life coaching program. It’s everything I dreamed of doing and because of this journey here God lead me to it. He knew all along I just needed to find my way. 
The Challenge is this. When I use to feel the spirit want me to share a topic God had me fearlessly share, now I am feeling reserved almost hesitant as I am now leading clients and I don’t want them to feel exposed or like I’m blogging about topics we’ve been through. It’s tricky but that’s why I have decided to wrap this journey here up! I’ll write and share for 2 more Days then I must move on. 
The Challenge: 

I had planned to do a 365 day devotional but why must we fit man made molds? If God says stop he means stop so this journey will now end at my precious number of 333! 

695 Day Saved - A Walk with Christ 
In your court
I have made you; and I will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Isaiah 46:4

As you know if you read my first year book I fought many battles back then. When I first started with the mission of sharing Christ through social media and documenting it I was so honored God gifted me this journey to take but I was also so very insecure. I desperately wanted close friends and family to understand and support me instantly and when I felt that was not happening it felt like I had to mourn people in my life. Our lives just weren’t fitting at that time. Since then my sisters and I have worked through our changes and in the last days as I’ve been hurting they have been right by my side loving me just as the mess I am. I am grateful for this. There will be seasons when people are with you and there will be seasons when people can’t be and that is okay! The only person you need in your court at all times is the Lord Jesus himself! 
The Challenge: 

What if God was the only one cheering you on? Would you withstand the race? 
694 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Therefore encourage each other and build each other up just as you are doing. 1 Thess 5:11

I have so much to share. It’s unbelievable how challenging this week has been but through it I am discovering so many things. I was hurting pretty bad. I feel as I move forward in this journey I’m going to hit these tidal waves but I’ll get stronger and less defensive with each wave that hits. 
I honestly was at work last night and cried. I cried because for the first time since Day 120 I felt like quitting again. Another wall! Truly I literally put my hands up and then many things happened. A girl at work saw me hurting and asked what was wrong. I told her I felt like quitting my ministry. Then I cried. She then told me, “Don’t you have been on my mind and you have made me want to have faith again!” My heart warmed up. Then I went out to my car and messaged my friend Ann and she said, “Ha you are in no way quitting!”
The Challenge: 

Build a network around you of encouragers! When you are down they will be who pick you up. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

693 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Though I walk through a valley of a shadow of death I will not fear evil for you are with me. Psalm 23:4

I feel a bit abandoned by God and I’m in a pit right now. Job of the Bible felt this way a long time but then God blessed him for his suffering. I feel as though my endurance is being tested harder then ever before. I have my mom upset with me, a client upset with me and a bunch of people from my hometown talking bad about the posts I’ve been sharing. Tonight I want to quit! But if I quit I will feel like dying. This ministry is my heartbeat.

Lord please help me endure this storm. I’m trying to be steadfast but the water is rising up. Although I’m drowning I see you peek through with encouragement. Thank you for that but please keep me strong through the hash waves! Just as I felt the waters rising I also feel breakthrough is on the horizon! I hang on to that hope! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

692 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Be bold
We are called to be bold. Joshua 1:9

Everyday I wake up and think what would Jesus do but many of those days I fall short. I despise not doing things perfectly but I also have come to learn God didn’t design us to be perfect but instead designed us to be perfectly used in ways that he needs us. Many days I fail but today I feel I passed a test. I was driving on a main street in our city. I looked over to the side and watch a man fall out of his motorized wheel chair and lay helplessly on the grass between the road and sidewalk. I’ve had dialogue before with God telling him if I see those that desperately need help I’ll stop. So today was the day I was tested on this. After I passed him my mind suggested he’ll be okay someone else will help him. Then I remembered what I told God and immediately turned around and went back. By the time I ran up to the man there was a about six people standing around him staring and wondering what to do next. A few wanted to just wait on the ambulance. I looked at them and said, “How is he?” “Did you ask him?” Trying to feel out the situation. Then I got closer to the man laying on the ground and said, “How are you feeling?” “Are you hurt?” The man said, “No, I’m not hurt.” I then felt my dominate spirit take charge. This boldness I have within can sometimes put people off but today I truly think God used it. We were all there capable to help! We didn’t need to embarrass the man any further by getting him an ambulance. Another man there said, “I agree if he’s not hurt let’s maybe try picking him up.” He was a heavier man. Four of us bent down picked him up and put him back into his chair. We helped organize his stuff and then he said, “Embarrassing!” I and the other man assured him there is nothing to be embarrassed about. He then drove his wheel chair down the street and we all continued on with our days. 
The Challenge: 

Do not be afraid of your bold spirit when it rises up. God will use that in a way he needs even if others don’t see it that way! 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

691 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Be Real 
A person without self control is like a city with broken down walls. Proverbs 25:28

Speaking of positivity. I have been battling with the idea of being fake verses having that gifted self control. Trying to learn and share  what the difference is between the two. What I have discovered is it’s more of a spirit connection. If we are feeling down it’s okay to be down and if we are feeling joyful it’s okay to be joyful. What’s not okay is pretending your incredibly happy when your really down in spirit. How can others reach out to you if they do not understand you are hurting inside? 
The Challenge: 
If your happy be happy but if you are down don’t pretend to be at 130% when your truly just not. That’s not listening to the spirit inside you it’s pretending your something that your not which will hurt in the end. 

If your mad go ahead and share that your mad but have self control not to act on that anger. 

If you are hurting then it’s okay to wear a smile to try to be more positive but you don’t have to keep that smile on all day just to play to how you want others to see you. 

Bottom line Be REAL! 
690 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Be honest

There is a a dangerous thing rising up in the world which is often evident on social media. It’s the topic of positivity. I’m all about positivity but we also need to be real, honest and open. If we are not real a crash will await. 
So many companies out there this day in age portray how to have your most perfect life. They share about all the wonderful free trips you can earn and how the products make you feel like a super hero. But this can be a problem as in some cases it creates a mirage. 
Just last week a man from my town / area killed his wife and two children. I am friends of friends with the woman on Facebook. It’s been tragic. The picture that was painted was a perfect family. Often posts were about traveling, free vacations and how wonderful of a husband and dad he was. All the while he was shockingly a raging wolf. 
The Challenge: 

It’s okay to be real. It’s okay to be honest. If you are going through a hard time it’s okay to reach out and share that truth with someone. Talking and being honest with where your spirit is may just be the thing to get you out of a life that is killing you. Fake positivity and denial is a very very dangerous thing. 
689 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Humbling Roles-
Humble yourselfs, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that in proper time he may exalt you. 1 Peter 5:6 ESV

Humility. I am getting an extra dose of learning about humility and humbling thy self down in this season of life. Sometimes in life the Lord will put us in positions we personally would not choose. This will force us to learn how to be more humble. A position we think we deserve may not be the position God needs us to work. 
I was hostessing the other night at my job for a season. I prefer operating the board and delegating which tables need cleaned but because they have noticed I am quicker at bussing tables, then some, the manager had me bussing. The Lord has really humbled me down and I know this is where he needs me to be for now. This job has taught me so much about humility.  
The Challenge: 
Have you ever felt like your more deserving of a title or role then the one given to you? Maybe God needs you in that certain role in order for you to understand humility. One of the greatest lessons the Bible teaches is about humility. If God’s willing to work on your heart then we should step into those humbling roles with a big ol smile because he cares enough to help us change. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

688 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Do not throw away your confidence. It will be richly rewarded. Hebrews 10:35 

I feel terrible to share this but I have not been reading my bible as much as I should. I know when I read I do understand God more and therefore feel closer to him. When I’m finished with this second devotional here, I plan to do a deep 365 Day Study of the word of God. I have come a long way simply learning how to get into scripture and now I’m ready to dig deeper and understand the chronological order of the scriptures and it’s history. 
Although, I have not been taking time to read I will say I love my Bible App. Everyday is shares a new verse with me which helps me feel connected. Today it shared Hebrews 10:35. I read the full chapter 10 and It reminded me to stay confident in my faith. I have days where my faith tested and weary but I know if we hold on we will be richly rewarded for our perseverance.  
The Challenge: 
What do you do when your faith is at its best? 
What do you do when your faith is tested? 
What do you do when you faith is weak? 

***Answer what you have done in the past and site examples. Then answer what the word of God tells us to do in those moments. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

687  Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Spiritual lows
And after you suffer for a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make all things right. 1 Peter 5:10

There are times in your walk when you will be on fire for the Lord. With these spiritual highs comes spiritual attacks. With these spiritual highs also comes spiritual lows. These ups and downs are a part of being Christian. This is normal! 
I’ve been working with some clients and we touched on this subject. It was the subject of when you don’t feel like praying. This can happen. Sometimes in our walks we go through so much pain that we don’t feel strong enough to call on the Lord. There is a numbness in our soul. I have found this to be very normal. The good news is the season will pass. You will look back and see how God was there even though you didn’t feel him at the time. 
The Challenge: 
God does not need our long drawn out prayers. If your feeling numb or burnt out in your faith then tell God that! Say God, “I’m here but I’m not strong enough to pray today. I’m struggling in my faith Lord. This is all I have to say.” This will be enough to keep God close until the season passes! Keep communication with him even if you don’t have much to say! 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

686 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
✝️Purple Cross Mission✝️
Thou shalt not have any other Gods before me! Exodus 20:3

Today,  I did an unexpected Purple Cross Mission. I went to my nail salon to get my eye brows done. I’m not sure why those ladies always ask me if I want to wax my mustache too....  Lol. 😂. I have blonde hair and I am not going to risk having it grow in dark and besides that I don’t have a mustache!!!  Okay, so that was all going on in my mind but then I looked up and saw a beautiful cross necklace around her neck. I was somewhat surprised because this salon has a large Buddha statue that they always put out oranges and apples for daily. I could go on and on about that subject but yes I occasionally put Purple Crosses on the statues to share Jesus love with Buddha. ☺️ I asked the lady if she was a Jesus follower and she said yes shes Catholic. She said, “And you?” I said, “Yes, I am a Jesus follower and He is my only God.” She then replied, “Yes, me too.” I gave her two purple crosses. Maybe this will change a heart in that salon! God can do mighty things. We plant the seeds and he does the work in hearts!
The Challenge:
Always always be prepared to share about Jesus. This is a calling for all of Gods children. Bringing people back to the word of God! 💜- Lea Michelle

Sunday, August 5, 2018

685 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Made Strong
You have armed me with strength for battle. Psalm 18:39.

When I was a baby, less then one year of age, I was rushed to the hospital with severe ammonia. I had a temperature near 105, was throwing up, dehydrated and my mother tells me she had to hold ice on me much of the night just to keep the fever down. I obviously made it through that battle.

We are made strong! We are made to endure the battles that come our way. Since then I’ve had battles to face and sure I get down but I always manage to fight through and get right back up! Who is the one who pulls me out of the pit? Jesus! His hand comes down to pick me up and then bless me with more strength each and every time!

The Challenge:
Sometimes in this world we forget just how strong our mighty father has created us to be! When faced with battles always remember ✨YOU✨ are way STRONGER then you even know! You will endure and then you will thrive!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

684 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Be the Light- 
You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14

With my clients that I work with for a -33 Day- life coaching program, I am always working to help them discover their gifts and then learn how to use them in a Godly way. I’m very focused on teaching others how exactly to let their light shine for the world. 

My husband and I were watching America’s Got Talent the other night. In the 2 hours a day that we actually get time to together. There was a five year old little girl on the show named Sophie Fatu. Google and watch her! She sang a Frank Sinatra song and it was jaw dropping. This tiny little girl lit up the entire theatre. When the judge asked her what she would do with the million dollars, if she won, she responded that she doesn’t care about the money she just loves to be on stage and make all the people smile! She loves to use her gift to be a light for others! 
The Challenge: 
Do not let Satan squelch your gifts. Your gifts are given to you, from God, to be used to be a light source for others! Use your gift and be a light for another today! 

***Do you need help learning more about the gift or gifts God gave you? Do you need help discovering more ways to use your gifts to be a light for others? I  am always here and happy to help!  ✨ This my friends is a key to life! ✨

💜 - Lea Michelle  

Friday, August 3, 2018

683 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Notice Someone-
Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32

I was listening to the radio and I heard evangelist Beth Moore share her story. One time she was traveling through the airport and as she entered the restroom she tapped a lady on the shoulder and said, “Hello, how are you today?” After she came out to wash her hands the lady was standing there staring at her with tears in her eyes. Beth consoled her and said, “What’s the matter?” The lady then said that no one ever acknowledges her and it felt nice that she actually took the time to notice her. 

Wow! What an amazing story. Just the other day I was thinking about this. Sometimes, selfishly, we want people to notice us. We forget to think about others and we forget to take a moment to say a simple, “Hi there, how are you doing today?” This could mean so much to a person that maybe gets bypassed or unnoticed more often then they should. 

Jesus would notice them and so shall we! 
The Challenge:
Stop what your doing, stop being all up in your own head and notice someone today! 

Thursday, August 2, 2018

682 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Hear my cry-
Hear my cry oh Lord. Attend to my prayer. Psalm 61:1

Yesterday, I cried and asked God for some relief from my burdens and he heard me. The Lord shines brightly through others. Although I feel a bit frail this week my spirit also gravitated to those whose lights are bright. 
This is how God fills us up. It’s done by many ways but one of His greatest ways is through other people. Simple conversations relating on topics, creating new friendships, bonding on scriptural references, feeling heard and feeling appreciated by another. Today my spirit was dim but by the end of the day I was turned up to a soft glow. Maybe a less intimidating glow is what God needed from me for this day. Maybe we’re not always meant to have spark plug kinda days.... Thank you Jesus for shining through others today. Looking back on my day I saw you everywhere.
The Challenge:
When your weak allow others to brighten your day. Put down a few walls and let others in. Share your heart and God will fill yours right back up when you say, “Lord, hear my cry!” 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

681 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Away from me 
“Away from me Satan!” Matthew 4:10

I have 40 days left until my Year 2 devotional is complete. It has been challenging to get this one done! I cannot even begin to tell you how hard being an author is. Giving your soul out to the world and not knowing where God will take it. It’s quite the surrender! It is scary at times but this blog and daily devotional is also what keeps my heart pumping. It’s what I’m passionate about. It took me a long time to find it and I just don’t want to give up on this calling. 

There are many times the Bible speaks of 40 Days. We all know that it takes 30 days to build a habit, so I believe this is what God uses to teach great lessons. When Jesus went into the desert for 40 Days and 40 nights he built up His strength to rebuke the devil. After being tormented Jesus was very good at saying, “Away from me Satan!”
The Challenge: 
Take a 40 Day Challenge! Whatever it is! 

Tip: I am going to get back to writing on Facebook everyday for the next 40 Days and finish this book out! I am also going to focus on rebuking satan and saying, “Away from me satan,” just as Jesus did, each new day! Maybe by Day 40 I’ll be less phased by his fear tactics he continues to taunt me with! 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

680 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Be kind-
Be kind to each other. Ephesians 4:32

Sometimes we as Christians are going to make mistakes. Maybe we feel hurt and for a moment turn from God or maybe we just stop praying briefly and try to make decisions on our own. Whatever the case, our Lord is there, fighting for us and giving us another chance to make things right. 

The other night at my restaurant job I was feeling irritable and still suffering about some family news. I lost my patience with a girl. I was not too kind and I felt guilt about it. This is what happens when you walk with Jesus. I immediately knew I was in the wrong because I knew Jesus would not have snapped the way I did. After thinking on things God gave me another opportunity. It was the same situation but with another person. This time I answered her patiently and with kindness. This time I was more like Jesus. 
The Challenge: 
Have you ever looked back at a situation and thought wow I was not leading like Jesus there? Don’t worry God will give you another opportunity. Pay attention, take note and try again. He goes before us remember? He will help you be more kind that next time! 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

679 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
A Suffering Artist 
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

I’ve shared about this before but during times when I’m suffering the most is when I create some of my best art or even writing flows more. I’m hurting but as I write these words on paper (well in my notes on my phone 😉) I feel a sense of release. This is what being an artist is! We are made to express our overly emotionally charged selves through our gifted art which then shares light and can share God. 
Suffering in general forces us to dig deep and take the time to focus on the deep needs of our heart. Suffering gets us to the root of our struggles and helps us trim them back like like thorns on a rose bush! The thorns and brush get cut off, which hurts, and makes us suffer more but then we bloom 3 or 4 times as beautiful in the next due season. 
The Challenge: 

Suffering can offer break through! Suffering helps move and shift us to where God is calling us to go. Suffering in its strange ways morphs us to our destiny! 
678 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,”
Psalm 46:1-2 NIV

One thing I teach in my 33 Day Life coaching  program is the importance  of having strong Christian fellowship and people to encourage us in a biblical way. This will properly nourish your soul. 

As I’ve been in my storm the last few days my friend Diana (I share about her in my Year 1 book) texted me this message: 

When it doesn’t make sense, when it’s all out of your hands, surrender. 
We can’t fix everything. We can’t change everything. We are not in control. Surrender. God is all-powerful. He is almighty. He is capable of changing things. He is in charge. Surrender. 
Come under His wing. Rest in the fact that He will take care of you. He will not leave you in a storm- He will be your shelter. He is your source of refuge. 
The Challenge: 

Diana’s Challenge - “He is in control. Surrender to Him. Let Him take care of you. In due time, everything will come together again.”

677 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Loosen the Reigns 
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7

As I was panicking about the news my parents are moving away I started to feel so many emotions and so many huge life lessons closing in all at once. 
These emotions that flared up seem crazy but if we take the time to sit back and ask God what he’s trying to show us He will point out exactly why things are happening. 

I once again am trying to control things instead of just surrendering! That’s right I have a tight grip instead of just letting go and letting God move things! This is something I’ll spend a life time working on. The moment when I just let go; Let go of the bitterness, the anger, the pain, the frustration and say, “You can have it all Lord,” will be the same moment I find my internal peace in God! 
The Challenge: 
Do you try to control things and when you can’t you feel like your going to lose it? This is because of past hurt makes us scared of the unknown. God sees this differently and He will always say, “Stop holding onto those reins so tight! When you loosen the reigns and those expectations you will find your peace in me!”
676 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28

My mom has her wise days and she has always told me that in life we are heading into a storm, in a storm or heading out of a storm. I was just out of a storm. During this time the waters were calm and I saw some great blessings but then out of no where a surge rose up and shook my boat hard throwing off my compass just for a moment. That’s where I am just trying to recover my boat. 

I heard some news that my parents are moving. They just moved close to us in Colorado and now after just two years they want to keep traveling on. I almost felt left in their dust here to raise this family all alone once again but that’s my emotions getting the best of me. I’m still a little shocked and just trying to recover my emotions. I hope this storm is a short one and I can quickly recover. 
The Challenge: 

Are you in a storm or out of a storm? Do you see a storm approaching? What happens if a storm comes on suddenly like a tsunami? Will you be prepared?  How do we prepare for devastation and know God is actually working for our good? 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

675 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 

When you first step foot into a calling of ministry you are put through so many tests. It can be a very discouraging time. As you learn to stay strong through the blazing fires God does lift us up in due time. 

I felt called the other day to be bold in my faith. I stood out on social media with a girl whom has a big following. I felt the spirit nudge me to try to get the message across that if we are leading it’s important not to hide that you follow the biblical God. She’s been posting about praying and thanking the universe.  At this point in my walk I see right through that kind of talk. I said she should be praying to the source and giving him all the glory. I tried to be graceful with the discussion but I got blocked. 

I was feeling kinda sad about this. We have many mutual friend whom saw our discussion. I asked God if I was doing the right thing. I felt I did but was not sure.  My friend Ann told me, “I bet somebody saw your boldness on the thread and was inspired.” She prophesied is herself! A few days later I got a friend request from a man that knew the woman who blocked me. He said that my boldness to share about our Lord inspired him to be bold himself. I was thankful God took time to encourage and lift me up but I know God did not have to send him to say that. I was humbled! 
The Challenge: 

Stepping out and being bold in your faith can be intimidating but the Lord will take time to encourage you in due time if you keep sharing about whom he is! Our beautiful biblical Lord! The Lord of the Bible!  

Sunday, July 15, 2018

674 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
The seventy- two returned with joy and said, “Lord even the demons submit to us in your name.” Luke 10:17

I had a girl come up to me and ask me this question today. “Do you believe in ghosts?” I said yes. I believe that Satan can disguise himself and his demons in such a way to be in a form of “ghost.” Just as our Lord comes through us in the form of the Holy Ghost Satan can come into peoples lives in a unclean form as well. 
She then went on to tell me how her five year old cousin sees dead people. She see the ghost of her grandma at the bedside, she’s never met her but can describe her accurately. 
I went on to say that ghosts are not biblical so I believe she may have a gift of seeing spiritual warfare going. I suggested they get her proper Christian counseling in this area because just like any gift we are given it can be used for good or for bad. I pray this child learns to use the gift properly, as she grows up, furthering the kingdom and rebuking Satan’s evil tactics. 
The Challenge: 
Do you submit to the demons or do the demons submit to you? 

There is not a place in the Bible that suggest human souls linger around earth after death. However, there are many places that site where people can indwell unclean spirits. Study Acts 19: 1-22 and  Matthew 12: 22-45 today. Then answer the question; Do you believe in ghosts or are they simply unclean spirits indwelling in people and deceiving them? Knowing your answer will help you minister more wisely in the future. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

673 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Purple Cross Mission 
Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Matthew 6: 3-4

Today, I did an unexpected Purple Cross mission. Me and my children went to Petco today. We have a pet bearded dragon so we are always having to get crickets for her to eat. Most the time this is a very quick trip, we normally ask for about 60 crickets and then they estimate because counting them individually would take too long obviously. 
The girl behind the counter was very very shy. I’m not sure what was going on but she took a very long time getting the crickets. Maybe she was trying to actually count the moving crickets? The line began to grow and a gentleman behind me even asked, “Have you been helped yet?” I started to feel agitated as my children grew restless and running around store. I tried to keep calm and decided to slip a purple cross under a piece of paper she had done some incredible art doodling on. 
We continued to wait a little longer. I was starting to think there was something majorly wrong so I said, “it’s okay I can put the rubber band on the bag but we need to go.” She still stood there not moving, I repeated myself and then she finally hesitantly came to counter to ring me up. She didn’t say a word. My spirit felt she was agitated or hurting possibly about something deeper. The spirit nudged me and I tried to nicely say, “Are you okay?” She looked down at the floor and said, “yes.” It was very strange. I then felt God nudge me again. I was nervous but I just wanted her to know God loves her. I said just that. I said, “God Loves you, please just remember that,” and then I left. She didn’t say much but she finally did make eye contact with me. I pray she finds the cross under her art pad and God warms her heart on this day. 
The Challenge: 

Sneak a purple cross or anything special to someone today without them ever knowing it was you. Let it be just, what it is, a sweet gift from above. 

Purple Cross Mission 
Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Matthew 6: 3-4

Today, I did an unexpected Purple Cross mission. Me and my children went to Petco today. We have a pet bearded dragon so we are always having to get crickets for her to eat. Most the time this is a very quick trip, we normally ask for about 60 crickets and then they estimate because counting them individually would take too long obviously. 
The girl behind the counter was very very shy. I’m not sure what was going on but she took a very long time getting the crickets. Maybe she was trying to actually count the moving crickets? The line began to grow and a gentleman behind me even asked, “Have you been helped yet?” I started to feel agitated as my children grew restless and running around store. I tried to keep calm and decided to slip a purple cross under a piece of paper she had done some incredible art doodling on. 
We continued to wait a little longer. I was starting to think there was something majorly wrong so I said, “it’s okay I can put the rubber band on the bag but we need to go.” She still stood there not moving, I repeated myself and then she finally hesitantly came to counter to ring me up. She didn’t say a word. My spirit felt she was agitated or hurting possibly about something deeper. The spirit nudged me and I tried to nicely say, “Are you okay?” She looked down at the floor and said, “yes.” It was very strange. I then felt God nudge me again. I was nervous but I just wanted her to know God loves her. I said just that. I said, “God Loves you, please just remember that,” and then I left. She didn’t say much but she finally did make eye contact with me. I pray she finds the cross under her art pad and God warms her heart on this day. 
The Challenge: 

Sneak a purple cross or anything special to someone today without them ever knowing it was you. Let it be just, what it is, a sweet gift from above. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

672 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Praise the Lord for the Lord is good; sing praise to his name so that is pleasant. Psalm 135:3

I went for a early morning run this morning, I just love getting up and working out and praying with the Lord before I start my day. There was something I noticed today that I know I got to change. While working out I was spiraling in my head about all these future ideas and plans for my ministry. Once again moving too fast and going ahead of God, instead of with him on a pleasant daily walk around the garden so to speak. I immediately stopped myself. I looked straight up to the sky, lifted my arms up in hallelujah pose and said, “God I am here and I am present for you today.” I felt more calm after this moment. 
The Challenge: 
When your feeling like your thoughts are rushing simply stand with your feet shoulder width apart, raise your hands up to the sky, look up and say, “Hallelujah, Lord I am here and present with you.” This will be sure to get your focus back onto the Lords plans for your day instead of your own plans. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

671 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-The Lord Hears You-
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17 NLT 

Tuesday night I had a lot on my mind. I was not feeling myself at all. In fact I felt very insecure about so many things. When I got into the restaurant I’m working at for a season I realized I lost my $200 glasses. I figured I just left them at home. That night when I Got home I felt so frustrated and cried out to God. I took time to write God this message. Yes, I was a bit dramatic. 

“Lord I’m upset! Where are you? You have not been here... where did you go? I’m feeling alone and your suppose to be with me...  Why did you leave me?” 

Usually, when I cry out to God he does uniquely show up within 24 hours. And that he did. I just happened to pull into the same parking spot in my busy restaurant parking lot. Something told me to look at the pavement. There they were my glasses! Right by the wheel. They had been in the middle of the parking lot for 24 hours and never ran over or stepped on, they were in perfect condition! I was sure to tell this testimony all through work last night! Sharing his goodness with all. 
The Challenge: 
When you cry out to the Lord take note on when he comes through to you! Is it two hours, 24 hours, one week? Keep track because this is your personal dialogue between you and the Lord! It’s unique to each soul but your soul will know how he speaks over you.