Monday, January 29, 2018

611 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
For God called you to good even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example and you must follow in His steps. 1 Peter 2:21 NLT

I'm feeling some new changes in this walk. A stronger sense of starting to understand God's voice at a deeper soul level. On days when I don't hear him it makes me feel lonely, sad and weak. I know He's always there but sometimes waits on us to cry out, then for me He always shows up within 24 hours. 
Friday I had a very challenging day. I just felt like crying a lot. Sometimes I feel it's necessary to suffer to understand others pain. For sensitive people like me there's nothing to see; Nobody died, no one stuck a knife in me and My kidneys aren't failing. The suffering is a deep indiscribable sadness but when you relate more to Christ you start feeling some of the pain He bares. Our Lord bares a heavy load for His children. In order to be in tune with Gods love we must feel all parts from pain, to suffering, to joy, to happiness. He is all things and since He made us in His image we encompass all these things too. 
The Challenge: 
Describe a time you felt you were suffering...  Did you cry out to God for help or try to take on the burden all on your own? If you chose to cry out to him, did your peace and internal knowledge flow soon after your suffering? 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

610 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-A Snowy Owl-
Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Joel 2:28

God wants his children to see visions and be able to prophesy and so he trains our minds. Last Saturday I'm not sure if I was sleeping or awake but I saw this random clear vision of this owl with a stark white heart shape face. The image came out of no where but I knew it was from God. I did a bit of research and discovered barn owls and snowy owls both have stark white faces. I also read something about them teaching wisdom to seek silence. 
I knew the message would become more clear and sure enough today my mom sent me a video of a snowy owl sitting in the middle of the icy, cold Ontario bay. The video was taken by a man named Gary Cranfield and shared on social media last Saturday the same day the vision had came to me. 
This is the message this beautiful owl gifted - A message straight from God! 
"Look at that snowy owl! He is in the middle of the icey, cold, harsh, wavy lake, yet he's unmoved! He's still, he's beautiful and he's provided for!"
The Challenge: 
Do you get visions? If so write them down and pray for the message to be clear. If you do not get visions do you believe God gifts them out upon His people?  

609 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Jesus is Lord- 
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe it in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 

After much thought and prayer I have decided to change whom my affiliation with a term. I am no longer called a "Christian," rather a "Follower of Jesus Christ & His Word (FJC-HW)."
I am called to this new title for several reasons. One reason is the term "Christian" is filled with so many luke Warm and watered down people. I love these people and why I share. I want to be Hot for the lord and I do not believe being grouped into a title with lukewarm Christians will be helpful in this mission! I want to see my sisters and brothers sitting at the table, in the kingdom, with our Lord! 
I also know now that "Christian" is a religious term. A man - made term which has gotten foggy over the generations. In the end I was not Saved by Church and identifying as "Christian" I was Saved by Jesus Christ himself and His gospel of truth! For this I am humbled and in disbelief that I am accepted at His table at all. 
The Challenge: 
What does the term "Christian" mean to you? Do you feel the term gets misused? Do all Christians believe Jesus is Lord? 
608 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Sheep and Goats 
But when the son of man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the thrown of His glory. Before him all the nations will be gathered and He will separate them one from another, as a Shepard separates  the sheep from the goats. Matthew 25: 31-33

This week it is very clear that the over all theme God is working to get across is de-fencing wishy washy Christians! God needs people to choose a side! You can no longer stay on the fence but you must choose to be Hot for the Lord or a cold non-believer! Being luke warm is the most pain you can give our Lord! Luke warm means you are wishy washy about the word of God but yet expect to be saved? Luke warm means you have no desire to share about Jesus but you still think your Saved? Luke warm means you think God is only private and that others should not boldly go out into the world, as He asks, and make disciples! This breaks God's heart because they are so close yet so far from the kingdom. He will have to spit them out because they would be disobedient in the kingdom. This forces God to sadly separate the sheep from the goats.  
The Challenge: 
Discuss the above verse today and talk about what it means to pick a side. Discuss the above verse and journal about what the difference between a sheep and a goat is? 
607 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Luke Warm -
So because you are luke warm neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out if my mouth! Revelation 3:16

God usually paves the way for topics of the week and this week is no different. Just when I'm not sure where to stretch He shows up saying right here. 
I reached out to a girl today on Facebook inviting her to like my ministry page and offering prayer support. Her feathers immediately flared up saying, "No, no, no and this is inappropriate." She went on to say she's Christian but thinks it should be private and that my walk and progression should not be shared on social media! 
This is where my blood boils. I can handle the non-believers with lots of grace and I can handle disagreements with my own kingdom family and followers of Christ but what upsets my stomach is those who use the word "Christian" but want to suppress others from sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ! This is called a "Luke Warm" Christian and my heart breaks for them! They have been deceived and Satan hates I've exposed them! Please do not just use the title Christian as you see fit but instead Live out the calling purposefully and with confidence in the God whom saves! 
The Challenge: 
Can you be a Christian but suppress others from sharing  the gospel? Can you be a Christian but not follow gospel principles?  Please journal and discuss. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

606 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-A Calling -
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

Very deep in thought lately. I'm working to unload some things from my life and get debt down. Im doing this all in preparation so I can be more free to go where God leads. 
Giving up things and devoting oneself to ministry can be a little intimidating. These are the thoughts that happens
Will I be able to make a living? 
Is it okay to make a living? 
Am I hearing God correctly? 
When God moves what does that look like?
Am I prepared enough? 
Where does God want me in the community? 
Why am I so worried?  
I gave up my life to feel peace so why am I still restless? 
These are some questions I've been thinking. I know the Lord has already provided everything I need in this life now I wait on Him to lead where I'm called. 
The Challenge: 
Does God call some people only to focus solely on ministry work or is this the calling for all His precious lambs? 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

605 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Cuss words
Thy shalt not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Exodus 20:7

This week on my social media wall I asked this question:  What would you do if someone you just met constantly uses the word 'Jesus Christ,' as a cuss word?
I got so much feedback on this post. Comments ranged from tell them you don't like it to saying, "where is He at?"

After thinking on all the comments and praying I have come up with a plan of action the next time someone uses my Lords name in vain. 

"I'm going to give it a bit more time and like one of my followers said say something like "oh bananas" to replace cuss words and see if it catches on.  If it continues I'm going to simply ask if she knows who Jesus is....    Take it as an opportunity to share about Him. Then ask if she uses his name to cry out to him for help or using it as a cuss word...?  this will make her think on it for herself. Jesus spoke in parables so he wanted people to think on things for themselves as that brings enlightenment. Then I'll reply accordingly probably saying - He's my Lord and my everything why I'm passionate...
The Challenge: 

What will you do the next time someone uses Jesus Christ in place of a cuss word? 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

604 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
By His wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

This morning I pulled into Dunken Donuts to get some coffee for myself and Donuts for my littles. I don't always have our purple cross mission crosses on my mind but today I did. I felt God say, "share." But I was not sure if I heard Him right so I said God give me a sign. He said look at her tattoo. I didn't even know if she had a tattoo, so I listened to God and looked for his nod of yes. Sure enough the cashier had a tattoo on her hand. She handed me my coffee and donuts and I said, "What does your tattoo say?" Thinking it probably says faith or something she said, "It says Shaun." She quickly and nervously said, "He's my ex and father of my three children, I wish we were together, and yes I regret the tattoo." 
I gave her a Purple Cross and told her God wants her to have it. She immediately took it and said, "You have no idea how much I need this in this today!" She then yelled out to all her co workers with a joyful voice, "Look, she just gave me a cross!" Holding the cross up for all to see! 
The Challenge: 
Share Jesus even when your not sure! The Lord will always give you the nudge, you need, to have courage to do it. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

603 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Let's talk Sex! 
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Hebrews 13:4

I have this new friend named Ada on social media wall. Her post are all about discussing the tough questions in Christianity. I admire her for stepping out in faith in such a way. It takes courage! 
Today's question was, "What do you think about pre marital sex?" Of course this question will get many answers especially in today's sexed up culture but the truth is is God wants us to trust Him and wait. God wants us busy doing things that He has in store for us and things like marriage and sex are to fall into place, not forced. 

This was my answer to the question: 
"Wait! I did not wait but I was not Saved yet! Now I look back I understand many of the pains I faced was because of pre-marital sex. Loving people that intimately only to have them leave (which is like mourning their death) it not worth it! That's not God's plan on our lives! Wait! And it's never too late to go back... " 💜Lea

The Challenge:
What do you think about pre-marital sex? 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

602 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
#ArtistofChrist Reborn
I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, Says the lord. Isaiah 66:9

I am so very busy with the Lord these days and I would never ever have it another way. All I keep on my plate is Godly things and it's been helping me keep my anxiety at bay. 
I am starting just now to see some tiny seeds begin to bud out of the ground. It's a promise that if we plant good seeds with God healthy fruits will bare. I'm not entirely sure yet what this looks like but I'll give you an example of how our mighty lord works. 

About a year ago I had this idea to start an event/ church called #ArtistofChrist. I found a location and shelled out money on talent. A few months before the event I knew God said wait. I felt God helping me but then he all of a sudden pulled the reins and halted me! The message was clear and it hurt. Only 4 months since I canceled the event the idea is back in place, but it's different this time. It's better! This time I can feel the energy of the Lord leading! He's gifted me a artist group. He's gifted me people with the same mission in mind. It's beautiful! I cannot wait to share more! 
The Challenge:
Everyday check over your life and ask this: 
Am I leading myself or is God leading me? 
Pray God leads you and halts you for a purpose! Halting may hurt but believe me he will not cause pain without something new to be born. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

601 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
End Day Dreams 
The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God remains forever. 1 John 2:17

I had this dream last night. I was at some kind of prom with my old high school friends. Their company was comforting. I looked out the window and saw the sky changing. It was cracking. The whole sky was cracking open. It almost looked like the way ice forms and it had a hue of blue. Most around me were running away I was not scared but fascinated. Fascinated for what's to come and what's coming. I turned away to get people to come over to the window to look but no one would come. I then proceeded to look back and the sky was a beautiful normal sunset. 
When you know where your headed there is not as much fear about death but intrigue in where we're headed. There is not as as much anxiety about seeing the world come to an end because the Lord and the Bible prophesied these things. The Lord gave us a glimpse of what lies ahead In order to ease some of our fears. If you believe in Jesus then death is simply a part of life but what's on the other side is far more rich and bountiful then this earth will ever hold. 
The Challenge: 
Do you have fears about death? Why? If you are a child of God you are merely passing through here and God's waiting to get you home after your mission is complete. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

600 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Stop the hoarding-
The people curse him who hold back grain, but a blessing is on the head of him who sells it. Proverbs 11:26

600 Days of writing with Christ and only 120 more days until my second devotional will be finished. Life just keeps trucking along. The days are still up and down but on the up days I praise His name louder and on the down days I partner with a Him saying, "Lord give me extra doses of comfort please." He comes through. 

Today on this 600th blog I am going to chat about how essential it is to get organized and strip down to the basics. Our world is hoarding resources and not one of us is better then the next. Our millennial generation is more consumed with managing material possessions then managing relationships and making connections. In this era we have way too many shoes, shirts, hand bags, jars of makeup, shampoo bottles, jewelry, coats, kitchen utensils, books....  Let's not even get started on the mail that comes in and the trees being killed.
The Challenge: 
By keeping the hoarding and clutter minimal this will allow you more personal time for prayer, spiritual growth and connections with others. Take 4 bags and go around your house once a month! Be ready to sort into 4 categories. Donate, Pitch, Sell and Recycle! The coined term 'Spring cleaning' has now officially turned into monthly clean out of our over consumed world! Don't you dare let those bags set! Get them out of your home that same day! 👍🏻
599 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Unexpected Blessings-
Be still in the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act. Psalm 37:3

I have this new friend on my social media wall. I'm not going to name names anymore because that gets me into hot water.  The Challenge of ministry being real without exposing too much. 
When I first sent a friend request I reached out because after watching her video I felt she was hurting so deeply. 
This is the interesting thing about life. Sometimes we think we are going to teach someone something or help a person out but then something unexpected happens! They teach us instead! 
This girl is very eccentric and seems a bit off but this lady sent me a message tonight out of the blue and it felt as if God wrote it and placed it right into my hand.  The message was about how God's timing is an essential part of His will. I've been pondering another business decision and this told me to wait on the Lord! 
The Challenge: 
Today write about a person you once thought you would help change their life but return they actually changed yours! 
598 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-The Pool Filter-
I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. Ezekiel 36 25-26. 

The other day I was talking on instant messenger with a gal I met once about seven years ago. She messaged me back to ask me what it is that I do for a living. I told her I'm a minister and share Jesus via social media. She also had questions about Jesus. She said she had child like curiosity about him. I told her that thats exactly how we are to be, 'Child like and filled with curiosity.'
Toward the end of our conversation she said something that jumped out at me. She said, "So He's kinda like your pool filter. Huh?" You know what, I thought, scratching my head; "Yes, that's exactly whom Jesus is, He is like a pool filter!  He cleans up all the gunk in our lives and cleanses away all impurities. Getting us to a cleaner, brighter, more purified  state over time! "Jesus the pool filter!"  "Huh..."  "Who would have thought!"
The Challenge: 
Those little things people say can really mean so much! What is something someone said to you recently that keeps popping into your mind? Maybe there really is a deeper message to be shared! 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

597 Days Saved -A Walk with Christ 
-Pleasing to God-
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10

Today I worked so hard at learning to edit my own videos. I feel completely drained but I do not want to forget to fill myself back up and the way I do this by reading some gospel and listening to inspiring YouTube videos before I head to bed.
Tonight I focused on the story of Jonah. This book in the Bible has many lessons but one stuck out in my mind. Jonah was afraid to look like a fool so he ran from God. God stalked Him because He needed to use Jonah for greater good. Jonah proclaimed to the city of nenivah they would be over thrown in 40 days unless they repented. Well the people repented and the city was not destroyed by God.  
Although we prophesy for the Lord those prophesies may not come true because the Lord is in control and working things for the greater good not just our selfish good. Jonah may have looked like an idiot before man because the town repented and the city was never overthrown like he claimed but you see God saw Him as wise for being obedient! His obedience is what saved the city. 
The Challenge: 
Pleasing man verse pleasing the Lord looks very different! It's possible for you to be very pleasing to the Lord all the while looking shameful before man! Please share an example today in your journal about a time you were pleasing to God but not pleasing to man!