Tuesday, February 27, 2018

626 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Life is Short- 
Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24

The other night I was working and we saw a lady sitting in her car for an hour after she got take out food. One of my co workers went up and opened the door! She had passed away. She was in her 50’s and had a brain aneurysm. I was of course crying and praying. It was pretty shocking. I share this because life is short. Why do we as humans think we have forever to understand our purpose here? You never know when it’s your time to go, so make sure your always ready for the next journey to the other side! 
The Challenge: 
Life is not about material things. What you do here for others and how you LOVE is what matters! Sometimes that means giving up possessions in order to follow where your being called! What things can you give up in order to follow the Lord and hear His voice better? What have you already given up? 

Saturday, February 24, 2018

625 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Life Marathon- 
Therefore my fellow brothers and sisters stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is never in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:56

This thing called faith is such a surrender. At first it’s just so powerful and your in awe that Jesus saved you at all. Then satan schemes and works to take you down. Each trial you get over there is a great break through. 

The winter Olympics have been on television this week. Faith is just like a marathon or even like these Olympic competitions. When you have talent and gifts you have to fight for them. Satan will lie and pull you away from your gifts because he cannot have you succeeding with God here. He needs you lowly and held in chains to addictive cycles. These athletes overcome many great obstacles but after all their challenges and set backs the feeling of standing in accomplishment on that podium makes all the struggle worth it! 
This life is similar. Our purpose is to use our gifts and rise up in this marathon called life! You will have set backs and feel like quiting but when you make it to the gate of heaven you’ll look back and clearly see everything was purposeful and each setback made you stronger to get to that glorious finish line! Have faith in the process! 
The Challenge: 
What setbacks have you had in your life? How have these setbacks made you stronger to continue Gods mission here for you? 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

624 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-A Letter to God-
Watch and pray so you will not fall into temptations. Your spirit is willing but your flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41

Dear Lord, 

I pray you continue to work in my life. I pray you help give me the strength to do the things you call me to do. I do not ever want to go back to a place where I don’t look for you in each new day. I never want to go back to a place where I’m too distracted by the world to even attempt to pray to you! Lord, I pray you walk beside me and move my head to the right or to the left when you want me to acknowledge a blessing you gift. Please warm up my soul instantly when you need me to notice a person who needs kindness or a wise word sent from you. I pray I never walk this life alone again but continue to seek you and allow you to guide the way. You are my Shepard and I call you my Lord! In Jesus name I pray. Amen. 
The Challenge: 
From time to time it is important to write down a prayer to the Lord. Re read and use the one above or write your own. Dig deep and let him know the longings of your heart. 
623 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
- Important Task - 
Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her. Matthew 26:13

Something this journey has taught me is how the Lord greatly needs us for what we think are small task but in heaven I believe they are looked upon as significant task. 
When we surrender and let God work through us we can help make change through the simplest of gestures and even words. This is why the Lord says he will carry us. He literally raises us up and makes it easier for us to know the right things to say and do at just the right times. 
This makes me think of the woman in the Bible whom washed Jesus feet with her most expensive bottle of perfumed oil. It was such a small gesture but Jesus was so moved he wanted to make sure it was a memory written down for all generations to come to reference and take note upon. 
The Challenge: 
Think about the woman whom washed Jesus feet the next time you do a small task for the Lord! Here on earth it may seem insignificant to some but in heaven the Lord takes note and wants generations to observe and follow right after you. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

622 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-He carries us-
I have made you and I will carry you. Isaiah 46:4

I saw this viral video of a mama opossum carrying her babies today. She had fourteen baby opossums clinging to her back. She waddled a cross the grass as the babies clung tightly to her fur. It was so neat to watch. I guess the babies hang on her back until they are old enough to hunt on the ground for themselves. 
As you know by now I love to look at animals as teaching tools. I feel the mama opossum can be seen like how God too carries all his children.  We cling to our God as us moves us to and from places. Some children may fall off but then he scoops them right up and carries the burden for us once again. God let’s us venture out but we always have a safe place riding on his back and allowing Him to carry our burdens. 
The Challenge: 

When you feel worried or abandoned just think about the mama opossum. Invision clinging to the Lord as He carries you along in this life. A fun sweet little visual that will be sure to make you smile on days your feeling gloomy! 

Friday, February 16, 2018

621 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Put on Love -
And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Collisions 3:14

As you know by now I’ve been hostessing at a restaurant. I just love being out at night. There is a dish washer there, will name him “jay.” One night a week or two ago he was in a grumpy mood. I could tell when he told me to get my own silverware from a very high shelf, I would not be able to reach. I got to thinking of ways to bring a smile on his face. I decided to buy only him and another dish washer chocolate heart candies. Only them and no one else. 
This gesture did the trick. He keeps smiling and talking about how much that simple box of chocolate made him feel special. Tonight he came up with a big smile letting me know he bought chocolate to give me too. Warmed my heart. 
The Challenge: 
Putting on Simple innocent love can and will change hearts. If you notice someone being grumpy or gloomy don’t think poorly of them but instead immediately think of ways to show love and kindness. Simple sweet love is what this world needs right now! Simple uncomplicated innocent sweet love! 

Monday, February 12, 2018

620 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Trusting the Spirit-
Do not pass by a man in need, for you may be the hand of God to him. Proverbs 3:27

Sometimes choosing to do what God says is right is not what man says is right. This part can be challenging but I believe God will always protect us when we do make the right decision. 
Tonight at the restaurant I’m working at, for a season, I was bringing cushions from the patio and a man approached me asking if anyone left leftovers he could have. I said I would check. It’s freezing cold outside so I had a hard time turning him away. But is this God? Is God giving me the energy to do a crazy task for Him? I went back out and told him I’d work something together for him. I couldn’t just have him stay outside so I said, “Come in and warm up.” The words came out of me. I couldn’t help it. I ordered my end of night food that I was planning to eat and gave it to him with a Purple Cross of course. 
Management pulled me aside to get answers. I promised I’d never do it again. I hope I didn’t lose my job in feeling lead by spirit. 
The Challenge: 

Listening to God first can even mean losing jobs. What if that was Jesus in disguise asking for help? What if he was watching to see what I would do? Are you willing to lose your job in trusting What God asks of you? 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

619 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Purple Cross Mission
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. Zechariah 4:10

Today, I started a moms meet up group with a organization called MOPS International. It’s off to a small start but I feel blessed that three beautiful moms came and joined us even though it’s snowing. I’m focusing on Gods promise that He rejoices in these small beginnings.
After the event I had a lot of hot coffee left over. I said, Lord what do you want me to do with all this?” “Use me!” “Where shall we go?” He then whispered, “Go to the bus station.” So today, Jesus filled the heart of several, out in the snow, through a very simple cup of black coffee and His purple crosses.
The Challenge:
Get out and show others what it looks like to be a disciple of Christ. A ripple of change begins when you approach the most intimidating of tasks! After you’ll feel blessed! I assure you. Go get out there! God needs His people at work!

Friday, February 9, 2018

618 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Spark - 
Perfume and incense being joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice. Proverbs 27:9

I had a special day. I want to share. It’s important that you see the great blessings that occur when you give your life to Christ. There is still suffering, yes,  because we feel Christ pain but then there is sparks! Sparks that keep us evangelist burning hot for God. 
Today I sold off my party planning business. I’ve been feeling the Lord pulling me in a new direction for two years and today was the day I took the leap of faith. I’m now officially 100% invested in ministry and moving where God moves me! It will be interesting the places he takes us! 
So here’s the spark! I was planning for a moms event tonight and needed a verse. The above, proverbs 27:9, came to me very clearly in my mind. Then I looked over at my old bible sitting open in the corner of my office. I went to search for the verse and guess what page the Bible (I never use) was already opened to? You guessed it, Proverbs 27. That’s the spark! God speaks and we listen! 
The Challenge: 
Have you ever Throught about a verse and opened right up to it? Or have you ever thought about something and then it happens? That’s the Lord! That’s how He works! 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

617 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Coming Clean-
For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. 1 Peter 2:19 NIV

After yesterday’s post it got me really thinking about this word suffering. Suffering comes in so many forms. Physical, mental and even spiritual. 
Jesus displayed suffering while dying on the cross for all of us. I truly believe that we suffer because he suffered. I believe when we hurt it’s because he hurts right along with us. He lives inside us. Reference: 1 John 4:4.
I think suffering can be used for good or bad. When some people suffer in silence it can lead to an explosion into others at not the best time. It’s not an even distributing of a load rather dumping a dump truck of rocks onto one person. This is unbearable! 
Beauty can come from suffering if dealt with correctly. It can make us love deeper, have greater understanding for those who are imperfect and if dealt with correctly it will make us cling to heavenly things rather then earthly valued wonders. 
The challenge: 
When you suffer are you drawing closer to God or are you being drawn more to earthly things like shopping or social ladder climbing? Really dig deep today. I know this is a hard one to come clean with. 
616 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Suffer In Silence Type-
After your season of suffering God in all His glory will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10

How do we know whom real friends are? The amount of years they are in our lives? I’m learning years don’t make one bit of difference. I had a friend of about 17 years delete me last year from Facebook and never give me an explanation or even face to face closure. It hurt. I miss her. What I find remarkable is how people can actually make a judgement call, of this magnitude, based upon technology or even hear say. You see social media does not represent the full picture. In fact studies show only 7% of communication is verbal and 93% of communication is all about the non verbal cues! Something Facebook and social media will always lack! 
This friend did teach me one thing about suffering though. She once texted me and said she’s the, “suffer in silence type.” Maybe, I should be too? I wonder this sometimes but then God reminds me the form of expression I use is what can heal. I cry out through writing, art or movement. If I feel shut down the expression is bigger. We must do the responsibly though. Maybe it’s a balance of being wise in our suffering out-loud or knowing when to hold it in? 
The challenge: 
Do you suffer in silence or do you suffer outloud? Which is the right way to suffer? Is there a right or wrong way?  Bond with a friend today by asking them how they suffer? 

~Jesus did both! He suffered greatly in the desert alone crying out to God but being sacrificed on the cross for all the see was no silent or hidden moment. In fact no one can ever suppress the suffering He did for all of us! 

615 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Be authentic; but respectful- 
For God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidly, but of power, love and self-Discipline! 2 Timothy 1:7

Year two of my journey with Christ I’ve noticed my writing is more surface level instead of revealing my deeper soul thoughts and well fleshy feeling. I know this is me protecting myself and even maybe others? That’s the tough part being honest about this journey without making myself look like an idiot or hurting others in the process by revealing too much about my own life. 
For the rest of the 115 Days here that I have yet to write in this second year, I’m gonna work to be more fourth coming about my soul. I’m gonna work the listen to God again instead of listening to my fears or worrying what others may say. We can’t change the world if we are looking to please everyone! We are called to step out without fear! 
The challenge: 
Write down today what your soul is feeling about your life. Not what your flesh is feeling but your soul! Write down the contrast and learn the difference between your soul feelings and your flesh feelings. What is the difference? 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

614 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
-Get things straight-
And they will become one flesh. Genesis 2:24

I wrote this on my facebook wall today:

I was at work the other night and an 18 year old girl was talking about how whoever thought
monogamy was a good idea is out of their mind! She said we are just like the animal kingdom and they have multiple partners. No words! This is what up coming generations are getting in their heads. She said she does lots of research. 🙄 The up coming generations are so concerned about healthy living and saving the animals but yet want to spread diseases?  Making themselves sick and killing off others????  ðŸ¤”

And who was the one that said monogamy was a good idea ..... ???    Ummm God did! Why we have disease bc humans rebel. I’m scared for the world. Truly scared.

The Challenge:
Take note and repeat.
✅ We are more valuable then animals
✅ God designed us to either be single or be with one partner and become one flesh.
✅ Anatomy and creation is observed that a penis is designed to be placed in vagina! Like a puzzle piece it fits!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

613 Days Saved -  A Walk with Christ 
Listen to my instruction and be wise don’t ignore it. Proverbs 8:33 NLT

One of my author friends once told me that she feels more inspired to write by being in the world and staying in her job. I’m finding this to be true. I recently sold off one of my businesses to work solely on my ministry here. Once again we make plans and God laughs. 
I then recently felt a new calling to work at a local restaurant in my neighborhood. I’m starting to see how God is using me there and it’s quite an adventure. I’m learning more and more about how to let God lead and use me in his way not mine. It really comes down to the surrender. 
Some of the task I’m doing, are task I did when I was eighteen, but now I see everything differently. Now I see life as little tiny blessed opportunities to show the love Jesus offers. When we commit to Him we trust he’s working through us no mater where he calls us to walk and plant seeds. 
The challenge: 
God needs His people out there! Do something new and get out into the community. Hearts can’t be changed, by Jesus, if we’re sitting at home watching tv! 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

612 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Do everything without grumbling or arguing. So that you may be one blameless and pure,” Children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generations,” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky. Philippians 2: 14-15 NIV. 

Why do we grumble, bitch, moan, complain? Trust me I do this at times too but now I’m working to stop myself. I’m learning this mood is not what the Lord wants of us. How can our light of Jesus shine if we are always saying woe is me or complaining about things out of our control? 

I started a new job as a hostess/server recently. Doing this to get out into the community, break from my kids and get some debt payed down. It’s hard work but I’m working to do it cheerfully! Most hate closing duties. I decided I’d take it as an opportunity to be positive and instead of grumbling I state outloud, ”Closing duties are my favorite!” 
The Challenge: 
Your grumbling is contagious! How in the world will people see the light of Christ if we are moaning all through our missions/ tasks here? Stop grumbling and instead be a bright and cheerful worker in everything you do!