Sunday, April 29, 2018

649 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Purple Cross Mission 
Create in me a pure heart, oh God. Psalm 51:10

Along with the sermon yesterday our pastor told every parishioner to take a quarter with them on the way out of church. He wanted us to make a good choice with this quarter. A choice that could possibly make a big impact. 

Tonight at my restaurant (I work at) there is a man (will call him Beny, he is around the age of twenty-six and tonight was his last night. Over the past few months he has decided he needs to take a break and move in a new direction in his life. He calls himself cynical which the definition often means he is distrusting of other humans integrity and sincerity. Too much cynicism can make a person feel negative, tired or annoyed with the world. 
I gave the quarter to Beny tonight. I dropped it in his pocket and said look later. He rolled his eyes and in a untrusting tone he said, “It’s just a quarter, isn’t it?” I smirked and said, “Well yes, but look later, the quarter was given to me by my church and it is suppose to be used in an impactful way.” I said, “I believe in you, you have a good heart, you need to trust that and do something great with it.” I also secretly added in a Purple Cross along with it. Praying for big impact on Beny’s cynical heart! Praying the Lord brings this man rest and understanding of two things! One being that yes man is flawed but we forgive because man often knows not what he does. Second that our Lord is flawless and why he’s the source many cling to for guidance. 
The Challenge: 
Share a single quarter tomorrow and BELIEVE the Holy Spirit will use it to make great impact and purify all Kinds of flawed hearts! 
648 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
In his heart a man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

At my church today the pastor talked about The Continental Divide. It’s the mountain range here in Colorado that divides the country. Literally on one side the water from the east side of mountain ends up in the Pacific Ocean and the water from the west side of the mountain ends up in the Atlantic. When rain falls on top of the mountain even a half a meter can make the greatest difference in that drop of waters future. Which ocean will it land in? 
Our pastor went on to explain that our lives are like this. Our life is a series of choices and many times it’s a matter of a mm which decides the future of our direction. 
The Challenge:

Do we want to be moving on a course feeling lost? Or do we want to feel we are on the right path and have our Lord guiding our steps? 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

647 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3

I hit a major wall with my faith and I needed to take a little breather from seeking so hard. I stepped back for a week just to get some normal life activities accomplished that I was putting off for studying. During this time I had deep hard questions for God. I started feeling too overwhelmed as Satan was making me feel so behind. Making me feel I needed to learn more and quickly. This gave me a rushing and panicking feeling. I know now it was because I was out of sync with our Lord. Our God convicts, yes, but he won’t rush us. He wants us balanced. 
When I finally unwound myself there I found Him again. Our God keeps us right on pace. He wants our days balanced but never rushed. He’s proud of me being a good mom and wife and He knows my business adventures with Him will come later in life when I have more time to focus on more study and projects with him. Such relief came back when I just slowed down. Peace in sharing my walk as a busy mom learning how to make God the number one part of my days. This is unfolding here before our eyes. This journey here is my focus and it’s enough daily. 
The Challenge: 
Do you ever get so tightly wound up you are no longer enjoying life? How can you enjoy those sweet heavenly moments if your head is rushing about all the questions you have or things you still need to know??? Step back, reset, breath and walk beside the Lord again. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

646 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Great Gifts-
Each one shall use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering Gods grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

We are given these precious gifts as a way to administer Gods grace and get through this life here. These gifts that each one of us is given, by the Lord, is the exact key that helps us step into our purpose here. Discovering what you can do for the rest of your life and never getting bored is the key to much peace. 
The Lord revealed something incredible this week. I attended a group called Revenue Tribe. They help strengthen business plans and people’s core vision and purpose. It was through this single meeting and a few devine phone calls that I realized exactly what I’m called to do. I just needed one last tiny nudge to get this journey more focused. You see Satan always makes me feel unworthy or behind but today I had an epiphany. I’m being delivered right on time! 
My true passion is what this journey here has worked to birth. My true passion is teaching others how to balance their lives with the foundation of Jesus, simple basic life skills and strategies to keep Him in focus though our days.  We must first walk the walk ourselves before we can talk the talk. This daily walk with the Lord has helped me understand exactly that! Cheers to the Lord for catching us up to our personal callings in this life. He will do that for you too! I want to help many utilize their gifts, in their various forms, to get to their soul purpose. 
The Challenge: 
Sharing about the Lord is what brightens and fills my soul up. It’s why I’m still here. It enriches me to my core! What exactly enriches you to your core? 

Monday, April 23, 2018

645 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Peace Transcends-
God will carry you through the storm. Isaiah 43:2

Posted to my wall: 

“The greatest thing in walking with the Lord is this: Yes, there will still be storms but after they pass the grace and peace that transcends will leave you in awe & fully re- inspired. Deep appreciation for our God, the one whom calmed that raging sea - just for you!” 

The Challenge: 
The next time you have a hard day pray then write down all the grace and peace that flows for you after the storm passes. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

644 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Pray For Others- 
Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for each other; that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:6

I want to tell you something incredible! Something absolutely unreal! Did you know that as a blessed child of God he gives us mighty righteous power to pray over and for other people around us. It is written in several places in the Bible that the prayers of the righteous have great power! 
Tonight I asked on my timeline if I could pray for anyone. I was delighted to see so many reaching out for prayer support. As I bowed my head and prayed over each request that came in I shed a few tears. I shed tears as I just felt so honored to be able to cry out to the Lord with them and for them. A gift and privilege of being a child of God. 
The Challenge: 
When you are not sure how to help ask the simple question - Can I pray for you today? Ask this to someone today. Fill their hearts and your heart too shall be filled. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

643 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Keep the Sabbath-
Observe the sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. Deuteronomy 5:12

I recently have been struggling with the conviction of the commandment “Thou shalt keep the sabbath day holy.” The reason why I’ve been struggling with this is because in the Christian faith there are several opinions about how to keep this commandment properly. Jesus did not come to abolish the laws of the prophets but to fulfill them (check Matthew 5:17). I want to be pleasing to my Lord so this means I needed time to study this out. 
Some Christians celebrate sabbath on Sunday because it is said that emperor Constantine changed the day to Sunday in around A.D. 313. It is said that the day was changed to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But there is bible verses from 70 AD which suggest Jesus and the disciples met on Sunday to break bread and worship until midnight (site Acts 20:7).
The Jewish faith (where our Lord was born from) believes the Sabbath is the seventh day of rest the Lord speaks of Genesis 2:2. They celebrate sabbath starting at sunset on Friday to Saturday eve with the appearance of three stars in the sky. 
So what do we do? Because it’s a commandment I want to be sure I’m not deceived by some man that changed Gods laws and commands (check Daniel 7:25). Sabbath is meant to be a day of rest. When Jesus came He became “Lord of Sabbath,” so we find our rest in him. Everyday is sabbath to me but to cover my bases my family and I are going to work toward makeing Saturday a holy/family day where we spend time together and give thanks to our Lord for our rest in him. We will also still continue to attend our church gatherings on Sunday. All should stand by their own convictions on this topic (site verse Romans 14:5) 

“One person considers one day more sacred than the other; another considered everyday alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind.”  Romans 14:5

The Challenge: 
Study out the Sabbath and discover what it truly means to you. The Sabbath is a commandment so to honor our Lord it’s important to seek out your own truth on this challenging subject. 

Here are to good articles to start: 

Monday, April 16, 2018

642 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-A Shift-
The steps by a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23

Sometimes in your life you must make a shift. A shift to new habits and thoughts. Let’s define shift. Webster dictionary defines shift as to change the place, direction or movement of. 
I’ve been feeling convicted on some things that have set me back. Instead of shifting I’ve just been stewing. As this journey continues I realize I’m now in the thicker part of the journey. I’m now getting into tougher topics which to be honest sometimes feels over my head. Tomorrow I’ll share one topic that I’m really struggling over. 
As a mom of two I’m finding it hard to have time for studying out some of these tougher concepts so this has made me feel kinda depressed. 
Today, I made a shift in my life. Today Is the day I start getting up at 6:00 am to get my run time, sun time, prayer time, alone time and water time all in before my family awakes. This will give me more time and energy in the day for other things such as studying and this ensures I begin the day focusing solely on my Lord and what he has ordered for the day. 
The Challenge: 
What kind of “Shift” can you make in your life to set you up for more time with God and more peace in your day? 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

641 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
We are more than conquerors through him who loves us! Romans 8:37

I had a very challenging week last week. Why do some people think that just because we are saved we shouldn’t face anxiety and depression? I still have these challenges but know as my walk strengthens I’ll grow to be more and more content in my skin. 

Posted on social media wall: 
“I hit a major wall but I rose above and overcame! How? I fasted for 36 hours only drinking water! Cleared toxins! I also bowed my head and prayed deeply to God and then the clouds parted and the sunshine did come back out! When you know more about God you have tools in your belt to fight through these attacks.  
The Challenge: 

Remember it’s not if but when the battles will come! I assure you, they will come but the question is do you have the tools to conquer? 

Monday, April 9, 2018

640 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-His Mercy On Us-
Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead you live under the freedom of Gods grace. Romans 6:14

As I continue to work through the Bible and understanding the New Covenant agreement between us and God, the Lord put this on my heart today which I of course boldly shared on my social media wall for all to see. 

“When you become a new creation in Christ you are a new person. You no longer want to follow the master of sin but you want to get closer to the Lord. Learning whom our Lord is is a life long journey but he’s with us molding and sometimes painfully sculpting us each step of the way. Getting us back to whom He originally created us to be, before sin consumed the world. Faith in Jesus Christ saves us! For it is NOW by grace we are saved NOT by the requirements “works” of the law! It’s a new time! This is the time of the Holy Spirit whom leads us. Once saved follow and trust that spirit that now moves inside of you. It’s a personal relationship tailored specifically to you, your needs and how God plans to parent you here until you are called home to sit at the table with our gracious Lord Jesus Christ. 
The Challenge: 
Write a sweet note to God today about the things your worried about! Thank Him for his son and thank him for his mercy on us all! This will be a good reminder of the free gift of salvation He sweetly offers or offered you! 
639 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Grace is Enough-
Your grace is sufficient for me. Corinthians 12:9

Recently, I’ve been battling something incredibly serious. I’ve been battling spiritual warfare that is trying to tell me that the grace, through Jesus Christ, in the New Testament is not enough to save me but that I must go back to the old rituals and laws of the Old Testament and Torah in order to be the true saved remanent of God.  
This unfortunately was relayed to me through my once good friend and mentor, so it rocked me to my core. I gave my life to Christ, Gave him my social media pages and was born again but yet then Im told it’s still not enough. Told I have not crossed into the promise land but merely camping on the shore of the Jordan River! It took me a few week to sort through this with God and understand the grace of His New Covenant. I cried out often shouting things like, “God, I am not camping!” “Lord, I am yours!”  
I am still working through this by studying but today, I’m standing firm in my belief that His Grace is in fact sufficient for me. This does not mean I freely sin but instead it means I don’t want to sin because Gods grace draws me nearer to Him! Under His wing and as I keep learning to fly higher He catches me when I fall because that is His great promise to His children whom surrender and believe in His son Jesus Christ! 
The Challenge: 
Is Gods Grace and sacrifice of His only son enough for you to want to be a better person and walk away from your past sinful nature? 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

638 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ       
-Disappointing Days-
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 NLT

The disappointing days in Gods eyes consist of when we wake up and forget to acknowledge Him not just in the morning but all day long. He wants us to seek Him with all our heart and lean on Him for better understanding. He does not like to see us hurting but loathes when we choose to look only at the negative in all situations. Even in the simplest of tasks, like going to change your oil in your car,  He wants us to greet the mechanics with a joyful heart. Why? Because as Gods children we are always being watched. In order to reflect His light we too must work to show that natural glee of the Lord, that ignites our flame and lives brightly inside us.  
Many times if I’m feeling down and out I seek out my friends for advice. The Lord loves for us to have fellowship with each other but one thing I know I had to work on is making sure I’m still going first to God with my worries and concerns. Do not hold others advice above Gods advice! 
The Challenge: 
Get you journal out today and write down five ways we can sometimes disappoint our Lord in the way we live out our day. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

637 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Favorable Days-
Take delight in the Lord. Psalm 37:4

I was thinking yesterday about what makes our days looked upon as favorable in the Lords eyes and what makes our days looked upon, by the Lord, in disappointment? Today I’ll share about the favorable days and tomorrow I’ll share about disappointing days. 
When we wake up in the morning, the Lord loves for us to wake up with Him only on our minds. We are to pray and put on our full armor of protection, by using the word, before heading out into the windy world. The Lord adores when we go to him first with our plans for the day. He’s our father and he wants to be in every part of our days. 
The Lord loves when we openly worship him by singing praise songs in the shower and he delights in us doing our most simplest of task, such as folding laundry, with a joyful heart. 
The Lord wants us to seek him out during the day. He’s there when we fall prey to our fleshy flaws and feelings. He’s there to help keep us away from gossip but instead gifts us words that speak life over others instead of tearing them down. 
The Challenge: 
Pull out your journal today and write down five ways you can live favorable days in the Lords eyes.