Thursday, May 31, 2018

663 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-A wild ride -
“Do not be afraid, just believe.” Mark 5:36

One of the greatest parts of walking with Christ is we no longer have to worry about the storms that brew up around us because we already know the outcome! We know we are chosen and loved. We know we have already won! Salvation is ours so nothing shall bother us here anymore. The rest of life is all about living out and sharing about the goodness of the Lord. The rest of the life is accepting that satan will be all up in our business trying to get us down or catch us off guard but we’ve already conquered the battle and won the crown of life! 
The Challenge:
Jesus himself said, “Do not be afraid, just believe.” Miracles are made through our faith so let go and trust this wild ride of life! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

662 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Share the Day 
My heart says to you, “Seek his face!” Your face Lord, I will seek. Psalm 27:8 NLT

Tonight and nearly every night when I put my daughter to sleep I always ask what her favorite part of the day was. More times then not she first says, “Laying here with you mommy.” Then she goes unto her other favorite highlights. 
I agree with her though laying there spending time, just us talking about our day, warms my heart and comforts both of us. This got me thinking tonight; I know this is exactly what God loves. He loves for us to just to lay with him (so to speak) talk to him, seek his face and tell him about our day. He wants to know the highlights and the low points. This fills up His heart and in return fills ours also.
The Challenge: 
Each night before you go to bed lay there, seek Gods face and spend a little extra time with Him. Tell him the good parts and tell him the not so good parts of your day! This will strengthen your bond and give you great comfort. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

661 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Well done-
Well done good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of your master. Matthew 25:21

Today a woman posted a post on social media that I loved. 

She asked this question:
“When you finally meet God one day what do you want him to say to you? “

I knew immediately what I want him to say to me and I pray one day I will hear just this! I pray he will say, “Well done my good and faithful servant well done.” Then I hope he will pat me in the back with a big smile and gleaming eyes and reveal to me the table in which I’m invited to sit at with him and the rest of the body. 
The Challenge: 

When you meet God one day what do you want him to say to you? 

660 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Rebuke Junk
But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. “Get behind me Satan!” He said. You do not have in mind the things of God but of men. Matthew 8:33

Tonight, I was eating dinner and scrolling my news feed when a post popped up. A lady posted a picture of something morbid. This image made me feel so sick I didn’t even want to finish eating my food. As I sat at the table the spirit inside me started to fester. The spirit said, “do something,” so I wrote on her thread this: 

“Whenever you go to post something ask yourself what is the purpose or goal of this post? If it’s not used to help others or add good to the world then it’s simply not necessary. If you want good to come into your life what you put out into the world will come back to you. Always post wisely. Take care.” 

I then blocked. I do not tolerate trash on my newsfeed. I rebuke Satan’s junk in the name of Jesus Christ. 
The Challenge: 
Just because your a Christian does not mean you have to put up with Satan’s junk. Rebuke it and call it what it is! Garbage! 

Monday, May 21, 2018

659 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Slow to Peace 
Peace I give to you. John 14:27

Something God speaks over my life often is he says, “Slow down Lea Michelle, slow down!” “Your moving too fast, I’m back here!” Lately, I have been listening to him instead of the world. I have stopped making so many appointments and I’ve simply just been working to be in the moment. This has been very healing and peaceful. 
I think if the world were watching they would think I move like a sloth but here I have been able to find my peace and feel more confident in knowing where the spirit is leading me. Sometimes if I’m pushing too hard or rushing then I get anxiety. I know now why... I was moving too fast and out of sink with the spirit. The spirit, for me, moves nice and steady. 
The Challenge: 
Slow down your life. Less appointments, less pressure to get everything done in a day, less worrying and more praying. Enjoy the simplest of moments! Here you will find more peace. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

658 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Mind or Body? 
Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Romans 12:2

One of my friends posted a few days ago asking this, “What’s harder transforming the mind or body? I responded saying the mind and then the spirit moved me to write this post today: 

“Changing old patterns of the mind is an incredibly hard task. Genes and life experiences can hold people hostage in their own minds and stagnant to their belief systems. Remaining in the same old pathways but never really showing growth or self improvement. There is an answer though. When you ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life great changes can and will start to be made in your minds favor.  Not over night but in God’s right time. 
New pathways will be created and new ways of thinking about life will occur. The spirit will aid you in solving problems you’ve become in deep denial about or placed on a shelf many moons ago. The Holy Spirit moves to change minds as well as hearts!”
The Challenge: 

What harder for you to change your mind or your body? 

Monday, May 14, 2018

657 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-33 Days -
The anointing that you have received from Him abides in you. 1 John 2:27 (traditional)

Remaining in the Lord and trusting Him. Currently I’m working to be still and enjoy being a mom. This is the job I wanted all my life and it was gifted to me. I work to not get too distracted by what the world says I shall do but rather what the Lord calls me to do! 
Something incredible has happened. I’ve not only found my purpose in being a mom, a wife, an evangelist but the Lord has recently lead me to my divine purpose in more work He has called me to do. Through serious prayer and this daily journey here, I have been led to not only continue this journey for a 3 solid year book series but to begin my work as a life coach. Helping others sturdy their foundation in the Lord and discover the purpose God calls them to. The Lord has already gifted me clients and the plan to build an amazing 33 Day Program which teaches others how to individually seek God more and discover their greater purpose here on earth. 
The Challenge: 
Need a life coach that follows Jesus? 

Contact Lea Michelle @ today to set up your personal 33 Day life coaching program. 

656 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Pursue Peace-
Seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14 kjv

The Lord has been so incredible the last few weeks. I have been feeling peace but have also been able to be aware of when Satan to trying to steal my peace. My friend Ann said today, “If Satan can’t make you sin, he will try to steal your peace.” She is exactly right. Through this journey I have been gifted ways to seek out the Lord and pursue the peace He continuously gifts His children. Even though we feel shook up like a lava lamp, at times, we can find sanctuary in our God arms. 
The Challenge: 
What are 3 quick ways you can cling tight to the Lord during the times Satan shakes up your lava lamp? Write these down and do not forget that these ways are your armor. Armor that keeps you still in the chaos, grounds you and gifts you your internal peace. 

Lea Michelle’s Answer: 
1) Be Still 
2) Rebuke Satan in His tracks 
3) Pray and know the storm will calm

What’s your answer:

Thursday, May 10, 2018

655 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
My peace I give onto you. John 14:27

Heavenly Father, I just want to take time out to simply thank you for the immense peace you have recently brought over my life. I have been feeling calm, patient, strong and I know it’s all because of you. 
Lately, when I feel nervous you catch me with a tune. You put a lovely tune to a verse in my head such as, Greater is he living In me then he who is in the world.” The tunes are you distracting me from spiritual attacks and instead allow me to be comforted. Worshipping and praising you brings such great peace and comfort to my soul. 
Yesterday, I had a day off and I truly felt you all around. As if time slowed down. You gave me a taste of heaven. I sat on the balcony just quietly watching your birds building a nest. I then laid down on the freshly made bed and felt a calm breeze move over my cool skin. I felt you there. I dreamed wonderful dreams and thank you for being with me in my sleep. 
The Challenge: 
Take time to simply sit and do nothing with the Lord for half of a day. Be still and know he is there. It’s so incredibly peaceful and it will restore you. Then thank him with a letter. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

654 Day Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Power In Prayer 
Pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man  prevails much. James 5:16

I put out a question on my social media wall. The question was simple. It was, “Who can I pray for?” 
I had about 50 people wrote down their prayer request. This was on Friday night. I lit a candle and prayed over each request. This brought such great peace. My soul longs to help people and this was a way to do just that. 
Something interesting is most people will not turn down a prayer. Asking if you can pray for someone is a true blessing God has given us to create closeness between his people. I know God was watching the thread and working to provide answers for each individual prayer. 
The Challenge: 
Reach out either on you wall or to people I. Person today. Simply ask them, “How can I pray for you today.” Power on prayer! 

Friday, May 4, 2018

653 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
So I say, Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Galatians 5:15

The spirit led me to share this post on my social media wall the other day. I just wanted to share it here too. 

“Most people are okay with remaining stagnant in their faith. No flow, growth or movement. Stagnant is defined as stale or foul from standing.  Afraid to move? Stagnant can lead to an unpleasant smell as a consequence. Food for thought!” 
                             💜- Lea Michelle
The Challenge: 

Satan loves when people are stagnant in their faith so keeping MOVING! 
652 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
You are not your own. You were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20. 

A couple weeks ago I shared with you about how I hit a wall but I didn’t go into too much detail. I just didn’t feel strong enough to share what was happening but tonight I’m gifted the strength to do so. 
Six months into my journey I met a friend who was my friend and mentor for awhile. But then our relationship grew strange. As I was being called to share more and more about our Gods grace and the new covenant, she was called more and more into the Jewish mosaic law. This got to be hard as at one point she informed me she had crossed the Jordan river and snuggly implied I was camping on the shore. I love this lady so this separation between us hurt me deeply. 
For a few days I was dangerously led to believe I may not be saved. This weakened my faith and made me so confused. Our Lord is not about confusion! His plan is clear but I was angry with God for allowing this confusion. I yelled at him. I scratched at my skin. But I’m so proud to say all this was done completely sober and fully rested. It was my true spirit moving. After the crazy my peace came and I now will not let Satan rattle me so about my salvation. I was bought at a price and the Lord paid my dues for me. I’m trusting Him from here. I have been in a peaceful state since that warfare hit. I have learned so much. I’ll try to share more. 
The Challenge: 
Get firm in your faith and trust where God is guiding. Sometimes you may have to be boldly honest with God so he can truly pull you out of where your being pulled down to! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

651 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-I can help-
I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40

Yesterday, I shared about how the movie, I can Only Imagine, touched my heart. I shared how the lead singer Bart was truly able to take the devastation in his life and turn it into something good which now touches so many lives. 
The other way the movie touched my heart was in a very simple sentence. Bart came home after leaving his fathers house. Bart was still upset with his father for the abuse he put unto him. Something was different though. His father had changed. He learned his father gave his life to God. 
His father began to speak to him and said, “I’m really trying to do the work this time.” “I’m reading things I’ve never read and trying to understand it.” With a defeated posture he then said, “I mean have you read Leviticus?” 
The single sentence that touched my soul was this. Bart looked at his dad and with a slight but confident grin he said, “I can help.” 
This little tiny three word sentence is the reason for this journey. When people come asking questions, about whom God is, I simply want to be ready with their needed answers and able to confidently help! 
The Challenge: 
In helping point others to who God is it does take study, research, scripture reference, prayer and guidance of the holy spirit. Do you feel ready to help like Bart felt ready to help his once abusive dad? 
Side note: 
*** As disciples of God we are all absolutely called to give that confident grin and able to say, “Yes, I can help.”
650 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
I Can Only Imagine 
God promises to bring good out of the devastation in your life. Romans 8:28

A few weeks ago I went on a date with Jesus to the movie called “I Can Only Imagine.” This movie was about how the song “I Can Only Imagine,” by Mercy Me’s lead singer Bart Millard. It was about how the song came to be a top hit song of all time. 
The movie and my time spent alone with Jesus touched my heart in two specific ways. The first way is seeing the little beginnings of this song. How it came to be and where it originated. The song came from a lot of deep pain. Rejection from Bart’s father and them even more rejection from music labels whom wouldn’t sign him. Through the pain grew this beautiful song which inspires and touches the lives of many. Tomorrow I’ll share with you reason number two this time alone at the theatre touched my heart. 
The Challenge: 

Name a time God brought goodness out of the devastation of your life.