Sunday, March 1, 2020

It’s time I open up!

The weeks to follow after a post goes viral!

A few weeks ago around February 3rd I posted this post about the new pop sensation Billie Eilish. To say I received mixed reviews would be inaccurate! The post was clicked on almost 10,000 times before I slowed it down because, to be honest, it was becoming a lot to bare. The post had over 1700 shares, 57 sad faces, 293 likes, 581 loves and are you ready for this near 9,000 laughing faces (Mocking me) mainly because they can’t comment on my page as I only allow friends to do that! Today I did discover my requested messages (that God was probably protecting me from) and saw 100’s of nasty emails. I’ll save you the details but I shared a small piece of the hate mail on my wall earlier.

The night the post went viral I didn’t sleep a wink. I prayed through the night and I sought council! One of the hardest parts about being an online Evangelist is warning of the evils of the world without being called judgmental or throwing stones. Those are the most common things others say! This is my great burden!

If I saw a person telling another person to go down an ally, which I knew at the end got very dark, hard to breath and had vicious dogs waiting to attack. Would I stand and just quietly pray for them or would I warn by yelling at the top of my lungs, “DO NOT GO DOWN THAT ALLY!” I think you know the answer and to add to this I would 100% risk my life going in after them if need be because that is who I am in Christ!

As I prayed on this post God revealed something to me. Our kind and gentle God said , “I see where you may have made a mistake in your warning, but there is still time to edit!” Such sweet GRACE! There were many people who called me names without first having GRACE for me too!

Here’s where I made a mistake! I pointed out a specific person. Billie is just human. She is no better than you or I.  I have people looking through my page on a witch hunt for the sins I make. I’ll assure you, if you dig, you will find them ! I am a sinner, but through Christ I am forgiven, loved,  accepted and redeemed! This is why I chose JESUS! This is why WE need Jesus!!

So how did I fix this post which also aided in slowing it down? After speaking with God and gaining council it’s not right for me to necessarily  point my finger at this young highly influential girl but I can absolutely point my finger at the art form. I have freedom of speech and a right to do so! So I edited the post and focused on the song “lyrics” instead of the “person!” This to me was the compromise. You can see my edited version in thread or on the exact post!

I will pray for this woman but I will also not be muted when I see an artist sharing lyrics that send Anti- God messages! And no she is not the first to get ahead in Hollywood by doing this! We have seen many artist mock The Bible in order to gain more followers and fame! My warning was the dangers in doing this and the dangers of listening to music that has these messages laced within! Always be aware of what you are listening to even if it’s bedazzled in the most lovely of beats!

I hope this clarified some things! I am still in my walk and learning day by day! We all are. Some days are harder than other days but what I do know is that our God is GOOD every single day! If you make a mistake or fall on your face 🤕 He will be there to pick you up!

“Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is GOOD!”Psalm 107:1.


Evangelist Lea Michelle