Monday, July 31, 2017

557 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Gods eyes 
The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light. Matthew 6:22

I saw a video on my Time Hop today. It was a video I made exactly a year ago. This was when I really first started making online videos. 
As I watched it I didn't realize I was doing it but I watched it from the perspective of how friends and others (now not apart of my life) may have watched it. I could see some thinking what a hypocrite. I could see them thinking what in the hell is she doing! This is how Satan messes with our minds you see. It's called negative self talk. I will be honest. Watching it from that angel made me feel icky. 
As the day continued the Holy Spirit said go back and watch from Gods eyes.. I watched it through the eyes of my father and everything was different. I then saw a innocent girl working to change herself. I saw a girl wanting and simply trying to claim growing in the spirit of Christ. Then instead of thinking ill thoughts I instead was proud of her for simply starting. Since then I have come so far and know as Christians we grow in Him daily! 
The Challenge: 
What perspective are you looking through? Are you looking through man's eyes?  Be sure to refocus that negative self talk and look at yourself through God's eyes! You will gain much needed clarity to whom you really are. 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

556 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
The Haunting Past
If anyone slaps you on the right cheek turn to them the other cheek also. Matthew 5:39

When one becomes a Christian one of Satan's  favorite things to do is bring up the past. The past can haunt you but we as Christians know our safety is not found in the past but in the future. 
Honestly, I think many are afraid to openly declare they are followers of Christ because of this exact dilemma. Satan will use anyone and anything to try to put a road block in your path going forward. But here is the truth!  You have overcome the block in your past and you cannot and will not stumble over something you have already crossed over. 
When we walk with Christ we know our past is our past. We know that we are forgiven. We know that we carry on toward the light and still stumble but swiftly picked up with a hand of our Lord. Satan no longer has anything on us and guess what he cannot stand it! 
The Challenge: 
So what do you do when people tear you down by bringing up all your past failures? 

You simply turn your cheek and take the hit. We pour our woes into our father in heaven, not man and by doing this our Gods strength is revealed through us and this is what changes the course of lives and people's fate! 
555 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
State It, Claim it, Show it and Know It!

But you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, A holy nation, Gods special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 NIV 

After 3 days of thinking deep on the concept of how we keep our name in the book of life, I have come up with 4 things christians should note. 

#1 State It: 
We should be proud to share that we are in fact saved by grace alone! Say it loud and clear to yourself and let all demonic spirits around know your name IS in fact in the book of life. 

#2 Claim It
The scripture is in fact God's word and we hold steadfast to sharing HIS truth! 

#3 Show It 
We must show Gods love and walk in a way that others see our light. When we choose to take Jesus hand we recognize what path with are walking on and we see the light we walk toward. 

#4 Know it
We know we are Saved through Christ alone. We know the verse John3:16 which states we will not perish if we believe in Jesus. We know no amount of deeds or good works will get us into the kingdom. It's only through Jesus we are Saved. 

The Challenge: 
State It, Claim it, Show it, Know It!
For this is how we know our name is not erased from the book of life but rather clearly noted with Gods sweet smile and nodding head! 

554 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
The Book of Life
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 

I shared yesterday a little about salvation and how we know our name is in the book of life. Yesterday I asked questions about how we know and today I will the answer. 
We know that our name is in the book of life because the verse John 3:16 is the greatest hint to life that man must know. 
It is not through good deeds or perfection in which we are Saved. If this were true not one of us would get into that narrow gate. Personally I find great relief in this knowledge our merciful Lord gifted. Our Lord did away with legalism and confusion by gifting His son Jesus. Jesus did not come sitting on a thrown and demanding us to be and act in certain ways! No instead our God showed humbleness and merci. He lovingly taught us about goodness, he walked beside the lonely. He lovingly taught about what our God in heaven seeks after. Jesus was murdered by man because he loved! Gods name is taken through the mud daily but when you know His story of grace we realize the mighty mercy and peace which then leads us to the revelation we are in fact HIS!
The Challenge: 
Again, I ask how does a person keep their name in the book of life?  
553 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Salvation Through Christ 
All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their name from the book of life, but I will announce before my father and His angels that they are mine. Revelation 3:5 NLT 

On my social media wall today I asked the question: Is your name in the book of life? I was overjoyed to see so many respond YES! I believe as Christians it's essential to the process to claim and know we are Saved through HIS GRACE! It made me realize the difference of opinion on this subject. 
At the end of our lives yes it is true that Jesus is the one whom determines our fate. This is why #1 it is essential to know the God whom records the names in the book of life. #2 it is essential to read God's word which is critical  in understanding who our God is and how we learn about Jesus Christ is through the scriptures. #3 once we believe the Bible is God's word then we begin to remove the scales on our eyes to see what Jesus true purpose was in rising from the dead. When we trust in Jesus we realize he is our rock and the only way to keep our name in the precious book of life.  L
The Challenge: 

Are you saved by believing Christ came to earth, died and rose again from the dead 3 days later? Is believing in this enough for our salvation? Why? Or why not? 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

552 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Therefore my brothers and sisters be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:39 NIV

Why are people so afraid or disturbed by Christians speaking in tongues? Yes, my journey has in fact brought to this point. You see speaking in tongues is in fact biblical. It truly is a gift gifted to Followers of Christ. Tongues do many things and one of them drives out demons. 
At the event Saturday many around me were speaking in tongues. At the end of the event Christians were praying over each other, placing hands on each other and yes even speaking in loud bold and courageous tongues. 
I stood beside these people feeling the power of the Holy Ghost moving and so present. My whole body trembled which is my sign he's near. 

That night for the second time I woke up from a dream speaking in tongues. I was half in and out of sleep but when I came to I realized I was speaking a foreign language. It rolled so naturally, quietly and elegantly off my tongue. You see God is still working on us even in our sleep. 
The Challenge: 
Do you believe in Christians speaking in tongues? What concerns you about tongues? Do you want this gift poured on to you? 
551 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Alter call 
Commit to the Lord in all you do and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3

Have you ever had one of those moments that you were in the exact place you were suppose to be in at that very moment? That's how I felt this past Saturday. 
I was invited to an event to share my 'Finding Christ Through Social Media (year one) book at a table. The event was at New Hope Covenant Church in Denver Colorado. They had many artist sing and share on the stage. Towards the end they had a alter calling. Multiple children went up to devote their lives to Christ. I of course had tears of joy streaming down my face. You could feel the Holy Spirit everywhere. 
I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I was with my people! because 
This is exactly what I dream to create. Conference and ministering events centered on showcasing Christian Artist, testimonies of being Saved with a Holy Spirit filled moment of seeing others devote their lives to God. This all has evolved from one simple day one post! Now I'm at Day 551 and look how far God has brought me! What will He do in another 500 days? The exciting parts of following Christ! Never a dull moment! 
The Challenge: 

Look up Christian influenced events and conferences within your communities! This is a far better way to spend your Saturday nights and weekends! In facts the blessings will be poured on to you and you will feel Gods grace for several days after! 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

549 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Become all things 
To the weak I became weak that I may gain the weak. To all men I have become all things that by all means I might save some. 1 Corinthians 9:22

There is a new rising problem amongst Christians and I am in the forefront of feeling the wrath. What's happening is a separation in the body. It's dangerous and it needs to stop now! We are to blend like the potters clay. 
Some Christians point fingers saying, "Nope, Too worldly!" The others point fingers and say, "Nope, Too Legalistic!" 

This can't be a right attitude! Jesus came back to dismiss legalism and forgive us when we fall in to traps of worldliness. You see Jesus is that key! The key of love and acceptance! It's beautiful once truly understood and fully embraced! 

We are to be in the world but not of the world. So in order to truly lead, inspire and grow love for Jesus sometimes it does take being present in the world to understand what unbelievers are facing. In the Bible Paul talks about becoming all things. 
Lets give a simple example: The Holy Spirit may lead a faithful servant of Christ into a non-Christian rock concert but this does not mean he's being worldly or of the world but rather simply being in the world. Becoming all things in order to share Christ's forgiving love and guide hearts to salvation. 
The Challenge: 
It's time we come together and join elbows instead of finding reasons to unlink and pry ourselves apart from our own heavenly body. The goal is to Stop throwing terms like 'too legalistic' and 'too worldly' at each other but instead trust how the Holy Spirit is guiding each member of the body! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

548  Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Random Purple Cross Mission 
Be strong and courageous. Deuteronomy 31:6

I was trying to stall time today driving around downtown with my daughter while she slept and we were waiting on my son who was at firefighter camp. 
I drove aimlessly looking at all the unique houses, dodging traffic, listening to KLOVE on the radio and of course talking to God continuously. Then I found myself a bit lost and in a neighborhood I have never been. The Holy Spirit spoke and said use this moment right here and right now. I immediately grabbed a Purple Cross from my purse and continued driving. I said Lord show me whom this is for. Just then I saw a dark looking younger man covered in tattoos across the street. He was still up a street and a bus and a few cars still had to pass by, as expected by the time the traffic passed and I crossed the street he was pretty much right there so without fear I rolled down my window. Now in the world this would be awkward but when your not of the world no longer you know each moment like this can possibly show love which impacts a chain reaction and future of many. 
I said, "hello." The man smiled so big and said in a surprised voice, "well, hello there beautiful." I then said, "God just told me to share this with you specifically and I'm not sure why....  but maybe you know why!" He looked at it paused and shouted with glee, "PURPLE wow! It's beautiful! And Thank you!" Then I simply drove away. 
The Challenge: 
Take time to pray for those you share Jesus with. 

"Lord, I pray that this man has a bold awakening that you are present and with him, I pray your Purple cross is a catalyst that creates a powerful positive influence on him and all that surround him. In Jesus name I pray Amen!" 

547 Day Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Stumbling Block 
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 NIV

One of my pastor friends (Ron P Husband) on my Facebook wall posted this post today; "Don't stumble over something behind you." 

This spoke to me today. Satan puts the same stumbling block in front of us that we have already overcome and know how to overcome! He thinks he can keep getting us with that same stumbling block but Jesus says NOPE you have overcome that one so keep moving my sweet prodigal! 
The Challenge: 
Say this with boldness and say it out-loud: 

"No, Satan by the blood of Christ you will not get me again with that same stumbling block!" "I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus Christ." "I hereby will walk in my Gods light and I will move forward with His Grace!" "Satan you have two choices either get behind me or flea from my presence!" "Those are your only two options within this life gifted by Christ NOT you (Satan) - the one whom fails miserably at playing God!" 
546 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Evil is Evil
In this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Evil is evil and God is Good. Lets not get this twisted. God can do mighty works out of the pain Satan causes. Our God feels the persecution and torture we go through because He is within us. His promise is not that we are immune to evil acts on earth but through Jesus we will be taken away from the evil world! It is in heaven we are Saved and safe from evil doers until then our love is what creates change in this world! Never hate, ridicule, judgement, un-forgiveness or persecution; For those are what grows evil in this place...  
The Challenge: 
Do you understand why evil moves through the world? Do you understand why we are not immune to evil acts? Think on this and challenge yourself to trust simply God's Grace to overshine eventually! 

Friday, July 7, 2017

545 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
His Clay 
We are the clay, you are the potter; We are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8 NIV

I was reading in the Bible today about the potter and his clay. God referred to this idea saying we can be built up and taken back down to restart but still be the same Piece of clay. Each time the clay gets worked back up the piece has  more enriched magnificents each time. 
We are Gods clay in His hands. If we allow Him to do His righteous work on us, then we mold into His creation in His trials and in His timing. The clay will never be worked into a finalized righteous piece without His hand. Without His hand the clay will flake, deteriorate or sit in a lump never evolving to the glorious vase it was destined and designed to become. 
The Challenge: 
Be Gods clay and be okay with the rework he does in you. 

Monday, July 3, 2017

544 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Turn that finger around. 
Do not judge or you too will be judged . For in the same way you judge others , you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1-2

I remember back in middle school a girl on our volleyball team was suspended for having a bad attitude. I remember thinking badly of her and thinking it would suck to be her. A few weeks later the volley coach called my parents informing them that I had s bad attitude at practice. I was heart broken. I didn't have a bad attitude but was constantly in fear of people looking at me because my skin was covered in acne. I held my head very down but never meant to appear to have a bad attitude or be defiant in any way. 

It got me thinking how we sometimes think so terribly of others. Take homelessness for example we can sometimes think things like they must be lazy, bad with money or con artist. But in all reality homelessness can happen to anyone. It is happening now at an alarming rate as housing prices are at there all time high! 
Moral of the story is this. We can't point fingers at others because when we do that judgement will come back to bite us. 
The Challenge: 

Instead of pointing a finger pray and gift words of encouragement to those hurting, weak or appearing lost. 
543 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Purple Cross Testimony 
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19

I wanted to share a simple testimony my friend Karla gifted to me on my page today. It's a simple testimony of how they use the 'The Purple Cross' in their lives. 

"This is a really funny story about how the purple cross Mission is part of Bobby's Journey. Bobby is a mountain man. When I met him he was clean-cut but with the long ponytail. Over the last few years he grew out his beard and I love it. It is white and he walked up to a homeless person last week who looked up at him and said Santa Claus??? So we talked about it. After a few Holy Spirit Revelations we came up with a perfect answer. Yes and I have a gift for you that could probably save your life. Bobby then reaches in his pocket pulls out a purple cross puts it in the man's hand and then uncovers it. He then goes on to explain the purple cross mission and that we want to pray for him and what the prayer would be. Depending on the person's response he will either invite him to church with our cards that we have or Let It Go. If the guy throws it at him? He will just say God bless you my friend and move on.
The Challenge: 
Get crosses from our shop and share please. 
We can't save people but we can make disciples!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

542 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Prayer Circles
For where two or more are gathered together in My name there I Am in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20 

I had my first book launch party event yesterday for the first year series of, 'Finding Christ Through Social Media.' A beautiful moment from the book launch was captured on a photo. it was of me and three other people holding hands and in a prayer circle formation. 
I remember in high school there was a thing called, 'See you at the pole.' Prayer fellowship. I wished I was stronger back then to be amongst the very few that showed up but I am now proud to say I am now one of those odd people that would show up, even if it was just four of us - God is there! Support in numbers is very very different in Gods eyes then how the world perceives support.  3 is just as strong in the Lord as 300! 
The Challenge: 

Please be fearless and Take time to form random moment prayer circles. Pray for our nation and each other! Now is the time. #HIS
541 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
His Goodness 
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the man who trust in Him. Psalm 34:8

I have not written in a few days mainly because Gods calling me to really focus on my kids and being present for them. I pray through out my day but have taken a break from my bible studies and discussions on Christianity with friends for a bit. Sometimes it's just so much to take in and lately I feel I'm called to simplify and heal my sad feeling heart a bit. 
Today, I went to church and was very present with my family. We went to the park and as my husband and I sat on the grass watching our kids play, I felt God very near. We laughed, we wrestled with the kids in the grass and we took a walk looking at flowers and wild life. We all even took our shoes off to just feel the soft coolness of the grass on our feet. This is life without distractions. Focusing on what's around us rather then staring at a screen. 
The Challenge: 

Keep your phone at home next Sunday! Decide to be fully present for those whom are with you and in your midst.