Monday, October 31, 2016

413 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
"It 's in Christ we find out who we are and what we are living for." Ephesians 1:11

It's Halloween today and it's one of my favorite holidays simply because me and my family love to dress up. We own a party planning business which sends characters to events, so dressing up has always been one of our favorite things to do. 
I know Halloween is not a Christian based holiday but the lord knows where my heart lies when we take part in dressing up as fun characters and walking around socializing with our neighbors. 
It's one fun day that we get to dress up and be someone or something else (in healthy taste of course). We should be happy to return to who we are but some are not happy to return to who they are. Some have completely lost a sense of their identity and who they were made to be. 
The Book of Romans focuses on how we find our identity through God! Our identity lies in knowing who we are in our God who created our very souls. 
We are at a time in history when never has there been more access to information but never has there been more confusion in society. To those who are lost, we will never find satisfaction or peace in things that are not focused on our Lord. We will not find our identity through others, we will not find our identity by changing the sex that we were born into the world with, we will not find our identity by wanting to be like someone we idolize and we will not find our identity by carefully blending into society. We only find our true identity through God! 
The Challenge: 
Struggling with your identity and who you are here on earth? Try reading the Book of Romans in the Bible. Instead of pouring all your energy into listening to the lies about who you are go to the one source of truth! Consult the one who fearfully and wonderfully made you in his image! 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

412 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Fear No More*
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2: Timothy 1:7

This is how much my heart has grown. This is a lighthearted post so don't get too freaked by anything I say... I never take myself too seriously.
So we were in our basement watching the World Series tonight.My baby said, "Oh no, mom a bug." There it was a big ol wolf spider crawling across our floor. I used to be deathly afraid of spiders. I'm not kidding I would scream, kill them and then sleep with my light on the rest of my night because you know what they say where there are one there are more! 
With my fearless spirit I stayed calm, talked to the nice spider and made my husband get toilet paper to pick him up and let him outside. Yup, that's right we saved the spiders life. I now have just too much respect for life as I know all creation came from God. 
Guess what the spiritual meaning of the spider said tonight....  "Your creativity is at a peak right now. Explore new projects and ideas that are in balance with your dreams of the future." The Spider 
The Challenger: 
A fun little hobby of mine is when Gods creature makes an impression on my life I like to google their spiritual meaning and see what they represent. Try it some time. It will be sure to give you a wink, your way, from above! 

Sunday LIVE Show 1:00 PM (MT)

Saturday, October 29, 2016

411 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*And Energy Flows*
"Truly I am filled with power by the spirit of the Lord." Micah 3:8

I am filled with so much joy, energy and peace again. It feels amazing that God has rejuvenated me today and filled me with power. I'm not exactly sure what the change is but I have a feeling the Holy Spirit is up to something with all this energy he's pouring into me.
Today is a glorious day. I'm at the gym, back to a schedule and back to eating healthier with way less processed foods in my diet. This could also be the key to my energy which I'll gladly accept from heaven above.
This morning I felt like my fiesty old self with lots of stupid jokes flying out of my mouth. Me and my husband got a deep belly laugh from the song I wrote in day 410. One I'm not a singer and tried to sing it which is truly so funny, two he thinks I'm now wanting to be a song writer amongst my dozens of projects and three well he couldn't even believe I pulled out a tambourine to sing the melody of the song I wrote. I don't take myself too seriously. I'm enjoying my hippy free spirit mixed with the Holy Spirit of course.
The Challenge:
Need deep belly laughs? One don't take yourself too seriously and two, try something new! If it flops know how to laugh at yourself! Some projects are heroes and some zeros; one never knows what the lord will do with our talents!
410 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Jesus is My King*
"I came so that you may have life and have it more abundantly." John 10:10

I was in the shower today and this little hymn (chorus) randomly came into my spirit so I decided to write it down. 

Sent by God, his one and only son 
Born one night in Bethlehem 
The kings that came brought gifts 
A Child that came to love and share 
Share forgiveness and relieve despair. 

And All will know 
That Jesus is my King 
And all will know that Jesus came for me 
And All will know that he made me free 
Yes I will know 
That Jesus is my king 
Yes All will know
that Jesus is my King 

He grew up in the shadows 
He looked like a beggar
He always showed his heart 
He shared his wisdom
Helped a blind man see 
And spoke that God is preparing a special place to be. 
A place in heaven for those who love him 
And there are many rooms in his kingdom! 

And All will know 
That Jesus is my King 
And All will know that Jesus came for me 
And I will know that he made me free 
Yes I will know 
That Jesus is my king 
Yes All will know
that Jesus is my King

Jesus is the way the truth and the light 
He was crucified for all to see 
See the truth that he is the God of mercy. 
Rising from the dead 3 days later 
The stone rolled away 
And he was gone 
He had risen 
500 people witnessed this
He was alive

And I will know 
That Jesus is my King 
And I will know that Jesus came for me 
And I will know that he made me free 
Yes I will know 
That Jesus is my king 
Yes All will know
that Jesus is my King 

Yes I will know that Jesus came for me!!!! 

The Challenge: 
As a creative soul sometimes these random things just come. This is teaching me to accept how God talks to me even if it doesn't look complete or perfected in mans eyes. When God speak, listen, write it down and pray on the meaning of his message to you.

Friday, October 28, 2016

409 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*God NEVER Changes*
"The grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

This is why we must trust The Bible and trust that it was written by man who was directed and guided by the Holy Spirit. 
The Bible was not put together in a year by one single man. The wisdom the Bible represents was put together over the span of 1500 years by 40 different authors! Once all put together there is a unity and cohesive flow that is nothing short of a miracle! It is supernatural! It is truly miraculous! 
The wisdom from these 40 different authors over a span of 1500 years all poured from one trusted source that matched up their opinions, beliefs and stories. Who was that one complete and reliable source you ask? Our almighty God creator of heaven and earth! 
In today's world many work to change Gods words to fit their own prideful ways. This is not what God intended when the Bible was gifted to us. The Word of God is to remain the same; Jesus remains the same yesterday, today and forever! He does not change! He does not want us to change his words! There is safety in knowing he does not change! 
Man continues to change his words. In fact for example a new bible is coming out called "The Queen James Bible." This bible completely takes out every part of sex related topics many in our society hate to accept. It's also known as the 'The Gay Bible.'
The Challenge: 
Want real wisdom King James Version of The Bible is the closest to the original scrolls. Beware of bibles that leave out messages or twist Gods words! Always have faith in Gods original plan for his people of earth! 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

408 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Don't Drink the Kool Aid*
"And many false prophets will arise and lead many away." Matthew 24:11

So why am I such a Jesus freak? 

When I started this journey, now 408 days ago, I was on the bandwagon of trying to feed everyone what they wanted to hear. I call it the Oprah coma from too much Kool aid. God stopped me from this life of doom because it does no real good for our Lord. 
God wants us to share the truth. Truth lies within The Bible. I had planned to do this journey without The Bible but then God said, "Sweet child that's impossible! If you follow me you will follow my guide which is all right there written in that book under all that dust on your shelf!" 
I clued in real quick. Speaking truth means you will be persecuted and over the past year I have taken my beatings but I know that I now have eternal life. My key to heaven is not based upon the showers of praise of man (much like Hollywood chases) but upon the glory God gets when we share his words. 
There are absolutely many false prophets out there in this sugared up world! They will tell you of universal concepts such as all will make it to the kingdom eventually. According to biblical doctrine this is not so! False prophets will also tell you that you can get to heaven without Jesus but the word says Jesus is the only way to the kingdom of God. And there is only one God! Many many fallen angels but only one God! We must trust and accept his love and if we don't then we are not apart of the heavenly family and body of our Savior.
The Challenge: 
If this truth pisses you off then read the Bible or look into why Jesus is King.... You don't know until you read the truth which lies in the historical facts and pages within the Word of God. Don't knock it until you try it!

If your not sure if you walk with God then choose today as the day you mark as the day you are RE-BORN in him and become a follower of Christ the one true King. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

407 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Fools Hate Wisdom*
"The wise shall inherit glory; but shame shall be the promotion of fools." Proverbs 3:35

I took time this afternoon to dive in and read the first three chapters of Proverbs. For me and what I want to share with the world is it's not about the quantity of what you read but the quality.
Sometimes the Holy Spirit will move us during one simple passage. Sometimes our soul craves more and so you keep reading. When I go to read the Bible I do not put criteria onto myself but rather let the Holy Spirit to guide my learning for the day.
Today Proverbs taught me that fools are those who despise seeking wisdom. Fools do not want to gain knowledge for the knowledge that God shares can dry up everything they believe they stand for. What one stands for can be lies the enemy has sewn into them, like branding his name with a burning iron onto their arm.

I used to be quite the party girl. I loved dancing in clubs, on bars, flirting, getting attention from men and laughing with my friends about how drunk we were. This was my life. This is the life of many. This is what our culture has made the norm but there is an emptiness that lies there. Truth is I was foolish.  I didn't want to read the Bible because I didn't want to change who I was. Gaining the wisdom of the lord means you must change.... right? So I ignorantly thought. Now I know the truth! Gaining wisdom from the Lord means you WANT to change! You want to seek the glory of Gods righteousness! The wise know shame comes in the morning to those who have been burnt and branded by the fallen angel of lies.
The Challenge:
Foolishness is a curse upon those who do not want to seek wisdom that the  Lord has mercifully given unto us. Be wise and seek his glory. Flee from foolishness as no fruit will ever bear there.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

406 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*A Simple Life*
"Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established for you." Proverbs 16:3

The intensity of my walk has subsided which I knew it would. I miss my daily winks but I know my angels are still around.
I'm feeling at peace, more at home and more rested. I think it's been a great sigh of relief for me. My days consist of the simplest things. Mainly taking care of my children, editing copy after revised copy of my book, making food and simply day dreaming. I know my life will begin to move fast again but for now I am truly embracing my turtle like "shell time."
Some may look upon my life and think she must be bored but what I would say to them is I've done the roller coaster and now I welcome the bored. However with Christ one is never bored. Way too much to learn and share. It truly is a richer life.
The Challenge:
Open up the book of Proverbs.  This book will share teachings about marriage, parenting, friends and neighbors.  - You will see why one will never get bored with a Bible in their hands.

Monday, October 24, 2016

405 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Jesus in My Tree*
To everyone who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

I saw Jesus in my tree 
There he was in the dark night looking over me 
Looking out my window, I just woke up from a dream 
I wondered is this what child-like faith could mean? 
It was not in a creepy or strange way 
Jesus was there and no one could take the gift away
I saw Jesus in my tree 
There he was in the dark night just for me 
He never said a single word 
I felt his praise sing over me just like a bird. 
This here is love and I am forever his precious ruby 
This is the child-like faith he speaks of so we will see 
Yes it is true I saw Jesus in my tree 
I believe he was there to watch closely over me 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

404 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Saved Again*
"So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Palms 90:12

I do NOT want to admit this and embarrassed but I almost died today and my kids were in the car with me. I was downtown and felt stressed because I needed to go to the bathroom, I had a lot on my mind and my kids were screaming and tired of being stuck in the car. 
I went to turn left onto a oneway and didn't see the red blinking arrows till last minute. As I turned left a light rail (I never saw) was coming from both ways. I sped up and missed being sandwiched between the two light rails by like 3 seconds. 
So here's what I know. I am living my life everyday like it could be my last. I want to be happy with myself and proud of what I contribute to the world before I leave. I would have no regrets because I now walk with Christ but today God had his Angels hovering over us and he said, "Nope I am not done with you yet child!" 
The Challenge: 
Don't put off being proud of the way you live here on earth. Be proud of who you are and what you contribute to the world! Don't say, "ya ya I'll start that when I'm older."  Commit to the work now! Our days are numbered! If you were hit by a light rail or a bus tomorrow, would you stand before our lord happy and proud of what you did with your life here? 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

403 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Give Love - Receieve Love
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Luke 6:31

I always say if you want love you need to give love. As we go about our daily lives and manage the stresses that come we sometimes take all our frustrations out on the ones who we love the most. It's essential that we share love and kindness with them daily then we too will be rewarded with love back our way.

This is an example of the simple things we can do daily to let our loved ones know they are appreciated. This is a private text I sent my husband this morning.

"Hi babe, after a long 6 months of ups and down I'm finally feeling at peace. It was a tough summer with unexpected family challenges! It took a lot out of me but I will say I'm happy I had Jesus or not sure my heart could have taken all the beatings that came from outside sources. I'm sitting here about to read the Bible in my quiet and peaceful home while kids are at school. Since I've had time to be home and get caught up, as I walk around I am constantly thinking how much I love our home. It's truly beautiful. I feel like God gave me this as my peaceful oasis away from the world. Thank you for our beautiful house and family...  when I finally slow down and away from the world I cannot even believe the blessings that have been given to us! Love you! Have a great day! You do amazing things for people and our country everyday and I'm proud to call you my husband!"
The Challenge:
My hope in sharing my private love text is that you too will be inspired to encourage and uplift that special someone in your life today! You get what you give!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

402 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ: 
*A Happy Homemaker*
Her children rise up and call her blessed. Her husband also and he praises her. Proverbs 31:28

Somehow I have finally accomplished it, I have learned to slow down. God asked me to slow down and it took me awhile to really embrace what slowing down in a modern society looks like. 
I have adopted a 1950's housewife approach since 1950's was known as the "Happy Homemaker" era. I know some of my friends will roll eyes and scoff but doing this has helped me slow down and I happily accept. I have stepped back from many obligations, I do not answer all calls that come through on my phone and I have lowered my expectations of what my social life looks like.
In doing these things I have found more time to keep up with my home, make meals, play with my children and you know what this alone is enough. I didn't think it was and the world told me its not enough but its truly enough for me for now! Im also finding time to do the things I love which include writing, drawing, praying and dancing. 
By adopting a 1950's mentality I have been able to be okay with stepping back from the modern world. I have found core peace in this slower paced life. A simple life is all I prayed for and here it finally is! 
The Challenge: 
We all need to make slowing down more of a priority. This is where healing begins. This is when we find the time to sit down, pray and realize there is so much more to life then phones, calendars, jobs, shopping, appointments, socializing and the list goes on. Remove some obligations in your life, reboot and feel more at peace in the very hectic world that we DO NOT have to embrace! 

Monday, October 17, 2016

401 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Online Battles*
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that Perish foolishness; but onto us which are saved is it the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV 

Dealing with online battles and feeling persecution as a Christian? 

This week I have been studying and examining this very question and want to share some concepts on how to get through these online battles unharmed.
Check points to cover during conversation: 
1. Offer loving grace first. Allow the other person to share their beliefs and then show Mercy.
2. Test their spirit by asking them if they believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh and is of God. (Use 1 John 4:2 / to test the spirit). 
3. Share facts from biblical doctrine. This is how you will back up your thoughts and give proof that God shares the same values in the bible. We do not want to just rely on our own feelings but on how our feelings match up with the bible 
4. Try to help your opponent see your Christian perspective but after 3 times of sharing the bible then it is time to gracefully bow out of the argument. 
5. Before you leave offer a quick dab of gentleness and love as that is how unbelievers will recognize to whom we belong. 
6. Pray! Just like those who go to war when they come back they reanalyze all that had happened. In spiritual online warfare you must do the same. Think over the online battle you had. Re-read the threads, consult your elders of the church and then pray for your opponents spirit. Not only pray that their spirit awakens but also pray that you have learned something of great value to help you approach your next battle. 
The Challenge: 
In summary the next time you approach online spiritual warfare! Show Mercy, test the spirit, share biblical facts, 3 strikes then bow out, be gentle as a lamb and then reanalyze and pray! 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

400 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Six Ways to Love*
"They will know you are Christian by your love." John 13:35

It has been a crazy busy week filled with all sorts of emotions. Our country is facing so many challenges with this 2016 debate coming to a close. I see many people arguing with each other on their threads. As we try to cool off from all the religious tension, we can look at Pauls's six key points on how to properly live this life and show love through the battles! 

Remember Paul use to be Saul. His heart was changed by seeing Jesus in a white light. This is no fable but a very real story. As Paul sat in prison, because of preaching about Jesus, he had six key things that he wanted us all to know. 

  1. Settle Disagreements.
  2. Rejoice in the Lord Always. 
  3. Be known for your gentleness. 
  4. Don't Worry - Just Pray 
  5. Fix your thoughts on holy things.         
  6. Learn Contentment 

In the letter written from Paul, he then shared that people will know we belong to Jesus and are his people by the way we love! 
The Challenge: 
In these challenging times everyone has their opinion but for some people these battles can really leave a mark! Maybe just maybe being a right fighter and working to win every argument just is not worth the pain it can inflict onto your neighbor. We need more compassion in the world right now! We need more love and we need to show to whom we belong! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

399 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*No Mediums For Me*
"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the lord your God. Leviticus 19:31

Oh boy, so I had a revelation and crazy random conviction of my heart. I met a new friend named Courtney online. Courtney is a very matter of fact, strict and by the bible, my kind of gal and I love this! Her answers are always bold, to the point but filled with wisdom! 
So recently we discussed Angels. I once believed my dead relatives could be around me and she said, "No!" "Absolutely not. God has his own Angels to take charge over us. Those that talk to 'so called' Angels are speaking with demons pretending to be their relatives." She was referring to fortune tellers and mediums. 
When I began this journey I thought I was feeling a presence of Angels (which is real) but thought they were my "Angel Irish Crew" my relatives.  God has now released me from this. What is around me is the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. My relatives who made it to heaven are in heaven (PRAISE GOD THEY ARE AT PEACE) and not around me. So yes as much as I love Thereasa Cupitio from Long Island Medium,unfortunately she is being tricked. Yes she is in touch with the other side but not heaven! Demonic spirits are tricking her as she never shares of Christ, our one true king, who will and would always let all know the truth.
The Challenge: 
You have the power, not others! You have the power to speak directly to God and His Angels then his ANGELS will be of charge over you. Beware of fortune tellers, psychics  and Mediums they are being tricked (Maybe Great People and I will gladly have coffee with them)  but being tricked and could be helping to invite demonic energy into your own life! Rebuke this in Jesus name! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

398 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Learn to Slow Down*
"Then they can train the younger woman to love their husbands and children, to be self controlled and pure, to be busy at home" Titus 2 4-5

Somewhere along the way (maybe in the women's lib movement) mothers have been lead to feel guilty for not being a career woman that works outside of the home. Mothers who want to be home with your children have no guilt. It was man that created that restless feeling in you. God is delighted to see you working in your home and being the center for keeping your families grounded.
I've always wanted to be home but there have been many times I felt judged for not continuing a high end fast paced career. Praise Jesus I'm with a man that loves me working from home because my home is where my hearts are!
In being home I was still trying to go with the ways of the world because I wanted it all! Be at home and be a working mama. It worked for some time but now with my children two and four God has said step back work and slow down to simply care for your family. At first I fought him on this but lately I'm embracing his calling and I now have more peace knowing for now I have submitted to what God needs from me at this time.
The Challenge:
Be a Sloth in the world of fast paced rabbits. Our world is turning everyone into walking zombies and robots just trying to keep up. The world constantly says go faster, go faster. This is not what God wants. He wants you to enjoy life, see his blessing and have time to acknowledge his lessons. I saw this picture that I posted on my social media wall. It was of a Sloth with his hand over the finish line. The caption said, "It took me 30 years but I crossed the finish line." If your ever feeling so rushed that your just no longer enjoying life or seeing God Blessings then first learn to say no more often! Then imagine yourself like a sloth in order to teach yourself to just slow down!

Monday, October 10, 2016

397 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Caucus Blues*
"Love is not proud. It does not dishonor others." Corinthians 13:4

(Posted to my Social media wall today)
Before I go to bed I just need to share my heart here. I hate politics and have no interest (Can you blame me) but was simply trying to be a so called "good citizen" and try simply try to get in and learn a bit. All that happened is I was brushed aside almost feeling unworthy to share. All I have learned is I want to run from this and want no part! I am saddened and horrified at reading threads and participating in threads. What does God want of us? He wants us to come together!!! I see this 2016 presidential campaign doing nothing but tearing people a part! Guess who loves this??? satan!!! And no I will not capitalize his name and give him power!!! Will you? We are feeding satan when we do this! Stop the madness and simply love your neighbor tomorrow! When your discussing politics remember Gods golden RULE of what LOVE SHARES!!!! This verse (1 Corinthians 13: 4-8) alone could change the world!!
The Challenge;
This new age campaign is making non believers In Fear of giving their life because when you give your life man continues to focus on the past! All your past mistakes come up but guess what who cares what man says or thinks!!! Through Christ you will be forgiven and your past or what others think can't hurt you any longer!!! Trust Christ opinion of you NOT mans opinion over you!
396 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
"We must obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29

Sometimes in life God calls you to do things that you really don't want to do. This is a part of obedience to our God.
Example from the bible:
God spoke to Esther and told her with the king there would be a time to be quiet and then a time to speak up. When the time came to speak up Esther was scared because speaking to the king without being called upon was a very dangerous thing to do in that time. She could lose her life for being disobedient to the king. The lord gave her Perseverance and she saved her Jewish people.
Paul continuously was ridiculed for his faith. God needed him to share his testimony which meant he would be pelted with rocks and imprisoned. Paul was faithful and the words of Christ spread through the towns.
Our lord Jesus probably at one point thought lord is there any other way to save our people other then being tortured. God of course said there was no other way, Jesus was bloodied before man but then because of his obedience was raised from the dead and made the king of all who enter the gates of heaven.
The Challenge:
God will ask you to do things that bring you glory but there will be times your asked to do things you don't want to do. In the moment those things seem odd or uncomfortable but in time God will reveal his purpose. Make your faith stronger than your pride!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

395 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*A Vulnerable Heart*
"The one who rejects you rejects me and the one who rejects me rejects he who sent me." Luke 10:16

I want to return back to the verse Luke 10:16.  This verse had a profound influence upon my heart a few days ago and I would like to share why. I was at the gym and along with noticing the old man in camouflage I also noticed a woman circling the track. She was pushing her baby in a stroller and looking at her phone. She seemed annoyed. Then about 20 minutes later I was walking to get my baby out of the childcare and she was heading out pushing her baby in stroller and holding a now upset little two year old. She was angry and almost ran my foot over. 
Minutes later I was outside sitting on the bench and there she was again very frazzled, very upset and trying to push the baby while holding the crying 2 year olds hand. 
I have been here and in fact felt like her yesterday. I know when I'm in that mindset I think everyone around me doesn't like me. I wanted to show her I cared so I said,"Have a nice day." Then I felt it wasn't enough so I said, "Can I help you?" She ignored me and I have a feeling she thought I was poking at her, which in this society most would!  I Prayed that maybe later she would realize loving support was right there, sitting on the bench, if she just opened her eyes and made her heart more vulnerable. 
The Challenge:
In trying to imitate Christ and share his love others may reject you. They may not see. Jesus knows this sorrow all too much but we must keep trying! Keep sharing Christ love even if it feels awkward, uncomfortable or even unpopular! 

Friday, October 7, 2016

394 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*The Bible Speaks*
*Thy Shalt Not kill* Exodus 20:13

If you commit suicide do you get to heaven?

In the light of a recent loved one threatening this I have dove head first into this topic this week. It is no coincidence that as I've been trying to figure this out today in a online group called "Christian Homeschool" we all discussed this very topic. 
This is what God poured into my heart about the answer to this tough question. You ready? Well, we don't truly know... But this is what me as a human knows about biblical doctrine. Murder/killing is a sin but by nature we all sin right? It's a part of the flesh. Jesus died on the cross to free us from the burden of our sin. Once we claim Jesus as our personal savior we are forever saved. Jesus naturally changes our heart to want to move further and further away from sin but we will still struggle with sin. Sin is a part of the earth and here to stay. 
So insight to the question is this. If one murders them-self before asking Christ into their heart as their personal savior then they will not inherit the kingdom. If they accept Christ and then do to something such as mental illness, they kill themselves, then yes because they were saved they will inherit the kingdom of heaven. With all this said Jesus and Jesus alone is the one who saves! He is the only one that knows hearts so yes we as humans do not truly know! 
The Challenge: 
Become a part of a great Christian online group today! You'll learn so much as you get to hear so many sides to every argument but within a loving Christian setting. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

393 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Bloom For Christ*
"In the name of Jesus salvation is found in no one else." Acts 4:12

I was listening to the radio today and a guy says, "No, I do not go onto a Boeing 737 thinking I will save all 215 passengers before the plane even takes off."  I had to laugh at this as this is just what God was trying to share with me today. 
When we share Christ name number one it's a feeling of knowing when and how, number 2 we cannot be afraid to share the gospel and number 3 we must know the path to heaven is narrow and most will choose to reject anything we say. They may reject us but it does not mean that Jesus is not working on their heart! We never know who will be saved for that is up to our Redeemer! Our mission as Christians is only to plant a little seed and then step away and pray it, "Blooms for Christ!"
The Challenge: 
Find interactive and fun ways to share the gospel. Don't be afraid to step out in faith and do something unique with the the lords good news. God will be proud of your effort! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

392 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Feeling Special*
"I call on the lord in my distress and he answers me." Psalms 120:1 NIV

So many joys to speak of today... God is pouring so much into my soul and I'm ready and willing to keep up today which feels so good. Yesterday I prayed for clarity and yesterday I prayed to see something very special within a 24 hour period! God came through and showed up in so many places but I will share two. 
During prayer I saw a vision of a black crow. I was not sure why but I was curious as to why and kept the thought in my back pocket. Today on my time hop on Facebook this quote popped up that I posted a year ago. "When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person that walked in." This quote had a picture of a crow! The same crow that was in my vision. A premonition Jesus knew I would embrace to make me feel special. 

I been dealing with some personal triumphs but I do believe it's a part of Gods plan. When my heart aches I'm more vulnerable, which makes a better writer, which is important as these thoughts go out into the world. My friend Karla sent this quote to me today which also felt like a wink straight from God, "A woman who serves unnoticed and unthanked is a woman who loves God more than she desires the praise of others." Wendy Pope
The Challenge: 
Feeling un special? Tell God.... and ask him to help make you feel special again. Then watch as he shares something with you within 24 hours! Don't expect but with your child like faith have simple hope. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

391 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Truth of Suicide*
*"You shall not murder." Exodus 20:13

We all face our challenges and it is a part of Gods plan. If we pray for peace sometimes we have to trust that in order to get there God may need to take us through rough waters before reaching the oasis. 
God gives us so many examples of this on earth. In order for us to enter the kingdom we must first know what sin is and why sin will not be a part of the kingdom. We must also learn to have faith that even through the darkest of times God has our best interest at heart. 
I'm explaining all this for a purpose. When a person runs away from their problems or threatens suicide on family and friends they are giving up on God! They are saying I do not trust your plan, I do not believe you have a better plan for me and I will be the master of my own death and take it into my own hands. Suicide is a part of Satans tricks and Satan my dear friends is a SELFISH LIAR! . 
The Challenge:
Jesus will never make our Gods beloved creation feel worthless and unneeded! He created you for a purpose! Satan is the one who makes you feel worthless and no good so the question actually is this.... Who is your master and who are you listening to???

Monday, October 3, 2016

390 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Purple Cross Mission*
"He who hears you hears me." Luke 10:16
After a long season of time not being able to get to the gym, today I'm finally back. It feels so incredible to be back in the swing of things. We have our seasons and we have our storms but then we get back to our peaceful place. When I run God shares so much with me. Running energizes parts of my brain to help me see things through his eyes more clearly.
As I was running around the track I noticed an old man wearing army attire walking around the track. He was pulling his oxygen tank as he walked each lap. I felt drawn to him for some reason then I knew what it was I think Jesus wanted me to tell him he's proud of him.
I wish I had a Purple Cross to share with him and I even looked through my purse but didn't have a single one. As he came past me a fourth time I gave him a simple thumbs up and said. "Your doing a great job." Then I prayed to God he felt his loving proud spark.
The Challenge:
You see sometimes God speaks through us to others in very simple ways. God didn't need me to have a cross today to share his deep profound love, for a simple thumbs up was all the old man in the army attire needed. Share you stories on our Facebook page - Purple Cross Mission

Sunday, October 2, 2016

389 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*You Are My Sunshine* 
"I have loved you with an everlasting love." Jeremiah 31:3

I was putting my children to sleep last night and like usual they asked me to sing a song. My favorite song of choice is a song my mom sung to me called,"You Are My Sunshine." I have sung this song a thousand times but this time something was different. This time as I sung I imagined Jesus singing the song to me. And here are the lyrics:

You are my sunshine 
by Johnny Cash 

Your are my sunshine 
My only sunshine 
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you 
Please don't take my sunshine away. 

How perfect is that? Jesus loves us more than we know! Jesus does not want the enemy to cloud up our judgement but it's up to us to keep him shining through. 
The Challenge: 
God loves to be a part of our lives. He is even in the time as simple as putting our children to sleep. Make him a part of everything you do and like rays of sunlight you will see his glory shine through. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

388 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Wine Bites*
"Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when is sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! In the end it BITES like a snake and poison like a viper." Proverbs 23 31 - 32

This walk with Christ continually reminds me of the dangers of what alcohol can do to the mind. We are a part of such a BINGE society. Everything we do we tend to do way too much of.  Just think... We eat too much, buy too much, drink too much and the list goes on. You know it's true....
I came from University of Iowa back in the day and it was rated the #1 party school. Not the #1 school of morals!  We all gave each other high fives thinking it was awesome being the top party school but was it really that awesome?
Look at the world. So many terrible things that happen in the world are due to alcohol.  Stealing, rape, murder, destroying ones health and tearing up families have all resulted in many cases from alcohol and drug abuse. So heres the thing... Yes, you are right Jesus turned water into wine but in the Hebrew language "Wine" actually means 'grape juice' so we do not know for certain that the Wine Jesus was referring to was fermented or not.  Even if it was alcoholic wine (Unlikely) the wine back then was not near the alcohol % as todays wine is.  Similar to the concept man back in Jesus day could live on Bread and water alone because the bread was that nutritious. Man nowadays could never live on bread and water alone because our food and drinks are not nearly as pure and free of toxins as they were made back in Jesus time.
The Challenge:
The sucky TRUTH is this...... Drinking can BITE you! Its a slippery slope where we never know exactly where God draws the line. I still struggle with this concept myself but God does fill me with the knowledge that in today's world it does more BAD than GOOD! Is drinking Helping or hurting your life? With God you know the answer. Dig deep and find your truth even if it irritates the HECK out of you...