Thursday, October 13, 2016

399 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*No Mediums For Me*
"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the lord your God. Leviticus 19:31

Oh boy, so I had a revelation and crazy random conviction of my heart. I met a new friend named Courtney online. Courtney is a very matter of fact, strict and by the bible, my kind of gal and I love this! Her answers are always bold, to the point but filled with wisdom! 
So recently we discussed Angels. I once believed my dead relatives could be around me and she said, "No!" "Absolutely not. God has his own Angels to take charge over us. Those that talk to 'so called' Angels are speaking with demons pretending to be their relatives." She was referring to fortune tellers and mediums. 
When I began this journey I thought I was feeling a presence of Angels (which is real) but thought they were my "Angel Irish Crew" my relatives.  God has now released me from this. What is around me is the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. My relatives who made it to heaven are in heaven (PRAISE GOD THEY ARE AT PEACE) and not around me. So yes as much as I love Thereasa Cupitio from Long Island Medium,unfortunately she is being tricked. Yes she is in touch with the other side but not heaven! Demonic spirits are tricking her as she never shares of Christ, our one true king, who will and would always let all know the truth.
The Challenge: 
You have the power, not others! You have the power to speak directly to God and His Angels then his ANGELS will be of charge over you. Beware of fortune tellers, psychics  and Mediums they are being tricked (Maybe Great People and I will gladly have coffee with them)  but being tricked and could be helping to invite demonic energy into your own life! Rebuke this in Jesus name! 

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