Wednesday, November 27, 2019


“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7

What if I were to tell you God has given you an amazing gift. A power! That power is free will! What if I were to tell you you are an important piece to the kingdom. A valued micro chip in a sense. Stay with me here! Each one of us has the ability “free will” to download information into our hearts, into our minds and into our souls! These downloads will either be used to further The Kingdom or won’t be! You are of great value but what are you choosing to download? These decisions that you are making are huge. They will click into the greatest hard drive of all. They will be used to further God’s plans for us and His kingdom.

With ‘Free Will’ you get to decide what to place into your download. Into your ‘chip.’ God is very specific on what he wants you to be drawn to and those fruits of the spirit, The Knowledge is shared in a resource called, The Bible! With ‘Free Will’ there are some that will choose to deny this resource and therefore deny God. You see when you deny the PROPHESY laced into the Old and New Testament that Jesus (Yeshua) came back to fulfill and yes share than you are denying God. This is the greatest sin of all. This is an unforgivable sin called blasphemy! God did not have to come back for us but He did! He came back for all His children because no matter the secrets or lies inside our deceptive hearts - He loves us anyway! 💜

God gave us free will to absorb the good news or reject it!

Yet there is more. With this CHIP (these downloads) we do have the ‘Free Will’ to create without Jesus but  then the “chip” will have no value to the kingdom because of the glitches. They will have viruses. This is why these downloads will be destroyed. With Jesus forgiveness the downloads we do make will be edited before getting to heaven. The chip will be cleansed. He will actually go into our download and edit out all the mistakes and cleanse away all the possible viruses looming.

Here’s the truth - GOD will not go into your work (your download) and help you edit unless you ask Him into your life to help you cleanse away all the glitches! And Yes.....We ALL have glitches!

The Challenge:
Will you let God help you download valuable material for His  kingdom or will you ask Him to keep out of your business? In the end what you absorb here is solely up to you!

- Evangelist Lea Michelle Johnson

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