Oh ’The Hallmark Controversy!’ I have been avoiding you! I do have a few things to say. Ellen Degeneres says, “Isn’t it near 2020, Please explain!” And Yes Ellen is right on one thing it is near 2020 and in order for people “companies” not to get rocked by the world your gonna need to find your foundation and stick to it even when the earthquake comes. What is your foundation? Figure it out real fast because it’s gonna get impossible to play both sides!
Hallmark apparently has no foundation they first apologize for airing the ad because of critics but than when the other side of the argument got LOUDER they caved and now airing! Why!??? Because it is clear HALLMARK is more concerned about its partners and MONEY rather than your moral codes.
I believe as an, Evangelistic Activist, I have always tried very very hard to be graceful with this topic. As a Christian woman it is not in my belief system and in laying “my foundation” “not getting rocked” it is not what I want to promote to my children so yes we will in fact be dropping the channel.
And Yes I have gay friends (that I love) that respect my decision to do so!
With this said I had a woman that worked for me when she was 16. She is now 23. She would only come at me on my page when I shared about this topic. God knows I have shared many good topics but she wouldn’t focus on any of the good I did only on this one topic would she come out of the woodwork on my wall. I would work so hard to be graceful In sharing why the Bible and yes “GOD” NOT me does not condone same sex marriage but she would always end up saying things like I’ve hurt her and I feel sorry for your daughter and pretty much bully me into her belief system (working to rock me). I ended up asking her if we could part ways because it just hurt and it would not stop! I would be graceful but in that situation. I also started to feel jabbed at and almost forced to defend my ground. 😢
Yes Ellen Degeneres even in 2020 people are still allowed to have their own moral compasses, belief systems and share about them if the spirit gives them energy to do so! And Yes Ellen even if Hallmark got wishy washy do to the threats it does not mean everyone is called to cave on this very sensitive and challenging biblical topic!
💜 - Evangelist Lea Michelle Johnson
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