Tuesday, October 24, 2017

575 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Time with God- 
Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he prayed. 

I've been feeling pretty defeated in my walk lately. Feel behind on everything. This is a part of the world that we must beware of. Getting too busy with our life we forget to pray. The world gets us entangled with its noise and distractions. Don't let it keep you from spending time with God or Satan sneaks on in. 
Satans been lying to me telling me I can't keep up and handle this Christian walk. he says, "See it's too hard." For a brief moment I listened to him.  For a brief moment I believed him. I'm not happy he deceived me but we all get caught in his web of lies. It's our savior that untangles us and sets us back on the right path once again. 

Posted today: 
Have you ever met a perfect Christian? I have not! That's why we are Christian we admit we are SINNERS, a mess and WHY we cling to our forgiving savior named Jesus Christ! He didn't have to come back for us but He did!      
#Humbled  - 💜 Lea

The Challenge: 
Remove some distractions in your life and make more time for God.  Jesus spent time in prayer daily and because we follow our Lord we too shall pray each and everyday. 

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