Wednesday, November 1, 2017

578 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Believe His Promises-
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fullfill his promises to her. Luke 1:45 NIV

It's important when we pray that we truly believe the Lord has the great and almighty power to answer the deep needs and desires of our hearts. 

In the Bible there was once a priest by the name of Zachariah. Zachariah and is wife Elizabeth tried for years to conceive but never could. They prayed for children but eventually thought they were too old. Back then they thought it was a curse to be baron. An angel of the Lord named Gabriel appeared to Zachariah while he was doing his priestly duties. Gabriel shared that Zachariah's prayer would be answered. Zachariah questioned angel Gabriel (Angel of messages) and said, but how is this possible? Gabriel then silenced Zachariah until the birth of his child John whom was destined to become "John the Baptist!" 
Zachariah was silenced because even when an angel of the Lord came and spoke he still did not believe his prayer could be answered. Once his child John came he was unsilenced and knew the One true God favored him and answered his prayers! 
The Challenge: 
When you pray are you truly believing that the Lord will in fact answer your prayer and fulfill promises he shares in the gospel? 

After you pray! Say this, "Lord I trust you and have faith that you will meet the needs of my heart! I trust you will hold to your promises that when I seek you and am obedient you will then guide my every move." Amen  

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