Saturday, November 18, 2017

583 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*The Raven*
You will drink from the brook and I have told the ravens to supply you with food there. 1 Kings 17:4

Sometimes God does not give us our answers right away but when we seek Him the answers are gifted like little presents. 
Last year while in my journey my mom randomly shared with me how her favorite bird is a raven. I thought nothing of it but the next day while I was outside these two very large black radiant ravens sat on my fence just feet from me. It was as if they were trying to get my attention so they knew that I saw them. I have never seen these birds and I felt a message was carried from them but I didn't know what it was until today.
Today God shared with me that secret message. You see in the Bible God sent the prophet Elijah a raven to feed him. This food gave him strength. The message is similar. God was simply sharing that when we seek Him he will nourish us with wisdom. Never too much and never too little but gifted in the perfect portion and at the perfect time. The key to getting this gifted wisdom is simply calling upon Him! 
The Challenge: 
Have you ever had a moment that you felt as if God was sharing something with you? Seek this out and you will get your answer! The answers come like perfect little gifts wrapped with a bow! 

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