Sunday, November 26, 2017

584 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Great Wisdom 
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things then these, because I am going to the father. John 14:12

One argument I have found interesting recently is the argument of power within a guided prophet or prophetess. This verse John 14:12 is greatly over looked by many churches. Maybe in fear? Misunderstanding? Either way the Lord gracefully shared with me 3 reasons why Jesus actually said we can do even greater things then he! 
  1. Population - it's obvious there are far more people now then Jesus had to minster to back in his day! 
  2. Transportation - Jesus was on foot so we have much quicker and greater means to travel where we want to go.
  3. Technology - obviously Jesus was a nomad. He traveled to towns and across the desert by foot! With technology we can now reach a far vaster audience then what Jesus ever could while walking the earth! 
The Challenge: 
Why are people so in fear of utilizing this verse? God came and died for us so he could work in us and through us! Do you now believe you can also do great things as Gods son Jesus emulated? Please explain why or why not? 

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