Sunday, May 14, 2017

525 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
💜Failed Purple Cross Missions💜
If the world hates you remember they hated me first. John 15:18

I've had a few Purple Cross Missions go wrong the last couple of weeks. Mainly I have noticed a big and fast change in the city regarding tolerance of Christian's. There are few of us these days and spirits shutter in our presence. 
About a week ago I was at the bagel shop with my kids. I noticed these two older ladies crying and fighting in the seats right next to me. After a little bit of time I felt the Holy Spirit say offer prayers. I walked up and said sorry you both are hurting would it be okay if I prayed over this situation with you? They were outright angry I tried to offer the crosses they both said no pushing it back. I walked back to my seat. It always shocks me how angry the cross can sometimes make people. 
The other failed mission was last night while I was out downtown I was talking with a girl then the second I tried to give her a cross she said, "no I'm atheist," handed it back and left as soon as possible. I actually wept feeling the rejection, isolation and ridicule Jesus faced! The city is changing so fast Satan has his perverted paws all over it. 
The Challenge: 

Sometimes the cross will piss people off but they will think about that moment after the fact. They will wonder too why a simple lil tiny cross could get them so hot and bothered. I will always Try! All God asks of us. 💜

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