Saturday, September 23, 2017

568 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
🌷Saved 🌷
There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10

I have a miracle story to share. I have a friend Ive been friends with for 10 years. I love her dearly. She has always claimed to be atheist. The last two years I have been praying for her. I try to share simple Bible concepts when I can. I even had the courage to share Lee Stobels story of being a former atheist and learning Jesus is the safer bet. 
Yesterday I felt this overwhelming need to pray for her. I was riding in the car and just cried out to God! I said, "Lord take her heart! Take her heart now Lord" "Right now overwhelm her with your love."
Last night on the phone I'm not sure how it came up but she said she's now a believer. I was taken back and said, "Wait you believe in Jesus?" She smiled through the phone and said, "Yes!" In complete shock I said, "So you believe he died and came back in the flesh to save you and forgive you of all your sins?" She said, "Yes." I then asked if I could pray over her. When I got off the phone I'm not gonna lie I cried and ran around the house cheering and celebrating!
The Challenge: 

Never give up sharing and praying for your friends and family who are unbelievers. We keep our hope and know Jesus Is a miracle worker! 

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