Tuesday, May 30, 2017

530 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Gods Sweet Vessel
There is safety in having many advisors. Proverbs 11:14

I'm learning ways to take time to fill my cup. One of those ways is seeking out counseling. I've never saw a counselor in my life but believe all need proper healthy counseling. Not one of us can do it all alone and professional help is good. 
So I'm now seeing a Christian Psychologist named Sarah. Today was my first appointment. I was nervous and couldn't wait to tell her everything to gain wisdom and clarity. I think this will teach me more about being still and waiting on the Lord to supply his great answers at just the right time. 
I walked out today feeling great. Felt the Holy Spirit was very present and what I gathered God saying through his vessel named Sarah is yes it's time to cut back, trim and simply focus on your family for now. I was feeling guilt not being the friend I once was but I'm simply stretched too thin and will keep my cup full by narrowing down my obligations to the world outside God, my husband and my children. 
The Challenge: 

Seek counsel from a professional Christian psychologist this will give you more tools as God works to strengthen you on this great journey moving through life. 

Monday, May 29, 2017

529 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Hear your fathers voice! 
She does not fear bad news. She confidently trust the Lord to take care of her. Psalm 112:7

The things I've been struggling with awhile is letting go of situations that drain me. Not sure to let go, fight harder or simply distance self with the door cracked open. 
As the challenges keep coming back I'm realizing that it's time to truly let go. A door will always be open but my heart can't take waiting on some things and some people to simply love me for whom I'm growing to be. 
I think in letting go and moving forward this is me choosing God by choosing peace over allowing Satan to fool and play with my mind and whom he tells me I am. I am going to stand firm and listen to Gods voice and whom he knows I am working to be daily. 
So where do I go from here? I'm called to focus on my little family, my husband, my kids, a couple Christian relationships that are blossoming and my parents of course and sisters always.. It's been painful to let go of people I want to desperately hold on to but I know in my heart the truth is they have left awhile ago. 
I think in staying away from the drama and lies Satan continues to web about me, something I prophesied, which did in fact come true, I am choosing to have more space and time in my life to listen to my Lords teachings and callings for me. 
The Challenge: 
I think it's okay to shake the sandals and move on when you know the worldly pain is making it harder to hear the good words your father in heaven declares about you! 

Friday, May 26, 2017

528 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Run Away
Your my place of quiet retreat. I wait for your word to renew me. Psalm 119:114

I decided to run away! Okay, okay just for a day. I'm up this morning on a balcony in Breckinridge, CO with sun on my face, warmth on my body and the sound of a river rushing.  It is reviving my soul and grounding me again. Love these little safe havens God created for us to retreat to when we feel weak. 
I've been feeling almost in mourning about some people that were once a part of my life but now aren't. My greatest fear use to be losing friends or family but now in my 30's it seems to be a natural part of the growing up process! Then you add Jesus and a pursuit of a pastoral degree and welp forget about it -  they drop away like flys.
So, I'm retreating for a day to step back and look upon what has happened. After some research this feeling of loneliness is a normal thing. Jesus had only a few people he trusted and confided in and when he felt exhausted by the world he too would retreat away, from people, and wait on Gods word to revive him. 
So in conclusion it's a normal thing to feel on the outside looking in on a world you just simply do not belong to anymore. 
The Challenge: 
Feeling too many pains and stresses about life?  Retreat and run away for a day! The time away will give you a new found perspective on your life and where you are heading!  

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

527 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Numb the pain?*
After your season of suffering God and all his grace will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10

Sifting through a lot right now. Mainly noticing how quickly our world wants to numb pain and sadness. I've been hurting about many things lately but notice Satan is REAL quick to offer me ways to numb my sadness. 
It's a shame really because think about it, if you don't deal with your pain then it continues to build and become something way greater to deal with. It's like if you broke your leg but just took pain killers and kept trying to hobble with no rest. You need rest to heal and rebuild. It's prolonging the pain by not simply stopping, feeling and resting! 
This is a new battle I'm fighting! Fighting to feel pain and grief and be okay with it. We were made to feel deep pain for a reason! The reason is this! After the pain subsides or is numbed by the Holy Spirit.....  Your gifted GRACE comes in and swoops you up! 
The Challenge: 
Is it possible that by numbing your pain you are actually keeping your well deserved GRACE at a untouchable distance? 
Discuss or write out ways society numbs pain! 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

526 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Giving Up*
Surrender yourself to the Lord and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7

Last week nothing worked and nothing felt right. Even Saturday we went to a restaurant I've been wanting to go to downtown and it was not only closed but now a dispensary. 
So then we drive to an ice cream shop and the line was too long, we drove to Burger King and it had burnt down. Finally after a long week of nothing going right we sat down at a pizza place and all felt right in the world again. 
I met a lady sitting next to me. I felt like maybe this is why nothing went right so she could proceed to tell me her story of when she died, saw heaven but asked to come back. 
This is what I posted on my wall today: 

I met a lady this weekend who died and saw her body. She desperately wanted to come back! She tried and tried to get back in her body but it wasn't until she completely gave up is when it worked and she came back! Hmmm. Kinda like life.... maybe? 

I gave her a purple cross and we both felt after two tough weeks maybe just maybe we were stopped and slowed down in order to exchange our stories and briefly reboot our spirits for what's about to come! 
The Challenge: 
When we let go and stop being in such great control is this  when God can actually then work for us? 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

525 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
💜Failed Purple Cross Missions💜
If the world hates you remember they hated me first. John 15:18

I've had a few Purple Cross Missions go wrong the last couple of weeks. Mainly I have noticed a big and fast change in the city regarding tolerance of Christian's. There are few of us these days and spirits shutter in our presence. 
About a week ago I was at the bagel shop with my kids. I noticed these two older ladies crying and fighting in the seats right next to me. After a little bit of time I felt the Holy Spirit say offer prayers. I walked up and said sorry you both are hurting would it be okay if I prayed over this situation with you? They were outright angry I tried to offer the crosses they both said no pushing it back. I walked back to my seat. It always shocks me how angry the cross can sometimes make people. 
The other failed mission was last night while I was out downtown I was talking with a girl then the second I tried to give her a cross she said, "no I'm atheist," handed it back and left as soon as possible. I actually wept feeling the rejection, isolation and ridicule Jesus faced! The city is changing so fast Satan has his perverted paws all over it. 
The Challenge: 

Sometimes the cross will piss people off but they will think about that moment after the fact. They will wonder too why a simple lil tiny cross could get them so hot and bothered. I will always Try! All God asks of us. 💜

Thursday, May 11, 2017

524 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*One Hot Mess*
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11

Satan is right on my tail telling me lies and making me worry for no reason this week. It's simply been exhausting! Trying to keep up with life and do the best I can daily but failing miserably. Late for Dr. appointments, wearing two different shoes (unknowingly) all day, taking wrong turns, leaving my credit card In machines and yes I lost my phone in Walmart yesterday! This all happened this week! 
So what is God telling me? Drum Roll please....   I think he's literally telling me sometimes when you walk with the holy spirit you simply look like a hot mess by worldly standards but God says yup your listening my child!   Sure hoping so...  I want nothing more then to be a good servant of our Lord but my fleshy self tells me I'm failing! 
Question is am I failing in Gods eyes? 
The Challenge: 
When your late, wearing wrong shoes and taking wrong turns is that following the Holy Spirit or do we need to be more rigid like the world says we ought to be? 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

523 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*He Goes Befure You*
The Lord himself is the one who goes before you. Deotetotimy 31:8

I had a premonition I was going to lose my antique cross necklaces and  in that moment yesterday I told God if I do please get it back to me!  Sure enough my husband came walking in the door with it after work this eve. It was wet and gritty from being on the driveway. You see the Lord knows you, listens to you and goes before you .... BUT only if you ask HIM.
The Challenge:
Tell the Lord what you are seeing he will then go before you and make things right.
522 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
💜Missions Align💜
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. Baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son and of the holy spirit. Matthew 28:19

It's been a roller coaster of a week with so many ups and downs but I know the challenges are Gods way of slowing me down to make his timing perfect. I want to share over the next couple days about how I know the Lord is hearing my thoughts. 
I was creating a decal last week to put on my car. I wanted to drive around town with a verse on the back window. I was going to put John 3:16 but then I heard my shepherds voice say no Matthew 28:19. So I listened. I had forgotten about this decal but was called to a new church this weekend. I did not plan or want to change churches but now I know the Lord is kicking me out of my other church. At this new church, North Metro Church, there mission aligns perfectly with mine. They revealed their plan on Sunday before the congregation and they revealed their calling was Matthew 28:19. Imagine to my surprise that was exactly what God was calling of me as well. My decal arrived and I knew God winked my way. My plan is my mew churches plan which is ALL God's great plan!  I believe I found a new home! 
The Challenge: 
Never say never. Disciples were nomads and never stationary. Sometimes God will uproot you, even when you go kicking and screaming, he has another idea for you! 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

521 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
🖕🏻Ignore the Bird! 🖕🏻
Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

Now you do realize that yes the presence of the Holy Spirit is hovering my life but the devil is pissed!
Not only an hour after my bright light named Kurt came to my house, we left to go to the zoo. Driving on the highway I'm not really sure what I did but a man in a truck felt the need to give me "The Bird," also know as the middle finger! "Oh, how lovely I thought!" Then in the same moment it reminded me of the spiritual warfare we are constantly in a shift of. The Holy Spirit was present in my dining room but then Satan was pissed on the highway! It's kinda a crazy house on the place called earth!
The Challenge:
Ignore the evil and praise the good! Satan does not deserve your input, your attention or your time!  But you know who does deserve all of it and will cherish you whole heartedly? Yup.....  ding, ding, ding, ding! Jesus Christ! He's the man!
520 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*A Light in your Dining Room*
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens. Daniel 12:3

This am we had the cable man come to fix our satellite. I opened the door tired and well crabby. I was not as courteous as the Lord would have liked me to be but the truth is I have not had great experiences with cable companies in the past. I actually at one point labeled Comcast "The Devil," In my phone.
The cable man's name was Kurt. His light was bright and he quickly brought the light back out of me. There was a quick shift in the atmosphere and I knew the Holy Spirit was present. I took time to hear about how he was saved at 22 and he took time to hear how I was saved at 33. Knowing this is a fellow family member and part of the body of Christ I asked if I could pray over him. Right there in my dining room while children running around us I prayed with him. It was a beautiful moment and I know the Lord will forgive me of my crabby ways.
The Challenge:
When your light feels dim simply take time to look for a brighter light! It may just be right there, in the dining room, wearing a cable man uniform! In that exact moment gift a Purple Cross to symbolize the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit!

Monday, May 1, 2017

519 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
What is success in God's eyes?
Walk humbly. Micah 5:8

Today, I launchef my children's book and not one order.... yet. Starting to see just how challenging this artist/ author thing is. Something I would have never had the courage to do without the Lord leading me up the hill! I've poured my heart into this ministry and truth... drained a few bank accounts. I once told my friend I just need more money to boot this new career. She then told me if I was not a starving artist I wouldnt have anything to write or draw about. Hmmmm Well,   this is very true...  God keeps us humble on purpose!

First trust God, second believe in yourself and third know God will find you at least 12 who support and stand by you no matter what! 12 is all Jesus needed, so you don't need many to have success in God's eyes! Worldly success calculated by a number in a bank account does NOT equal the success God is looking for!!

The Challenge:
In your opinion what is success in God's eyes? Focus on that! - Lea
518 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Kick box*
My soul thirst for God for the living God. Psalm 42:2

The high highs and low lows are swooshing in and out!  Life is going at a very very fast pace which I am enjoying. Finding the busier I am the less I linger a dumb emotional drama.
But yes there is a downfall and that is knowing how to turn down the volume.
We must always remember to thirst for God and to not get too busy we forget him!
Lately, I have so much energy that's coming so easy but knowing when to tame it is not coming as easy. That's when I turn to God! He shows me!
Now that I'm off Zoloft 1 full month now, I'm having to relearn some things. But when I go to God he makes a plan. He's been telling me to run and clear out my house. This has been helping me tame my wild hair energy.  I'm also needing to remember to keep my nose in the Bible and eyes on the cross because this insane amount of energy, the lord gifts, to high energy type people can in deed be used for His glory or for His demise! Why it is so Important to keep thirsty for the Lord!
The Challenge:
Question: Do You Suffer from Low energy?
Solution: Ask the Lord, put nose in Bible and simply accept the quiet season in your life!

Question: Do You Have too much Energy?
Solution: Ask the Lord, put nose in Bible and............ Kickbox!!!   💪🏻