Wednesday, June 14, 2017

535 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Sabotage or denial 
Those who guard their lips preserve their lives but those who speak rash will come to ruin. Proverbs 13:3

I briefly asked my psychologist why when I feel something is changing in relationships I sabotage. She confirmed this is a part of the learning and maturing process. Some sabotage and some act in complete denial. 
When we feel something changing in our world it makes us feel uncomfortable, fearful and nervous this then moves into all areas of our lives. So what is that feeling? It's the Holy Spirit giving a cue. Preparing you for what's coming. If your walking in the Holy Spirit it becomes more and more of an acceptance rather then a sabotage or denial type of experience. 
Lets give an example. Cheating. Sometimes when people are feeling uncomfortable or fearful of change instead of sharing with their boyfriend or girlfriend they instead sabotage everything (unknowingly) by cheating or speaking ill of their partner. Many times it's a way out for them. This type of behavior is not of the Holy Spirit but if we let God lead then we handle these challenges more gracefully. Instead of cheating or ending things terribly we would realize it's time to move on, make changes and/ or bow out gracefully. 
The Challenge: 
Are you naturally in denial, sabotaging or completely working to speak and walk gracefully in the spirit? 

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