Wednesday, March 28, 2018

636 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Evil called Good?-
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20

The Bible is very clear that in the end days good will be called evil and evil will be called good. So as Bible prophecy continues to reveal itself it’s not shocking that we see these exact things occurring. 
Today, I was talking to a women on a thread who wanted to know why she was dreaming so much about her partner. Through the conversation I figured she was referring to her partner as a man because her status said she was interested in men and a Christian. I asked her about this. She then revealed to me her partner is a woman and she needs to change her status since she came out of the closet recently. I informed her that she should change her “Christian” status too since that’s no longer her belief system. She went on to tell me she’s a gay Christian. I sent her a private message kindly sharing and warning that it’s a contradictory to the Bible and The teaching of Jesus Christ to be a unrepented gay Christian. I said it’s okay to be a different faith and shared some information on what the Christian faith believes about homosexuality. She kindly wrote back and said she will remain a Christian who is gay. 
The Challenge: 
Can a person be a gay Christian or could this be an example of deception; calling evil good?  ***Check out 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 today to gain some more insight. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

635 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Old Verse New Covenant-
By calling the covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:13

So what have I been tested on this week? This week I have been tested on the new covenant verse the old covenant. One of my friends is now studying the Torah and she believes the church has neglected sharing about the Torah law. This brought on deep discussion about the significance of Jesus coming and the new covenant that the church teaches. The church teaches Gods grace of the sacrificial lamb covers the multitude of sins. A new covenant to say we know we are sinners and can’t abide fully to Torah laws but now know why we need our savior. We know we aren’t perfect but through Jesus we can be cleansed and made like new before our God on His righteous thrown. 
Through the battle this week I have clarity that no we are not saved by abiding by the old Torah laws but saved by the blood of Jesus which makes us new and makes us WANT to abide closer to the laws (written on our hearts Hebrews 8:10) the Prophet Moses set before us. 
The Challenge: 
Look up “The Old Covenant,” and “The New Covenant” today. Study about them and discover why God created this “New Covenant” between us and Him. Do we or do we not still need to abide by the “Old” covenant? Discuss. 
634 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
He knows the way I take; when he has tested me I shall come forward as gold. Job 23:10

I’ve been feeling a bit like Job of the Bible this week. In the book of Job his faith gets tested. God knows he’s a good follower of Him but Satan says Job will not follow if I mess with him and distract him. God believes different and allows Satan to test him to prove Jobs loyalty. 
I guess I feel sometimes in this walk God is like the teacher of a classroom. He’s always there to answers questions and encourage us until the test comes then he must sit quietly at his desk and allow us to work through the problems ourselves. This in return helps us learn, stretch and bloom. 
God sat quietly at his desk as Job went through his trials then after the test they discussed it, grew closer because of it and God restored everything that was taken away from him. 
The Challenge: 
The test and the storms will come! We aren’t allowed sick days on those test days either. Prepare, stand firm, trust and know you will come forward as gold afterwards! 
633 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
- Keep on Seeking - 
Seek his will in all you do. Proverbs 3:6

I listened to a sermon about a year ago about how with each battle we slay we take a little bite of a cookie to reward ourselves but then get right back to the fight. The sermon keeps pulling me through this rollar coaster artist life with my crazy ups and downs. That’s just simply how Artists are. Emotional, sensitive and very expressive. It’s the expressive parts that heal us. When we get out what’s eating at us and sometimes we don’t even know what it is until we dance, sing, write or even cry out to the Lord. Some may find this odd but for us that’s the test being true to that calling to express it. 
This week my faith has been tested but I had some special moments today which reminded me to keep on fighting through. With each little accomplishment I’ll take a little bite of cookie and then get right back to this mission of seeking the Lord in all I do. 
The Challenge: 
Always take time to give yourself hug, pat on back or bite of a cookie when you have a big accomplishment but then get right back to work and wait on your next break through! 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

632 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-A divided body?-
Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you are apart of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27

Alright folks I’ve hit a snag In my walk and I need to be honest here. The last few weeks I have not felt like writing because I’ve been thinking deeply on some subjects. One subject includes how to approach different audiences about Jesus (Yeshua). I was asked to speak at a few events last week. I love this more then anything but if I’m being honest I know “My Journey,” and how the Lord has moved me does not always appeal to the masses. So how do I remain true to myself and what God needs from me while not offending different denominations of Christians and what they have been taught along their way? 
What I find interesting is through this walk talking to non believers or those of other faiths is easier for me then speaking in front of my own, so called, people lumped in the title of “Christian” or “body of Christ.” There are so many types of Christians, so many different interpretations of the Bible and different flavors of whom our Lord is. I just wish we could be one body like the Bible says Gods people are to be but let’s face it many Christians argue about so many topics. It does not seem like one sound mind at times and its my goal to get to the bottom of this separation. We need unity in the church and soon! How can we reach non believers when our own house does not agree on important foundational points? 
The Challenge: 
If we believe in Jesus why is this not enough for some? Why is there still so much confusion amongst the body of Christ on so many other life topics, the messiah and the different doctrines?  

Thursday, March 15, 2018

631 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Sweet Moments-
In the Lord your labor is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58

I had a great conversation with a man this evening. He was a crippled man using a walker. He was working to open the door all on his own, but I rushed over to help him. He told me normally he won’t accept help. He said he forces himself to do things all on his own. He has epilepsy and his doctors tell him he shouldn’t be walking. He believes the lord keeps him walking and it continues to shock the doctors. He then went on to tell me that he keeps fighting because he thinks the minute he stops walking he’s “done for,” and “in a wheel chair.”
This man inspired me today. His strength was encouraging. I did feel a special moment within our time talking. As if the Lord was tuning in. He shared with me about what the Lords doing and I was able to assure him that even if he ends up in a wheel chair he is certainly not done for! His pain is not in vain and God will still use him even if he can’t walk! He smiled and a sense of peace washed over him. 
The Challenge: 
Even in our most humbled down of moments remember God is always using his children and his children know that the work in the Lord is never work in vain.

Friday, March 9, 2018

630 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
-Misleading opportunities-
For the one that sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life. Gal. 6: 7-8

I had this dream last night. It was a dream about me getting an opportunity of a lifetime. Acting and dancing in a famous broadway show. The thing is it was burlesque style and I would be wearing black leather and using whips. Some parts are foggy but overall I knew it was something I shouldn’t be doing because it would mislead thousands. In the dream I struggled with my flesh because I really just wanted the opportunity. 
This is an example of what some face in the world. Choosing opportunities to excel careers but knowing in your heart your selling yourself short and essentially selling your soul to the devil. 

Tila Tequila knows this all to well. She was once famous for her promiscuity on VH1’s hit show, back in the day, called ‘A Shot At Love.’ She now reveals she fed into the lies. She has been recently seen sharing about Jesus on social media but her sharing comes with a chip on her shoulder and great bitterness. She’s basically coming out of hell and feels Hollywood mislead her and she feels abused. And that’s exactly what Satan does! He’s an abuser! The cats out of the bag! 
The Challenge: 
Beware of the opportunities you are given. If you have shreds of doubt that the Lord approves then don’t take it! Always take opportunities that God will be proud of! Always! 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

629 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-The golden phone? -
Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Daniel 12:4

Albert Einstein once wrote this, “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction, the world will have a generation of idiots.” Albert Einstein clearly knew this time would come. The book of revelation predicts this time as well. This time is now here. We treat our phones as if they are an extension of our brains. They are like the golden calf. Why do we idolize our phones over human interaction? 
With the increase in technology we have also seen an increase in mental illness. The two seem to go together! In a study by Pitts school of medicine, it was found that spending extended periods of time on social media is associated with depression in young adults, compared to people who checked social media less frequently. Frequent users were 2.7 times more likely to develop depression. 
The Challenge: 
So what do we do? The world is speeding us up to levels we are not made for. Create some rules for yourself! 
  1. Leave your phone at home one day a week. 
  2. Take a week purge of all technology.  
  3. Make yourself take a two hour break each day to have have real interaction with people. 
  4. Make a no phone policy during meals with your family.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

628 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Giving up Meat- 
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:29

I have abstained from eating meat for a month now and I honestly feel so much better. I feel as though my depression is lifting. Feel as though a blanket of fog has lifted off my brain. Why have I given up meat? In the old testament God warned his people that meat can be contaminated even unclean. (We know some of our meat now a days has large amounts of carcinogens in it!) I understand this was not God condemning all meat and it’s not one of the commandments to not eat meat, but I also know Gods original plan was not mass killing of animals and wasting their remains. I believe in eating animals for great purpose of nourishment to body but only if we are very thankful and do it for the glory of God and nourishing His temple (our bodies). 

I now work at a steakhouse at night and I see so many people waste food. I scrape off dead bloody flesh from plates into the garbage can. My stomach hurts thinking an animal gave its life just to go to waste, devalued and under appreciated! I don’t think the Lord approves of our entitled, wasteful and ungrateful culture. 
The Challenge: 
What are your thoughts on meat and giving up meat? Site bible references and discuss with another friend or family member today. 
627 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Praise Moves 
Abstain from things offered to idols. Acts 15:29 

Have you ever went to a yoga class and felt something off or not right? I’ve tried several times but the classes never sat right with my soul and now I understand why. Yoga is actually based off of eastern religion practices. Religions such as Hinduism is where yoga originated. These yoga practices and postures are often seen as offerings to statues of Hindu Gods. This would be the kind of practices our Lord warns us to abstain from in Acts 15:29. 
With this knowledge it has been on my heart to start a new form of stretching that goes along with the postures and verses of the Bible. Once again I thought I came up with a new idea but a women by the name of Laurette Willis was called to create stretch movements which offered a Christian alternative to yoga. She started developing “Praise Moves” in 2001! 
The Challenge: 
Try some PraiseMoves today! The Postures can be found soon on my website