Thursday, July 26, 2018

679 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
A Suffering Artist 
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

I’ve shared about this before but during times when I’m suffering the most is when I create some of my best art or even writing flows more. I’m hurting but as I write these words on paper (well in my notes on my phone 😉) I feel a sense of release. This is what being an artist is! We are made to express our overly emotionally charged selves through our gifted art which then shares light and can share God. 
Suffering in general forces us to dig deep and take the time to focus on the deep needs of our heart. Suffering gets us to the root of our struggles and helps us trim them back like like thorns on a rose bush! The thorns and brush get cut off, which hurts, and makes us suffer more but then we bloom 3 or 4 times as beautiful in the next due season. 
The Challenge: 

Suffering can offer break through! Suffering helps move and shift us to where God is calling us to go. Suffering in its strange ways morphs us to our destiny! 

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