Saturday, December 9, 2017

590 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Editing Scripture-
Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. (Deuteronomy 4:2)

This week in the news Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church has declared he would like to make changes to the gospel. More specifically the 'Our Father' prayer found in Matthew 6. 
When I heard this red flags went up for me and I'll work here to share why. Pope Francis wants to change the part where the prayer says 'lead me not into temptation.' He feels this suggest God leads us to temptation. He wants to edit it to suggest something more like 'let us not lead ourselves into temptation but deliver us from evil.'
Okay I get it. So you may think this change seems harmless, right? But the truth is is this tiny change is incredibly dangerous. If people (like the pope) feel we can make simple changes then what keeps others from making edits and changes to our precious and complete gospel? This is the cause of many false teachers and religions sculpting and doing what they please to the gospel! If we believe in Jesus Christ we believe the Gospel is complete as is! Our Lord commanded in Deuteronomy 4:2 that we ought not to add or take away from scripture! The way the gospel is is the foundation of our belief system as Christians which editing challenges everything!! DANGEROUS! 
The Challenge: 
Have a deep discussion today with someone about this topic. Do you feel it's okay for the Pope to change simple wording  in the gospel? Why or why not? 

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