Friday, October 7, 2016

394 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*The Bible Speaks*
*Thy Shalt Not kill* Exodus 20:13

If you commit suicide do you get to heaven?

In the light of a recent loved one threatening this I have dove head first into this topic this week. It is no coincidence that as I've been trying to figure this out today in a online group called "Christian Homeschool" we all discussed this very topic. 
This is what God poured into my heart about the answer to this tough question. You ready? Well, we don't truly know... But this is what me as a human knows about biblical doctrine. Murder/killing is a sin but by nature we all sin right? It's a part of the flesh. Jesus died on the cross to free us from the burden of our sin. Once we claim Jesus as our personal savior we are forever saved. Jesus naturally changes our heart to want to move further and further away from sin but we will still struggle with sin. Sin is a part of the earth and here to stay. 
So insight to the question is this. If one murders them-self before asking Christ into their heart as their personal savior then they will not inherit the kingdom. If they accept Christ and then do to something such as mental illness, they kill themselves, then yes because they were saved they will inherit the kingdom of heaven. With all this said Jesus and Jesus alone is the one who saves! He is the only one that knows hearts so yes we as humans do not truly know! 
The Challenge: 
Become a part of a great Christian online group today! You'll learn so much as you get to hear so many sides to every argument but within a loving Christian setting. 

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