Thursday, October 27, 2016

408 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Don't Drink the Kool Aid*
"And many false prophets will arise and lead many away." Matthew 24:11

So why am I such a Jesus freak? 

When I started this journey, now 408 days ago, I was on the bandwagon of trying to feed everyone what they wanted to hear. I call it the Oprah coma from too much Kool aid. God stopped me from this life of doom because it does no real good for our Lord. 
God wants us to share the truth. Truth lies within The Bible. I had planned to do this journey without The Bible but then God said, "Sweet child that's impossible! If you follow me you will follow my guide which is all right there written in that book under all that dust on your shelf!" 
I clued in real quick. Speaking truth means you will be persecuted and over the past year I have taken my beatings but I know that I now have eternal life. My key to heaven is not based upon the showers of praise of man (much like Hollywood chases) but upon the glory God gets when we share his words. 
There are absolutely many false prophets out there in this sugared up world! They will tell you of universal concepts such as all will make it to the kingdom eventually. According to biblical doctrine this is not so! False prophets will also tell you that you can get to heaven without Jesus but the word says Jesus is the only way to the kingdom of God. And there is only one God! Many many fallen angels but only one God! We must trust and accept his love and if we don't then we are not apart of the heavenly family and body of our Savior.
The Challenge: 
If this truth pisses you off then read the Bible or look into why Jesus is King.... You don't know until you read the truth which lies in the historical facts and pages within the Word of God. Don't knock it until you try it!

If your not sure if you walk with God then choose today as the day you mark as the day you are RE-BORN in him and become a follower of Christ the one true King. 

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