Saturday, October 8, 2016

395 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*A Vulnerable Heart*
"The one who rejects you rejects me and the one who rejects me rejects he who sent me." Luke 10:16

I want to return back to the verse Luke 10:16.  This verse had a profound influence upon my heart a few days ago and I would like to share why. I was at the gym and along with noticing the old man in camouflage I also noticed a woman circling the track. She was pushing her baby in a stroller and looking at her phone. She seemed annoyed. Then about 20 minutes later I was walking to get my baby out of the childcare and she was heading out pushing her baby in stroller and holding a now upset little two year old. She was angry and almost ran my foot over. 
Minutes later I was outside sitting on the bench and there she was again very frazzled, very upset and trying to push the baby while holding the crying 2 year olds hand. 
I have been here and in fact felt like her yesterday. I know when I'm in that mindset I think everyone around me doesn't like me. I wanted to show her I cared so I said,"Have a nice day." Then I felt it wasn't enough so I said, "Can I help you?" She ignored me and I have a feeling she thought I was poking at her, which in this society most would!  I Prayed that maybe later she would realize loving support was right there, sitting on the bench, if she just opened her eyes and made her heart more vulnerable. 
The Challenge:
In trying to imitate Christ and share his love others may reject you. They may not see. Jesus knows this sorrow all too much but we must keep trying! Keep sharing Christ love even if it feels awkward, uncomfortable or even unpopular! 

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