Monday, January 30, 2017

488 Days Saved - Walk with Christ
*Fearfully Made*
I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalms 139:14

I was at the grocery store the other day. There is this young handsome man who is always there working. He looks a little like Elvis Priestly. I asked him one day, "Has anymore ever told you you look like Elvis." He smiled and said, "No, but I do get 'The Fonz' often." As I began to take my cart to leave I said to the young man,"Well, you better be doing good things with those good looks buddy." I then gave him a big smile and he laughed.
This experience got me thinking about how the earthly world focuses so much on beauty and good looks. God gifts these things in hopes that people will do good things but often they are used wrongly.
A few great men who use their God given good looks for good are Tim Tebow and Kurt Warner! These men are the Godly men other men should to aspire to emulate.  Marcus Rogers is a young pastor who knows he use to not use his good looks and charm for Gods glory. He now knows that using his looks for Gods glory is of much more value then charming and snaking in women.
The Challenge:
Gifted with external beauty then use it for Gods glory and not worldly glory!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

487 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Seeing Heaven*
No eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. 1: Corinthians 2:9

When you walk into heaven you will see
Gates on one pearl
Colors so bright
Streets suspended in light
covered in pure in Gold
The land flows of milk and honey
Animals will have no fear of us
We will have no fear of them.
As you walk you will see the river of life so clear and glorious flowing from the kingdom.
There will be no need for sun or moon because our God is the light.
Jesus will have a large presence
Seated at the right hand of our father
The kingdom like the sun in our universe that shines so brightly.
There will be trees of life that are right next to the clear enchanting river that flows. They will be filled with new fruits.
The Challenge:
Close you eyes and envision these things in you own vision of heaven and what it will look like to you one day.

Friday, January 27, 2017

486 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Prophesy, Premonition, Psychic Energy
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21

Yes, I believe in prophesy, premonition and psychic energy but I only believe its properly used when used in the name of Jesus Christ. It takes a lot of Godly training to be in the world but never of the world. The more treasure one stores up in heaven the more knowledge if gifted as we build trust with our father.

There are three ways the  energy of prophesy, premonition and psychic abilities are used
1: Never Used: In order to be given the key hole to heaven you must believe in order to receive.

2. Used Wrongly: Any energy given outside of Jesus Christ only leads to being misguided and confusion. Without Jesus it simply opens the door up for demonic demonized worldly energy and behavior.

3. Used Properly: Unique knowledge of heaven is only gifted through the Holy Spirit. In order to obtain this one must be born again, accept Jesus came and died in the flesh for our sins and ask for forgiveness through repentance.

The Challenge:
Simply put which number are you?
485 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*The Lord Provides*
Look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store up feed in barns. For your Heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him then they are? Matthew 6:26

As you all know I love my animals but because of health issues we don't get to have a dog and cat in the house. Since I love when animals like birds, squirls and rabbits come into our yard I decided I'd take care of the Lords wild creatures.
This past weekend I bought some bird seed, bird feeders and a little bird bath. Earlier I thought about my favorite bird the blue jay. I said, "Lord maybe he can come back today?" As I sat at my kitchen table looking into the yard I looked up to say thank you Lord for giving me a way to bring your creatures into my yard. Creature whom gift me so much peace when I watch them. Right as I was saying thank you to our Lord , I looked up and once again there he was my sweet blue jay the Holy Spirit sent to give me a wink.
The Challenge:
The creatures that come in and out of your yard are gifted from above. Love, enjoy and take care of the wild creature of the earth.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

484 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*The March*
She looks well †o the ways of her household, and does not eat bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27

This past weekend was the women's March.  I am sure you all know but I did not march. I stayed home and remained a help meet to my family. I think the best way to share my opinion on this topic is to share the post I posted to my Facebook wall yesterday.

"Okay as a very Christian conservative woman who loves my Jesus I have been in deep thought about the women's march and I believe the Holy Spirit has brought me a bit of clarity, I would like to share and start a healthy discussion. 
I think where the March went wrong is clumping all of women's rights issues into one area. This then brought the extremes out that actually hurt the walk as is offered division and confusion for the other side watching. I'll admit I was confused. I realize that's okay because Yes, it's important for these women to get their point across and be heard but It's also important that they see this way caused confusion for the women of the other side of the line! 
I can back a few concepts of women's rights movement of course, but the others such as abortion I cannot and that only creates division. I think it would be healthier going forward if women stand for one specific topic of women's rights! Walking for one specific right at a time will make things a bIt easier for the other side to maybe gain insight and clarity on what they are fighting for. 
When you go to a restaurant you don't order everything on the menu because you would get sick and the cost is too high. You pick 2 or 3 things to eat. Women's movement is no different. Pick a topic because slushing all of it together only offered confusion and made some from the other side feel sick.. truly. 
Let's face it! The vagina head, naked bodies and nipple tassles did NOT bring clarity to the movement."

The Challenge: 
The Lord calls us to humbly share our opinions and beliefs. Pointing fingers from either side will not bring unity bit only cause more division.  Share ideas but share in a modest, controlled more loving way that never shows an angry side. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

483 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*You are Appointed*
I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bare fruit... fruit that will last. John 15:16

Sitting at this little play area I take my kids to weekly. There was a young little boy who just learned to walk but was very wobbly in the knees. The play area is made to look like a forest type wonderland.
The little boy ran, wobbling past the mountain and canoe placed on the floor. He was so joyful. His joy radiated. As he smiled and ran through the wonderland his joyful energy (light) radiated onto me and made me bust out a smile and little sweet laughter.
This little boy represents how God wants us to be. Sure the little boy was wobbly and tripped on the carpet a few times but nothing stole his joy. God wants us to run through this forest called life with pride, smiles, laughter and excitement no matter what! There is simply so much joy in this life knowing we are the chosen ones and appointed by God himself!
The Challenge:
So what if you trip! So what if you are wobbly! Get up and get back running with a big ol grin on your face because you were appointed and you are HIS!

Monday, January 23, 2017

482 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*A wink across the line*
Let love and faithfulness never leave you. Proverbs 3:3

I always tell my friend Karla I'm always a better writer when I'm feeling down.  That's the Challenge of being a writer! Laughing here.  I have actually been feeling so joyful lately that my depth for writing has declined. Kinda strange how that works but I'm sure you as my audience are okay with some light hearted joyful news from time to time.
So many things are starting to blossom in my life and I am so very excited about the future. Gods promise is true when you take the time to plant the healthy seeds a heaping harvest will flow eventually.
Some of the things I'm seeing are relationships mending. Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom with some to begin to rebuild and discover if you even want to rebuild. One of my best friends is very liberal and I am very very conservative in my values. Yesterday we peacefully agreed to disagree and wink at each other across the line from time to time. We both realize we are fighting for separate causes but we are both really really trying in this life!  Through this continued friendship we will continue to grow and learn how to love unconditionally and love without the looming political division.
The Challenge:
You may NOT be fighting for the same cause as another but the good news is this! Jesus never said we have to agree in order to love, be kind and show respect.

Friday, January 20, 2017

481 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*The Light*
Let light shine out of darkness. 2 Corinthians 4:6

It's Inauguration Day today. A very special day but protesters are making the light of hope dim.

I was driving today and noticed a tree.  The tree was not upright. It very slanted.  The other side was a dark corner and fence.  The tree was working hard to move away from the dark corner and toward the light to get its proper nourishment.
This is exactly what we as people must do. We must go away from the darkness and into the light in order to gain a clearer healthier more nourished perspective. We will never see clearly or be fed properly in the dark.
Martin Luther King said is best when he said this; "Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that."
The Challenge:
Emulate Martin!  Always seek the light in all that you do and you will in return be nourished!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

480 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Purple Cross Mission*
Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. Romans 15:2

It has been an emotional few days. May be the winter blues, may be that I'm having anxiety that my book that I poured my heart and soul into for year and a half is now in publication status which is a very freaky feeling.
Life is a bit at stand still right now more than likely the calm before the storm. Praying a good storm. So as restless as I've been feeling the Lord is in fact keeping me busy with our Purple Cross Mission.
We made up these little valentines gifts with the Purple Cross attached. We went around our neighborhood and today I learned that God has work for us all and it's right next door!
We have an older neighbor named Rich. Very sweet man and always watching over our home in a protective father like way. As he opened the gift I did not expect what was about to happen. I truly did not. He took one look at the cute stuffed animal with our cross and then looked up at me very intensely. He said I have not been well." I said, "I'm so sorry but luckily for us there is no pain in heaven." He then said, "Oh, I won't make it there I have a rocky past."  I quickly perked up realizing the Holy Spirit brought me straight to this man for this very purpose on this very day! "I said Rich, you know the second you ask God for forgiveness your forgiven immediately?" He then said, "Oh no I'm atheist I don't believe in that supernatural stuff." The Lord guided me to say a few more quick things but the most important thing he led me to do was to tell this hopeless hurting man simply, I Love you. I gave him a squeeze on the arm and said I'm here to talk about God if you ever want to.
I left the encounter shedding tears and knowing I'll be praying for him. The power of this Purple Cross and the way it opens up conversation about Jesus is truly remarkable!
The Challenge:
Share our simple cross with your neighbor. We don't have to go so far to share the gospel. God put you right in the path of your neighbors to share about his glorious favor. Believe me when I say God opens up the conversation you don't even have to feel that awkward feeling of what do I do or what do I say! It all flows with the Purple Cross!  ๐Ÿ’œ

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

479 Days Saved - A Walk With Christ
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Proverbs 13:12

There is a saying that a man can be judged based upon the friends that he keeps.  This is definitely a tricky subject for many reasons. One reason is we know Jesus did not judge but befriended all kinds of different people to offer his loving  influence. We also know the above bible verse which warns of being influenced by the wrong crowd.
This got me thinking about this word influence. Influence means to have an effect on the character development or behavior of someone or something.
As humans (of the flesh) it's important to know we are both influencers and being influenced. Sometimes we want to be a good influence on someone but in return we are actually influenced by foolish behavior.
Example 1:
I watched a show where the boyfriend was working to be a good influence on his drug addict girl friend. In return she was influencing him and he soon joined her in her destructive ways.
Example 2:
I see people on social media promote the value of external beauty. Pictures such as nearly nude girls in sexual looking stances does not work to influence our society of women or men positively.
I had to make a decision to unfollow several this year because I was finding myself thinking foolishly. Thinking I needed to tuck this, tan that, lift there on the external to be beautiful. This is the worlds demented ideas of beauty; NOT Gods!
The Challenge:
Think about the company you keep. Are you the influencer? Are you being influenced? Are you being a good influence? Are they being a good influence on you? Great things to think upon as you continue your walk with Christ.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

478 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Our Defender*
Satan may roar but my defender is the Lion of Judah and he will fight for me.... I need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

It is very true what they say. We are born into this world with a purpose. God had a specific mission granted to each and everyone of us. The key to this life is knowing who's voice you are listening to. It's knowing how to identify our Shepard's voice from the enemy's.
When the Lord made you he feared you would choose to listen to the enemy's voice. The enemies voice is the one that keeps you distracted, confused, lost, bored and desperate. These were not the characteristics our father instilled personally deep within your soul but characteristics this world has webbed all around us.
The Lord knows what your purpose here is and he is rooting for you to hear the right voice. His voice is the one that shows you the way, offers strength,  adventure and a divine plan.  A plan that in fact leads the way to your brilliant eternal destiny which lies on the other side of those heavenly gates.
The Challenge:
Ever feel scared, held back or confused? Satan is absolutely terrified of you learning the truth of whom you are and to whom you truly belong. Satan will desperately cling to you and tear you down in order to hold you back from hearing our Shepard's voice. Satan knows once we learn to follow Jesus he loses all momentum here on earth. Do NOT let satan gain momentum in your life but instead turn your head back and say, "Get behind me Satan," as you then proceed with disticntive internal courage moving only toward the light!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

477 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Feeling Lead*
So that your giving will be in secret; And your father who sees what you have done in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:4

Yesterday was a very very full day of feeling the Holy Spirit lead me. In fact today I'm in bed because my soul is exhausted. We handed out several Purple Crosses while out and about on our daily errands. One story struck me.
I was driving around downtown and I was a bit lost. As I turned down the street I saw this man sitting by this garage. I passed him by. I continued on to do some errands but then accidentally ended up on the same road. I kept thinking about that man so I said, "Lord if you want me to stop and share our cross then have him still be there." Sure enough the man was still sitting by the garage. I did have my kids with me and I could have been nervous but I wasn't. The Holy Spirit filled me with courage.
As I handed him the Purple Cross I said, "I am not sure why but the Lord specifically wanted me to share this with you today." I also gave him some candy. He was delighted and very very thankful. He was also not intimidating at all but actually a young very nice man! He said, "Thank you Flower child." ๐Ÿ˜Š

As I looked over another man was tapping on my window. I got nervous but rolled my window down. That man wanted a business card for our party planning business.
Gods sweet reward?
The Challenge:
Do you keep thinking about a person or you hear others saying their name around you very often? That's the Holy Spirit saying it's time to reach out!
476 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
๐Ÿ’œPurple Cross Mission๐Ÿ’œ
When you've done everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't do. 2 Corinthians 12:10

I went to pick up my medicine tonight. I literally just loaded up my purse pockets fresh with 30 new Purple Crosses to share.
Tonight as I was at the counter getting my medicine I felt the pharmacist energy a little low. The Holy Spirit nudged me and said, Do it..." "Give her one." For some reason I was reluctant. I decided to listen and as I gathered up my items I set a Purple Cross on the counter and said, "This is for you. Jesus loves you." For some reason I felt nervous to look up and when I did she reluctantly said thank you with a slight eye roll.

So here's the thing we must all remember about our Lord. He wants us to share the seedling of hope so he can begin to work hearts and do what we can not do. Sometimes it take a thousand little seedlings for someone to understand this guy named Jesus but I do know one thing! Even if it takes a 1000 seedlings, from all around the world, the Lord will be so proud of you for sharing that one tiny seedling, on that one special day when the Holy Spirit whispered, "Do It."
The Challenge:
Share a seedling (maybe a Purple Cross)  and be the one seedling amongst thousands that gifts HOPE to a single soul!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

475 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Modern Day Sharing*
Let the one who boast, boast in the Lord. 2 Corinthians 10:17

We are absolutely in a time in history when it seems all about self. Between selfies, tweeting and keeping up with the Trends, that now come and go so quickly, it's easy to get wrapped up into this selfish culture.
I have been working diligently to go with the grain instead of against it.  If selfies, tweeting, live videos and staying up with trends captures an audience then I say if you can't beat them join them.
This is where it has gotten tricky. I've joined the movement in order to share Christ in a new modern way that many can understand. I'm sharing in this familiar way that our modern era has created; Hated by a few, Odd to some yet appreciated by many.
God said toward the end of days the gospel will be shared throughout the entire world! The time is here! The time is now and I'm thrilled to be a part of the movement of average everyday people being called to share Christ through social media! This my friends is not about self but all about giving the glory over to our father! If we boast we boast in our Lord!
The Challenge:
Are you called to boast about Gods word on social media?  ๐Ÿ‘€ Hmmmm......

Sunday, January 8, 2017

474 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Living Out-loud*
Though they stumble they will not fall for the Lord holds them by the hand. Psalms 37:24 NLT

This week I'm dealing with challenges I've faced all through this journey but never ever wrote on the subject.

I still do not know the answer but I can give you a peek of the instant message I sent to my friend who is a current Christian author. Figured she could help!

"You know as a blogger and author of life experiences, it's hard to be honest with life experiences because I write on a feeling to help others...  but then family and friends in my life read as though it's about them or applies to them.  So that's my challenge. Sometimes it does but most the time it does not. I write in a way that helps others struggling with similar topics on a whole. I'm simply inspired by life events that move around me.
I'm not writing for selfish reasons (some may  think) but its my calling to sort through these earthly woes others too face.  Gets tricky...  Worrying about how all read my writings blocks me from being honest with my journey which is the entire purpose of the process...  Honesty! Not Plastic! Is in fact the goal.  People watching a real person with real problems, while learning to walk with God.
It's important for others to see the real challenges a new Christian walking in the spirit deals with.  I'm trying to be me and not live carefully but others often have issues with that, but it's also me putting God first.  Very very Tricky....   Any tips or advice would be appreciated.

My friend wrote back and expressed she too faces this very challenge. It's a challenge that most Authors, Writers, bloggers and even comedians face. Felt good to know that other witers have the same challenges.
The Challenge:
Living out loud is not easy but when you do you learn so much about yourself and quickly! You learn the fleshy flaws you still need to work on and you learn about those who are willing to accept you just the way you were made!
*Always Remember*
If you look for the bad you will find the bad! If you seek the good you will SEE the BEAUTY!!

Good night ๐Ÿ’œ

Saturday, January 7, 2017

473 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Faith in His Answer*
But truly God has listened; He has attended to the voice of my prayer. Psalm 66:19

This is a story about just how funny our Lord can in fact be. I was having cabin fever and needed to get out of the house Friday night.  In my old life when I felt stressed from my week I would go have a few drinks at a bar. Many times more then a few. I'll be honest the way I was feeling I was craving that drink, that release and that feeling of letting go.
So I drove to a local chain steak restaurant. As you all know I'm trying  to give up weekend drinking and drinking in general for now.  I bowed my head and said, "Dear Lord,  I miss you and want to know your with me. Please show me something. If you do not want me to have this drink then let me know."

I then proceeded to walk into the steak house. As I opened the door an awful odor was release. It was awful!! Smelled like flatulence! I immediately felt like leaving but figured it was just in the one area. As I sat in the bar area to eat I began to feel like I was going to gag. The odor was getting worse. I thought should I stay or should I go? Hmmmm... The smell continued to get worse and smelled like a stink bomb mixed with sewage. When I mentioned it to the manger I couldn't help but laugh. It was embarrassing to discuss but I soon realized what was happening. It was a gas leak. Scary stuff but now a days they put odor into gas so it's no longer a silent killer. They called on someone to fixed the problem.
As my asthma began to act up I packed my food up, still gaging and laughing all at once. Laughing because it's quite possible the Lord made me nauseous so I would not buy that drink that I asked him about! I was obedient never got the drink and laughed so hard all the way home. God knew deep belly laughs were what I really needed to satisfy my spirit for the night.
The Challenge:
Our prayers get heard; pray always! Pray and the Lord will lead you. He simply wants you to have faith in how he answers your prayers!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

472 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Mark 16:15

For thousands of years most people have known that the greatest way to learn a concept is to teach it.  Author Anne Murphy Paul wrote in 2011, "Students enlisted to teach others, researchers have found, work harder to understand the material, recall it more accurately and apply it more effectively."
I cannot agree more with Anne Murphy Paul's findings. I had this revelation this week.  This is indeed one of many reasons why God wants us all to share the gospel! In sharing the gospel with others it in return makes concepts more clear for our own understanding. Reasons why I love sharing the good news! It has truly inspired me and gives me so much passion to continue learning, take my daily bread and share my discoveries.
The Challenge:
Read a gospel this week and then teach a friend about what you learned. This will in return help you grow in your faith and get you closer to understanding our precious savior.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

471 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Eyes of Beholder*
Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.

When I first started dating my husband he was so proud to show me off as the new woman in his life, which was sweet. One night he was talking to an older man at a bar.  He said, "This is my girlfriend isent she so beautiful." The man paused then said, "Well, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." We still laugh to this day as we weren't quite sure what he was thinking but it didn't matter his philosophy was right on.

If you want your partner to be beautiful towards you then Love and treat them as if they are beautiful. Why would we ever expect beauty from someone you think and/or speak Il of?  I see many relationships fail because they stopped seeing the beauty in each other. They only chose to see the flaws. If you don't see beauty in your partner you'll never get or see the best parts of them in return.  Their best parts will begin to hide from you!
The Challenge:
Not being treated the way you want to be treated? Are you seeing the beauty in that person? If you see NO beauty then of course all you will get in return is their defensive ways and negative fleshy energy. Choose to behold your partners beauty and see them change simply because your perspective about them is refreshed.

Monday, January 2, 2017

470 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Do Not Stir*
Don't worry about anything; instead pray for everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 NLT

My son had a bloody nose this early am so I of course couldn't go back to sleep. As I laid in bed things were stirring in my head I kept going back and forth on a subject of should I try harder or just let it go in some friendships. This is absolutely no task my fleshy self could handle, so I looked up to my father.
I was not sure what to say or pray for but just pressing into God brought a surge of clarity to me. The Lord said, "Do not stir and with grace it's time to move on." There it was the answer to what I was stirring about.
The Challenge:
Instead of stirring over things give it to our father so your clarity will flow. Even when you don't know what to pray for in that moment you'll begin to learn the deeper desires of your heart.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

469 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Casted Stones*
"Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone." John 8:7

Why do we point out the flaws of our fellow brothers and sisters but pretend we ourselves are sinless?
Jesus gave the perfect example of his grace when the gospel of John shared about this very topic.
The story is about a woman who commited adultery.  Jesus was teaching a group of people in the temple when all of a sudden the scribes and Pharisees brought in a woman. They said to Jesus in front of everyone, "This woman here has committed adultery." Jesus felt for the woman as they were judging the woman in front of all to see. They said, "shall we stone her? That's what Moses said to do." Jesus wrote in the dirt and tried to ignore the men but then stood up and said this. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." John 8:7.
When no one cast a stone Jesus told the woman you are forgiven go and sin no more.
The Challenge:
The next time you feel like casting a stone upon a sinner think about what Jesus would say! Jesus says we can only cast a stone if and only if we are sinless ourselves. This gives you the Lords answer. Since we are all sinners we shall cast no stones!