Tuesday, September 13, 2016

374 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Don't Take the Apple*
"Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." Corinthians 11:14

I went to go see this speaker yesterday a part of the JT Foxx Organization. He is a self made motivational speaking star (So he claims)  but I did not take the "Golden Apple." The entire conference was repulsing to me. These men would cus, parade their riches and taught chauvinistic skills. They put the crowd under this cloud of acceptance because they were in charge and appeared to have the golden apple and key to riches! The entire thing was so odd  and my discerning spirit was not convinced. 
They paraded around the stage speaking about how much money they have and showed off their expensive diamond watches. They talked about all the famous people they knew (well, bought). The guy even picked out certain people from the crowd and gave a blanket statement reading who they were in relation to business. After their manipulative presentation some who fell for the tricks and like them hungry for money, ran back to the back to buy the CD's and very high priced coaching services. 
He claimed you must beware who you get coached by and my friends we should beware of "coaches" like this! Nothing this man did would be an example of walking with Christ. Just more of Satans' work in disguise. Let me be clear he's not Satan but he's unknowingly walking along side him and teaching that going with the ways of the world is glamorous and fruitful.  This is no fruit we want! If I rise I rise on Christ and not the Devils schemes! Know the difference! This is why we must bury ourselves into the gospel of truth and follow our lords teachings. This is the only way to not be fooled by the devil himself who masquerades of an angel of light. 
The Challenge: 

Satan acts like a righteous father and can trick people into following him. Know what Jesus stands for and never be fooled again! 

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