Saturday, September 17, 2016

377 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*The Giving Tree*
"On days when I am weak and weary, he is my strength." Psalm 73: 26

Do you remember that old children's book entitled "The Giving Tree," By Shell Silverstein? This tree loved to give. He gave away his leaves, his branches and his trunk to a little boy so the boy could use them and be happy. The boy grew old and when he came back the tree was sad he didn't have anything left to offer the once little boy, now man. This made the tree sad but then the boy said its ok I will sit here and rest on your trunk. This then made the tree feel very happy because he loved having the man around.

Lately, I hate to admit it but I have been feeling a little like the giving tree. I feel so exhausted by daily life and at the end of the day have nothing left to give. I am a giver, I enjoy giving and not having any energy left to fill others cups is making me feel very bummed.

Yesterday, I saw a woman and her child outside the grocery store with a sign saying they needed help. When I was in the store I picked up a small bag of goodies to try and cheer them up. I was in the store longer then expected and when I came out they were gone. In the same moment an older lady gave me the warmest smile and an older man offered to take my cart back into the store for me. I knew this was God trying to refill my cup. I looked down at the bag of goodies and knew he wanted me to have them to share with my children.  And so I said, "Thank you Father."
The Challenge:
Sometimes its time to give but sometimes God humbles us down so we can see when he gives to us. His  gifts help to fill our cup so we can share God's living water with others. If our cup is feeling empty then we have no living water to share and our father knows this. Its okay to feel like you have nothing left to offer. In these moments just ask the lord to fill your cup, watch for it and say thank you when he does!

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