Wednesday, September 21, 2016

381 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Inspired by God*
"All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16 ESV

Ahhh why I'm so very passionate about this beloved masterpiece called "The Bible!" Do you know what the #1 best selling book on the New York Times Best Sellers List is, stays and will always remain? Yes, that is right "The Bible!" In fact they do not include it on the list anymore because it will always be number one! Simple facts.

Do you remember that game telephone where you send a message around the circle and it always comes out with a different message then what was meant to be sent around? Well.... That's because it starts and ends with man! The bible starts and ends with God! The bible is written by man but influenced by the Holy Spirit (Our lords grace). How do we know? 40 people sharing similar massages in the span of roughly estimated 1600 years! A simple game of telephone between 16 people can't get a similar message sent within 2 minutes but "The Bible" got a similar massage across, sent by 40 people, over the span of 1600 years! Now that my friends is a miracle, The Holy Spirit, Our Amazing God!
The Challenge:
Today grow your love and faith in the bible! Google and read about 'Historical Proof The Bible was influenced by the holy spiritual.' Your faith will expand with this simple knowledge!

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