Wednesday, September 28, 2016

385 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Be True*
"For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows from the spirit reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7  

I am finally back home in Colorado and after a long summer of vacations and going from here to there I am so very happy God has brought me back to the peace and safety of my home, family and routine. As I sit here in my quiet house by the fire, kids are in school, I'm reminded the importance of quiet time and peace in our lives. In my younger years I could keep up with the ways of the world but now all I want is a simple life. I sometimes fall into the worldly ways but it's not what brings peace to my soul.
I am actually way more of an introvert than I actually ever allowed myself to share. In fact I think many times I would binge drink just to feel more outgoing. I tend to be very affected by my surroundings, which I'm learning how to embrace. Drinking gives the illusion that its easier to blend in and not be so affected; But honestly is this what God wants? 
I now know God is okay with a few drinks here or there in the right company but when we use these worldly things to escape or change our personality, well I don't think that is from our lord.  Believe me I still fall short on this concept like so many of us do. God makes us special for his purpose and if we aren't utilizing the true gift of the personality he granted us with than we truly are missing out on something! 
The Challenge: 
Remember we satisfy Satan when we are in love with following his worldly ways! Work daily at pleasing the lord with the TRUE personality he granted you with! Remember having FEAR of sharing who you are is NOT gifted from our lord! "God did not give you a spirit of fear." 2 Timothy 1:2

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