Sunday, August 26, 2018

691 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Be Real 
A person without self control is like a city with broken down walls. Proverbs 25:28

Speaking of positivity. I have been battling with the idea of being fake verses having that gifted self control. Trying to learn and share  what the difference is between the two. What I have discovered is it’s more of a spirit connection. If we are feeling down it’s okay to be down and if we are feeling joyful it’s okay to be joyful. What’s not okay is pretending your incredibly happy when your really down in spirit. How can others reach out to you if they do not understand you are hurting inside? 
The Challenge: 
If your happy be happy but if you are down don’t pretend to be at 130% when your truly just not. That’s not listening to the spirit inside you it’s pretending your something that your not which will hurt in the end. 

If your mad go ahead and share that your mad but have self control not to act on that anger. 

If you are hurting then it’s okay to wear a smile to try to be more positive but you don’t have to keep that smile on all day just to play to how you want others to see you. 

Bottom line Be REAL! 

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