Friday, December 29, 2017

596 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-He's Near-
The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17 NIV

As I was picking out items for my mini alter at home, I had to smile. The gentlemen at the store (which was actually a tatoo shop) helping me pick out the incense and censer informed me that I'll have to learn the exact times to meditate and light the incense. I perked up as I saw it as an opportunity to share about the grace our Lord came back to offer us. I quickly shared with him that that is the grace Jesus brought. With Jesus we know that it Doesn't matter what time we say our prayers, light our candles, burn our incense, tap our drum, strum our lyre; For we know our lord is always near anytime we simply call upon His name! 
The Challenge: 
Do you believe you have to say prayers a certain way or light candles at certain times for the Lord to hear your voice? 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

595 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-A Sweet Little Alter-
Then I will go to the alter of God, to God, my joy and my delight. Psalm 43:4

Christmas Eve I had a rather momentous thing happen in my life. A very clear message was shared into my life. I'm learning that these things are personal and something not many besides our own hearts can really understand. The Lord speaks to each of us ever so uniquely. This is why it's important to have that intimate relationship with Christ, for it is only then you can hear His whispers upon your life. 
So I cannot share how the message was presented but I can share what I have done with the counsel of the Holy Spirit. 

I have created a little alter in my living room. The Lord does not say this is necessary but if we are lead to it then that's called a conviction. He also does not need anything fancy. On my little alter I have a candle to burn myrrh oil and a censer to burn Frankenscents inside. I have a picture of Jesus and a simple wooden cross. These things identify exactly whom my Lord is. I also have my purple prayer crosses which remind me of people to pray for daily. 
The Challenge: 
The Lord needs nothing special or fancy!  All He wants is your heart and your time. Having a special place in your home will remind you and your family to spend time with Him. You'll start feeling peace in that place. You will then learn how to get that feeling of peace rooted into your mind, for when you go out into the world.   

Thursday, December 21, 2017

594 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Truth with Love*
Love your neighbor as yourself, there is no greater commandment then these. Mark 12:31

Something interesting evolved on social media this morning. I was doing my usual early morning scrolling when I saw a post that agitated my spirit. I was hesitant to respond but then the Lord whispered, "Share me."
The post was a small cartoon which said, "What to do to your ex." It was of cartoon character performing all different ways to kill the other person. 
People laughed and responded but I said, "I do not find this funny! Killing someone is nothing to joke about." The girl who put out the post immediately unfriended me. She did not even know my reasoning behind sharing. 
I took this as a moment to share with her. I private messaged her on the side explaining I know a person who slayed their ex. I then informed her based upon many of her post I could tell she was hurting. I told her I care about her! She immediately said, "Get a life!" Then she said, "Why do you care about me?" I shared I care because Jesus loves her! I went on to share more about our loving and forgiving father. She removed the post of the cartoon killing its ex within the hour. Praise Jesus! 
The Challenge:
Sometimes the coldest sounding people are the ones looking for simple unconditional love! Just because a person is angry seeming doesn't mean it's time to be snarky back, it actually means it's time to show them kindness! Maybe they haven't felt kindness in a long time! Maybe you can be the one to show them love when many others have failed that test!

593 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Awake my soul! Awake! Psalms 57:8

Last night I had a dream. In this dream it was very dark. Black with a bluish hue all around. I was inside a gigantic mansion of a house and intruders were in the house and coming up the stairs to find me. I sneaked out the top window and was on the roof. It was so dark. I thought about trying to climb down to other levels but was too afraid that they would see me through the windows. Then I noticed an intruder coming up the side of the house. I was trapped on the roof, sitting, clinging to my knees and terribly frightened. I knew it was the end. So I then screamed as loud as I could to Jesus. It was my last effort to survive. I yelled, "In the name of Jesus Christ come Lord, come now and save me." Just then the sky got a tad bit lighter and the intruder slowed down almost stalling and then I awoke! As I came to I remembered the fear I had in my dream. I even snuggled closer to my husband for security. 
The Challenge: 

Did the Lord hear me in my dream and simply wake me up? When we go to heaven will it be like this? The Lord hearing our cries and simply waking us up to the dawn? 
592 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Bickering Christians*
 And the lords servant must not be quarrelsome  but must be kind to everyone, able to teach not resentful. 2 Timothy 2:24

In this walk I have discovered that Christians often times do not see eye to eye. They often bicker..  Is this pleasing to the Lord? It is when we share honesty with an apology! Let's face it sometimes when we are honest it can be harsh.
There are some Christians that hate the idea of people celebrating Christmas with a tree and visiting Santa Claus. These traditions have been around so long so are they wrong? Possibly, but isn't this why Jesus came back to forgive us of the things we do not understand and love us anyway as long as we love and claim Him king? What I'm wrestling with today. 
The Challenge: 

If us Christians believe Jesus is King why do we get frustrated with all these little petty details? 
591 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Partnering with God-
Moses said to the Lord, "Since I speak with faltering lips why would pharaoh listen to me?" Exodus 6:30

Im starting the gospel from the beginning. Now that I feel stronger with New Testament and grounded in whom our savior is I'm ready to dig into the Old Testament deeper to understand our God better. 
Something I found fascinating is the relationship God had with Moses. The relationship was more of a partnership then God ordering him around. When God appeared to Moses and told him he will lead the Israelites  out of Egypt, Moses told God he didn't feel he was up to par for the job. ***Side note here (Don't we all feel inadequate to share for the Lord but the Lord assured Moses he was good enough!) God listened to Moses and said I will be with you and give you the strength. Moses was still concerned and shared with God he didn't feel confident enough to be so bold. He thought, "The Israelites barely listen to me so why would pharaoh? Then God said okay Moses then I will have Aaron your brother go along with you. God said, "See I have made you like a God to Pharaoh and your brother Aaron will be your prophet!" Moses then felt more comfortable with this plan God and him put in place together. 
--Tomorrow I'll share another example of this partnership between Moses and God! 
The Challenge: 
Are you God's servant or are you God's partner? 

-I believe it's a good blending of both but what are your thoughts on your relationship status with the Lord? 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

590 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Editing Scripture-
Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. (Deuteronomy 4:2)

This week in the news Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church has declared he would like to make changes to the gospel. More specifically the 'Our Father' prayer found in Matthew 6. 
When I heard this red flags went up for me and I'll work here to share why. Pope Francis wants to change the part where the prayer says 'lead me not into temptation.' He feels this suggest God leads us to temptation. He wants to edit it to suggest something more like 'let us not lead ourselves into temptation but deliver us from evil.'
Okay I get it. So you may think this change seems harmless, right? But the truth is is this tiny change is incredibly dangerous. If people (like the pope) feel we can make simple changes then what keeps others from making edits and changes to our precious and complete gospel? This is the cause of many false teachers and religions sculpting and doing what they please to the gospel! If we believe in Jesus Christ we believe the Gospel is complete as is! Our Lord commanded in Deuteronomy 4:2 that we ought not to add or take away from scripture! The way the gospel is is the foundation of our belief system as Christians which editing challenges everything!! DANGEROUS! 
The Challenge: 
Have a deep discussion today with someone about this topic. Do you feel it's okay for the Pope to change simple wording  in the gospel? Why or why not? 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

589 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Cherry Picked Scripture- 
Test the spirits to see whether they are from God. 1 John 4:1

In this journey the Lord works on training me to have bullet proof faith. This prepares me with knowledge of truth for the future battles I will face. I remember early on in my journey, in learning to walk with God, I was called a false teacher. At the time it hurt but now looking back I'm so grateful this happened. I now know being a false teacher is incredibly dangerous. I now know what a false teacher is and continue to work with God on personal flaws and weaknesses to become more like Him and less like the world. 
Something that this journey has showed me is Christians can be very quick to judge a persons connection with God. We are to test the spirit but if the person acknowledges Jesus is God and came, died and rose again for our sins then I do not believe this person is a false teacher. I believe these are simply Christian men and women learning to walk with God and hear His voice just like the rest of us! These kind of people are learning to share about Him in an affective way, correct them if you must but please have grace for them too! 
The Challenge:
When you think someone is a false teacher these are five things to ask yourself! 

  1. Does the person pass the testing the spirit test? Test the spirit by asking if they believe Christ is Lord, died and returned in the flesh to forgive us of our sins! 
  2. Is the person focused on biblical truth and continuous study of scripture? A teacher never stops reading or studying God's word! 
  3. Does this persons teaching align with scripture sharing all parts of our sovereign Lord not just cherry picked scripture? - our Lord is the same God in the old testament and New Testament. He is loving but essential to share the truth which is not all make it to heaven!  
  4. Does the person work to please God or man? - Should always be God 
  5. What does the person say about salvation and how to get to heaven? - It should include repentance, acceptance of Jesus as Lord and cleansing of spirit through baptism. 
588 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Hand Up not a Hand Out-
Behold I send you forward as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16 

I'm gonna be quite real here and share about the experience I had helping the homeless family. After I dropped them off at the hotel I said I would return with some food for them in 10 minutes. A half hour later they never came down to get the food. That night me and my husband didn't sleep much. We were worried about things such as miscellaneous things put on my credit card or the room getting trashed. The next morning I went to check on them and everything was fine. 
This was something the Lord put on my heart to do but it also was a good learning experience. It made me realize that for some this kind of help offered can actually just enable them more to keep in the cycle of addiction and homelessness. Did I just give them a cozy place to do drugs?  We will never know but it's important to always be gentle as a dove but wise as a serpent. 
The Challenge: 

Offer the homeless water, food, education, prayer, guidance and warm clothes. It's important that we don't just give a hand out but instead a hand up! Get them closer to good goals instead of enabling them into possible addictive cycles. 
587 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Purple Cross Mission
Do not pass by a man in need for you may be the hand of God to them. Proverbs 3:27

The homeless population continue to rise. Around my town I have noticed large increase. Knowing what the Bible says about taking care of the disadvantaged it's becoming harder and harder for me to just drive by and not try to lend a hand. 
Tonight I say a family holding. Sign on the corner. It was a husband, wife and they had a three year old little more sleeping in a stroller.  The sun was starting to set and I couldn't stomach the idea of the sweet little boy not having a safe place to sleep. So I bought the family a hotel and dinner for the night. I of course left them with two purple crosses to confirm it was a deed done in Jesus name! 
I share these stories not to get praise but quiet the opposite. I share in order to lead the way so other will step up! If we all do our little part to help those less fortunate lives will be changed! I'm hoping others will be inspired to take the lead and run right on ahead! 
The Challenge: 

Find simple way to help the homeless. One great idea is going to Costco and getting items in bulk to make sac lunches and then write on the bag "lunch on Jesus." Always giving the glory over to our king!  

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

586 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11 

The lord has been working on the word contentedness with me. Paul of the Bible got to a point where he was even content in prison. So the lord works on this with us continuously. 
Learning to be content with what we can do in a current season of our lives is key. Seasons are always changing! Life is always moving but we must learn to be content and steadfast in the time we are in. 
The lord knows what we are working for. Remember the way He guides is not how the world guides. The world pushes us to go faster. The world pushes us to feel incomplete or lacking something! The world pushes us to know it all! Lies from the enemy! God gives us the unique ability to be content in all seasons we just have to trust he's guiding us and talk to Him! 
The Challenge: 
Learn to talk directly to God in your brain not to yourself! He will calm and gift you contentedness but talking to yourself in your brain will lead to anxiousness. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

585 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Pray For Each Other-
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

So why have I decided to stop praying for the world as a whole? I believe we can all make a greater impact with our prayers by actually taking time to pray for individual people! 
When Jesus came back from the dead he came back to try to help save the world (key word there is help) but even our God has not chosen to save the whole world. He saves people but not all people, so why would we, mere men, believe we can save the world with our world peace prayers? We can't! 
The Good news is that there is another way to make a greater impact!  What we can do is we can choose to have a plan. We can choose a manageable number of people to pray for and over. This will then make a ripple affect of positivity in these individuals lives and the goodness will be contagious. The Lord hears us when we cry out to Him! Our prayers should not just be routine or plain but instead we shall have a plan and a great aching purpose behind absolutely everything we pray for! 
The Challenge: 
Start praying with, for or over five people a day! Or choose a daily number that is manageable for you! It doesn't matter how often or how long you pray but what does matter is that when you go to pray you pray fiercely and with great purpose over anointing other lives! 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

584 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
Great Wisdom 
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things then these, because I am going to the father. John 14:12

One argument I have found interesting recently is the argument of power within a guided prophet or prophetess. This verse John 14:12 is greatly over looked by many churches. Maybe in fear? Misunderstanding? Either way the Lord gracefully shared with me 3 reasons why Jesus actually said we can do even greater things then he! 
  1. Population - it's obvious there are far more people now then Jesus had to minster to back in his day! 
  2. Transportation - Jesus was on foot so we have much quicker and greater means to travel where we want to go.
  3. Technology - obviously Jesus was a nomad. He traveled to towns and across the desert by foot! With technology we can now reach a far vaster audience then what Jesus ever could while walking the earth! 
The Challenge: 
Why are people so in fear of utilizing this verse? God came and died for us so he could work in us and through us! Do you now believe you can also do great things as Gods son Jesus emulated? Please explain why or why not? 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

583 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*The Raven*
You will drink from the brook and I have told the ravens to supply you with food there. 1 Kings 17:4

Sometimes God does not give us our answers right away but when we seek Him the answers are gifted like little presents. 
Last year while in my journey my mom randomly shared with me how her favorite bird is a raven. I thought nothing of it but the next day while I was outside these two very large black radiant ravens sat on my fence just feet from me. It was as if they were trying to get my attention so they knew that I saw them. I have never seen these birds and I felt a message was carried from them but I didn't know what it was until today.
Today God shared with me that secret message. You see in the Bible God sent the prophet Elijah a raven to feed him. This food gave him strength. The message is similar. God was simply sharing that when we seek Him he will nourish us with wisdom. Never too much and never too little but gifted in the perfect portion and at the perfect time. The key to getting this gifted wisdom is simply calling upon Him! 
The Challenge: 
Have you ever had a moment that you felt as if God was sharing something with you? Seek this out and you will get your answer! The answers come like perfect little gifts wrapped with a bow! 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

582 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-The Octopus-
I have become all things to all people, so that by all means I may save some. 1 Corinthians 9:22

You all know by now I thrive on being creative and creating new concepts so today this post is getting me back to my beloved creative roots through animals! 
We went to the butterfly museum the other day and my spirit felt very intrigued with the octopus! These creatures are highly intelligent. In fact they are the most intelligent invertebre in the world.  
Here are three ways the octopus can inspire our spiritual walks!  

  *    Flexibility  
  Did you know the octopus can squeeze into a tiny hole in a boat the size of a half dollar. These guys can morph and move in and out of anything. Reminds me of walking in the spirit of the Holy Ghost. He molds and morphs us in and out of all kinds of tricky life events!     
   *   Becoming all things 
The octopus not only can change shades of color like a chameleon but they can actually change it's skin texture according to what it's touching. Example if it's on a rock it gets hard and bumpy. If it's on algae it gets soft and leaf like. The apostle Paul talked about how we should become all things in order to save some. Meaning blending in with cultures and networking with all kinds of people in order to properly share God's love. 
   *   Element of surprise 
To fool its predators the octopus can actually get up on only 'two arms' and walk upright. This confuses its enemies so it can get away fast. This is the octopuses tool of protection. The Lord gave us a mighty tool so that when we approach our enemies we shock them with wisdom only the gospel can gift! The gospel is our sword and tool to perplex our enemies. 
The Challenge: 
Need to challenge your walk? Find an animal that you are intrigued by! Thinking about its characteristics - what message does God share with you? 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

581 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Activate Your Faith*
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Something I have learned on this walk is that faith takes effort in different areas. We can't just sit in the pew at church on a Sunday morning and think that obsorbing what the leader shares is enough to get us connected. It's a daily connection which takes daily effort and consistent practice. 
Just think about athletes. They must practice hard to find success in their careers. Even when they receive their highest honor such as the title of Super Bowl Champions the next year or months later they must  go back to training hard and practicing their skills!
There are no short cuts to faith. The gift Jesus gives is not freely given because nothing is appreciated when it's completely free. He bought us back at a hefty price! I had to learn we are not just born in and set. Just like your favorite athlete had to work up to his greatest potential. He didn't just walk on the field at 21 ready to be brilliant! I do believe however some have a leg up in having strong faith because of generational flow down (Another post for another day) but still ones faith must be activated! 
I love that word Activate! The Lord has put this word on my mind today. The word Activate means to turn on, start or set in motion! This is the word we must think about when we want to follow God. We are born into this world with free will. At some point in your life God will tell you it's time to activate your faith! You will know Him for he comes for all His children. When He calls on you you can activate that faith by pressing in or you can deny the moment ever even happend. It's your choice!
We can't just sit and wait but we must set the Holy Spirit in motion, seek God with all our hearts and activate our faith; Turning on that light from within. 
The Challenge: 
Once our lights are activated Satan works hard to dim our internal light! What are ways satan dims your light? What are some ways the Lord turns your light up?  Discover the triggers and learn how to keep that light of yours in full flame mode! 

Monday, November 6, 2017

580 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*A Fallin World*
In this world you will have trouble but take heart for I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

Sunday while in church I had this vision of me ducking under the chairs avoiding a shooter. In the vision I was mapping out ways to get to my kids in case a shooting happened. This never happened but sadly this vision came true in Sutherland, Texas. A gunman walked into a baptist church and killed 26 people! 

When these things occur there are two kinds of people. Those who press into God trusting Him to heal or those whom blame God for the evil done. 

My post on a thread today: 
"The biggest mistake people make is blaming God for man's evil ways! God gives us a free choice to follow him or deny Him! It will be a sad day in hell for those who choose to believe man's evil acts is Gods doing! Quite the opposite my friends! Quite the opposite! God never promised we would not hurt here! God said we will have trouble here, but for those whom follow Jesus (GOD) a new place without the evil doers is being created just for us! Our Lord came back for us! Humble yourselves because he owes us sinners nothing! He is merciful! Thank you Lord for saving us from this evil place! Until we are called home we shall do and help where God calls us!"
The Challenge: 

God never promised us there would be no pain. He said we will in fact have trouble on earth. You will have hard times! Ask yourself today will there ever be too much pain that you choose to turn your back on God? Or are you going to make a promise today that no matter what happens you trust He is creating a better place just for you! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

579 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

In this walk something that the Lord is making me aware of is that life is all about different seasons. Nothing ever remains the same for too long. 
I remember once life was all about friends. Parties, events, coffee talk. I always had my calendar booked full of times with friends but then I wondered if I'd ever find my husband. Then there was a season, a short one, when life was all about me and my husband. I miss those lazy days on the couch cuddling with nothing to do but plan where we wanted to eat that night But in that season I wondered if we would have children. Now I'm in a season where no time for friends, no time with my husband but I get lots of time with my kids. Often I think my life seems unbalanced as I miss my friends and miss dinners alone with my husband but then God whispers, "This is just a season so enjoy your time!" "Time with friends and your husband will come back, I assure you, but this time with your babies won't be long, so please just enjoy them!"
The Challenge: 
Yes, it's true seasons change and we will always feel unbalanced somewhere in our lives. We will miss people and moments with others but the one thing that will remain steadfast is God! Depend on God in every season and that's the only place you will find your perfect balance! 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

578 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Believe His Promises-
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fullfill his promises to her. Luke 1:45 NIV

It's important when we pray that we truly believe the Lord has the great and almighty power to answer the deep needs and desires of our hearts. 

In the Bible there was once a priest by the name of Zachariah. Zachariah and is wife Elizabeth tried for years to conceive but never could. They prayed for children but eventually thought they were too old. Back then they thought it was a curse to be baron. An angel of the Lord named Gabriel appeared to Zachariah while he was doing his priestly duties. Gabriel shared that Zachariah's prayer would be answered. Zachariah questioned angel Gabriel (Angel of messages) and said, but how is this possible? Gabriel then silenced Zachariah until the birth of his child John whom was destined to become "John the Baptist!" 
Zachariah was silenced because even when an angel of the Lord came and spoke he still did not believe his prayer could be answered. Once his child John came he was unsilenced and knew the One true God favored him and answered his prayers! 
The Challenge: 
When you pray are you truly believing that the Lord will in fact answer your prayer and fulfill promises he shares in the gospel? 

After you pray! Say this, "Lord I trust you and have faith that you will meet the needs of my heart! I trust you will hold to your promises that when I seek you and am obedient you will then guide my every move." Amen  

Monday, October 30, 2017

577 Day Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Challenges Millennial's Face-
In this life you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world. John 16:33

I had the opportunity to speak at a event and service for millennial's this past weekend. As I stood on stage sharing about this walk here and what Millennial's face it was once again one of those moments where I was exactly where I was meant to be. This is the peace Christ offers! I knowing and sense we are following a destiny. 

The spirit shared with me these 6 points that Millennial's face in today's world. 
  1. Being lured into occult type of activities such as astrology and witchcraft. 
  2. They think The Bible is not cool to share! 
  3. They wonder why they should pray. 
  4. They worry about having to be perfect to walk with Jesus. 
  5. Concerns about how much they must change their lives to walk with Jesus. 
  6. Struggle with addiction and distractions that place worldly things above God. 

The Challenge: 
Look at these six points and identify specific examples that Millennial's face. Then work to give a solution to the up and coming generation. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

576 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
His Vision 
Without Vision ... My people perish proverbs 28:10

We must take time to Be Still and just be in the presence of our God. He will then gift you visions and fill your mind up with His plans for you. 
Today the Lord spoke this over my heart: 
Take off the heavy burdensome coat! With weights in the pockets and darkness that covers. Why choose this? Why be weighed down? 

You don't have to be! 
I didn't design you that way! 

Remove that heavy coat that weighs us down! You and me! So much awaits us if you let go and trust me. I'm always fighting for you my sweet prodigal. 

Keep following my voice!
Avoid distractions! 

Think light! Light all around you! Lots and lots of light! 
The sun is turned on for you. 
Believe me when I say I AM the way! 
The Challenge: 
Take out a pen and begin to write a prophetic letter to yourself. What will God say to you? 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

575 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Time with God- 
Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he prayed. 

I've been feeling pretty defeated in my walk lately. Feel behind on everything. This is a part of the world that we must beware of. Getting too busy with our life we forget to pray. The world gets us entangled with its noise and distractions. Don't let it keep you from spending time with God or Satan sneaks on in. 
Satans been lying to me telling me I can't keep up and handle this Christian walk. he says, "See it's too hard." For a brief moment I listened to him.  For a brief moment I believed him. I'm not happy he deceived me but we all get caught in his web of lies. It's our savior that untangles us and sets us back on the right path once again. 

Posted today: 
Have you ever met a perfect Christian? I have not! That's why we are Christian we admit we are SINNERS, a mess and WHY we cling to our forgiving savior named Jesus Christ! He didn't have to come back for us but He did!      
#Humbled  - 💜 Lea

The Challenge: 
Remove some distractions in your life and make more time for God.  Jesus spent time in prayer daily and because we follow our Lord we too shall pray each and everyday. 

Friday, October 20, 2017

574 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
No temptation has taken over you except for what is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to handle, but with temptation will also make the way to escape, that you may be able to bare it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

There are some Christians who feel once your Saved you don't sin. I disagree with this. I believe once we are saved we realize we are sinners. We work with Jesus each new day, repent and become more like Him. We know there will be times we grow weary and stumble. 
As a Christian we also know we are more of a target for satans schemes. Satan will work hard to create stumbling blocks. Being strong in our armor it's easier to avoid temptations but as humans we will all still stumble. Satan is very jealous that we get so many chances. We get daily chances with the Lord to renew and grow from our mistakes. 
Satan was once an angel who rebelled. Satan also saw God in physical form, as angels get to, but he still turned away. This earth prepares us so when we get to Heaven we are humbled to be there and have no desires to rebel against Gods plans for us. Satan gets no other chances but we Gods children do. It's a great blessing gIfted to us humans of faith. Keep your faith and grow in the Lord! Though you will fall God will pick you right back up if you choose to go with Him instead of being against him. 
The Challenge: 
Discussion questions: Do you think once saved you don't sin? What do you think about Christians sinning? Are we continuously forgiven and covered for our sins or is there a time God gives up? 
573 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

I've hit a stumbling place in my walk recently. I've put so much energy into seeking God the last 2 years that I took a break. Not that I've taken a break from God but my life is too busy for God which is no good. This will make us weary. 
I asked my friend Karla this which I posted yesterday: 

"Feeling weary I asked a friend, "But how can this be?" "If we walk with God we aren't suppose to get weary.... Right?" My faithful friend reminded me that God didn't say we won't grow weary but instead He told us that we will grow weary at times but when we do the answer is to go to Him for our rest instead of turning away from Him. Working to find the time to do just that. Thank you Karla." 

The Challenge: 
Make time everyday to pray and put nose in Bible this will not guarantee we won't grow weary because we will but it will guarantee we will be rejuvenated through Jesus eventually. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

572 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*His Strength*
And whatever you do whether in word or deed, do it in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through me. Colossians 3:17 NIV

Many people as well as some other religions work and promote themselves to be Gods. Anything that is all about self or worshiping an idol will fail. It's built on mushy land not a strong rock foundation. 
Our God met through Jesus Christ did not create us to be individual Gods. Individually we cannot rule but as we connect and grow in the body of Christ, meaning join hands with other like minded Christians, we become stronger. We become stronger in worshiping and making change within God's gIfted light. It's like turning up a heat lamp to cool an ice cube. In the warmth the fringed cold decreases but move outside that light to work by your own strength you'll just get cold again eventually. 
We cannot do things or conquer this world in our own power! We were not made to become our own Gods. We were made in the likeness of our father and made to worship and give thanks to He whom created us. We do this to build the warmth in the body of Christ. Anything you do do it with the name recognition through our God Lord Jesus Christ. Not our own name and strength but in the strength of Jesus our saving grace! 
The Challenge: 
Give an example of a time you did something in your own strength and failed? Give an example of a time you did something in God's strength and flourished? 
***If you have not accepted Jesus as your personal savior begin to seek out why God is found through this man named Jesus Christ. Questioning and Seeking is the beginning of growing in faith! 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

571 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
🌷Spring up 🌷
Do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18

I've been feeling a bit restless. It's starting to turn fall now and the weather is changing. The leaves are turning beautiful colors but the truth is is everything is dying. This is a good reminder of how letting go of things you dwell upon is a beautiful thing. There is mourning times in life like the cold winter seasons but the Lord promises the spring which blooms with new life. 
I had a friend dealing with her past. Wanting to go back and make Changes. This will haunt a person. I told her, "Do not dwell on your past because that is not where life is." 
The Challenge: 
Do you tend to relive moments or parts of your life that you wish you could redue? Keep Isaiah 43:18 written on your bathroom mirror so you never forget that God does not want you to dwell on the past but promises life to spring up in front of you! 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

570 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
*Dangerous Healing Charms*
Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehoods. Revelations 22:15

I see so many candy coated occult kind of practices anymore and it is easy to be coerced in. I wore a stone pendant of an eagle for a long time and although harmless because I was not worshipping it I now will not wear it because I see how things like this loop us into occult type activities. 
I see so many people bringing back crystals (aka- Healing stones) and utilizing crystals as a power, healing and energy source. I even had someone give my son one this summer and I quickly removed them from his hand and explained their dangers. 
The dangers come when people actually believe the rock carries healing energy. God says to not have any other idols beside him. God also calls the items "Magic Art" and warns his people to stay clear from them! Again, Satan candy coats these things and may even make you feel powerful for a time but it's dangerous, falsehoods and God says it is detestable by Him!  
The Challenge: 
There are so many modern day practices which lure people in because people want to feel powerful but beware of these tactics and search the Bible to get your answers! Jesus gifts true power from the kingdom nothing else but Him can! Read Deuteronomy 18:9-12 to gain more wisdom for yourself. 

Friday, September 29, 2017

569 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
-Lead to the gate of heaven!-
In all your ways acknowledge him and He will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:6

Why is repentance and outward expression of baptism so important? 

Two days ago Hugh Hefner died at age 91. As many know Hugh is the owner and founder of the largest porn magazine and industry called playboy. Many on Facebook have applauded him and wished him RIP! This did not sit well with me or many Christian activist! 
People say don't judge sure but God does want us to warn what sin is and what sin can do. I warned and went on to say if Hugh had a bedside redemption and gave his life to Jesus he may have made it to heaven. Based on the Bible and Jesus the fate is narrow but God himself told us how to get to heaven! We, at a age we can make decision for our self, must repent, ask for forgiveness and do an outward expression through baptism to cleanse our souls. 
This got me thinking about why we should do this outward expression of baptism. One because our Lord himself did it around age 30 with John The Baptist. We want to follow his lead always. Two, sure Hugh Hefner was a sinner (we all are until forgiven by Jesus) and lead many astray but just think if he had changed his life! What if he repented! It's for God yes but it is also for others watching his journey. Then if he would have showed proof for his desire and seriousness to change in the form or outward baptism he could have changed the course of so many lives! He lead so many astray but once redeemed this means he could have also lead three times as many to the gates of heaven! The way we lead others is our choice and watched closely by God! 
The Challenge: 
Lead people to the gates of heaven! Do you feel guilt about leading people to hell? Repent, give your life to Jesus and show an outward expression of baptism! This will not only change your course but the course of 100's who follow your leadership, for in the end we all lead someone! Lead them to the gates of heaven, not to hell in a hand basket! 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

568 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ 
🌷Saved 🌷
There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10

I have a miracle story to share. I have a friend Ive been friends with for 10 years. I love her dearly. She has always claimed to be atheist. The last two years I have been praying for her. I try to share simple Bible concepts when I can. I even had the courage to share Lee Stobels story of being a former atheist and learning Jesus is the safer bet. 
Yesterday I felt this overwhelming need to pray for her. I was riding in the car and just cried out to God! I said, "Lord take her heart! Take her heart now Lord" "Right now overwhelm her with your love."
Last night on the phone I'm not sure how it came up but she said she's now a believer. I was taken back and said, "Wait you believe in Jesus?" She smiled through the phone and said, "Yes!" In complete shock I said, "So you believe he died and came back in the flesh to save you and forgive you of all your sins?" She said, "Yes." I then asked if I could pray over her. When I got off the phone I'm not gonna lie I cried and ran around the house cheering and celebrating!
The Challenge: 

Never give up sharing and praying for your friends and family who are unbelievers. We keep our hope and know Jesus Is a miracle worker!