Sunday, November 6, 2016

420  Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Purple Cross Mission*
"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord. And he will repay him for his deed." Proverbs 19:17

Today me and my family went to a restaurant for lunch in the city. While my children played on the play equipment we noticed a young girl in her twenties going around and asking for someone to buy her lunch. Most people said no. When she got to us I asked my husband if I could help her and he said it was up to me.
I had these flashes of Lot from the Bible. He chose to help two angels disguised as men. Because Lot helped them they rewarded him by saving his family as they were about to destroy the corrupted city. We just truly never know if we are being tested but my heart said help and so I did.
When we went up to the cash register the girl took advantage of my kindness and ordered so much I had to say, "okay I think that's good." Lol! I ended the moment by giving her Purple Crosses and saying lunch was on Jesus today, not me!
The Challenge:
Sure we can't help everyone but when we are asked to help we should try to offer something even if it's as simple as a prayer upon their life. God will watch you and say, "That was good."

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