Tuesday, November 22, 2016

433 Days Saved - A Walk with Christ
*Be Polite*
Take delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:10

My two favorite numbers 43 and 33 combined into one as today is my 433 days saved. Today felt so peaceful. I felt so happy and in awe of the Grace God offers!
I was so proud of my children today. My son was so protective of my daughter at the museum. My daughter also was so polite saying please and thank you to all she came in contact with. My husband has been very diligent about teaching her manners and the importance of respecting others. My sister even said she is the most polite little two year old.
My husband and I smiled as we were proud but we also know how much of a diva she can be in the comfortable presence of our home. Sometimes that polite switch turns right off into a demanding side.
This got me thinking. We are often so polite and kind to the world but when the doors close we turn it all off. We demand things to our loved ones instead of offering politeness and honoring them. Sure it's nice to be comfortable but God wants us both comfortable and polite to the ones we care for the most!
The Challenge:
Do not become too comfortable in your home that you forget your politeness. The politeness you offer the world should be the same politeness you offer your family behind closed doors!

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